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Re: 2024 Convergence Day Object Event - Free 1/5 of each crew just for fusing the SRs in each mega
Looks like we won't getting the possibility to buy packs that contain missed legendaries to advance in this OE.
Re: Event Discussion: Runaway Bride - 2024-02-15 Rerun
I'm playing since the first year and don't remember either. But I guess the unfun part was definitely the Expedition phase.I have the insane idea of a three-phase-hybrid. A Galaxy-Faction-Skirmish event. It's not that big of an innovation, but hey, it's different. Like cupcakes which look'n'taste the same but have a different color.There aren't enough event types. Something is always going to repeat because there aren't enough options to vary them.STT Community wrote: »Greetings Captains! What would be other types of events (besides expeditions) that you would like to see more often? Let us know LLAP
Something similar was done once; the event was appropriately named "The Weak Will Perish." The stories that are told say it was not fun (I was around for it but don't remember it).
Expedition is work. Work for developers and players. Players want fun. And developers income (their fun).
I think, exchanging the Expedition phase with a Skirmish (and the players love Skirmish) phase would make a change. Could be worth a shot.
Correction: Expedition is fun, because it requires you to use your brain, all other events are mindless button-pressing.
Re: Event Discussion: Runaway Bride - 2024-02-15 Rerun
I'm playing since the first year and don't remember either. But I guess the unfun part was definitely the Expedition phase.I have the insane idea of a three-phase-hybrid. A Galaxy-Faction-Skirmish event. It's not that big of an innovation, but hey, it's different. Like cupcakes which look'n'taste the same but have a different color.There aren't enough event types. Something is always going to repeat because there aren't enough options to vary them.STT Community wrote: »Greetings Captains! What would be other types of events (besides expeditions) that you would like to see more often? Let us know LLAP
Something similar was done once; the event was appropriately named "The Weak Will Perish." The stories that are told say it was not fun (I was around for it but don't remember it).
Expedition is work. Work for developers and players. Players want fun. And developers income (their fun).
I think, exchanging the Expedition phase with a Skirmish (and the players love Skirmish) phase would make a change. Could be worth a shot.
The problem was there was no good way to split a 4 day event 3 ways. In fact, they launched the event without even thinking about it. Then they made it a 6 day event so that eacg phase could be a normal 2 days.
I think it was something like Wed-Tue.
So in your order you've got a galaxy running Wed-Fri during the work week. A faction running Fri-Sun over a weekend. And then a skirmish running Sun-Tue almost all during a work week again. Sounds like a terrible setup for anyone with a job. And on top of that, it's spending a lot more chronitons and time for the same rank reward. Thanks but no thanks.
Re: Event Discussion: Runaway Bride - 2024-02-15 Rerun
I'm playing since the first year and don't remember either. But I guess the unfun part was definitely the Expedition phase.I have the insane idea of a three-phase-hybrid. A Galaxy-Faction-Skirmish event. It's not that big of an innovation, but hey, it's different. Like cupcakes which look'n'taste the same but have a different color.There aren't enough event types. Something is always going to repeat because there aren't enough options to vary them.STT Community wrote: »Greetings Captains! What would be other types of events (besides expeditions) that you would like to see more often? Let us know LLAP
Something similar was done once; the event was appropriately named "The Weak Will Perish." The stories that are told say it was not fun (I was around for it but don't remember it).
Expedition is work. Work for developers and players. Players want fun. And developers income (their fun).
I think, exchanging the Expedition phase with a Skirmish (and the players love Skirmish) phase would make a change. Could be worth a shot.
Re: Event Discussion: Runaway Bride - 2024-02-15 Rerun
I have the insane idea of a three-phase-hybrid. A Galaxy-Faction-Skirmish event. It's not that big of an innovation, but hey, it's different. Like cupcakes which look'n'taste the same but have a different color.There aren't enough event types. Something is always going to repeat because there aren't enough options to vary them.STT Community wrote: »Greetings Captains! What would be other types of events (besides expeditions) that you would like to see more often? Let us know LLAP
Something similar was done once; the event was appropriately named "The Weak Will Perish." The stories that are told say it was not fun (I was around for it but don't remember it).
Impossible Boss Battles node solution
Virtuoso Doctor should not have been a possible solution in this case. There are only two crew in the game with that combination of traits, and Rock 'n' Roll Mariner isn't in the portal. Obviously we solved this one anyway so it's not a problem for us *now*, but we need to know if this was a bug, or if this is intended to happen as a change to the previously advertised behaviour?
If this is how it's meant to work going forwards, where node selection can include crew not in the portal, we need to be told. Datacore and other 3rd party tools will need to be recorded accordingly. If it's not intended behaviour and just a bug, please fix it.
Re: Campaign Discussion: At The Helm - 2024/02/20
Excellent art! However, I'm a little concerned about the name. Shouldn't it be EV Suit Detmer? And I hope she'll be in the EV Suit collection...
Yes, I've checked the Big Book that has her preliminary info up, which is why I'm saying this. There's still time to add her to the collection.
Re: 4 Faction Events in a row
STT Community wrote: »Greetings Captains! We've heard you and we are going to meet the team this Wednesday to discuss possible alternative for the upcoming months. LLAP
Please remember that some of us like faction events. It lets us play in short bursts instead of needing long sessions. After all this is a mobile game.
The forums have never been a representative sample, and are certainly not with the reduced participation.
I think there is often a problem with multiple events of the same time running back to back. I’m not a fan of it when it happens for any event type (this hasn’t happened with skirmishes, so I can’t vouch for that one).
That said, my understanding is that the 4th event (after the rerun) is a galaxy/skirmish. I hope that’s the exact order of the phases.
Re: TERRIBLE 12 hour voyage loot
I got today my first Voyage exclusive legendary crew (chose Chakotay). Until that, I felt like a windmill grinding grain on an atmosphere-less planet.
Re: Datacore update : the Updatening
Another idea for Datacore: give us the option to quip crew on some of the screens and test out how that would change things. Especially the gauntlet calculator, voyage calculator and event planner come to my mind