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Top 400 Fleet Recruiting NOW!!

Cosmic Knights is recruiting active players looking for a strong team environment, helpful atmosphere, and a sense of community.
We embrace Captains of all levels and all capabilities (VIP 0 or VIP 10, we just don't care).
There are no special requirements excepting that donations to the starbase are a high priority and foreknowledge of absence from events is appreciated.
Our last Event Fleet Ranks are:

The Isthmian Games: first event, fleet created that Sunday. Full faction type.
Rank: 1,208

Kosst Kejal: Full Galaxy type. Rank 529 with 10 members.

Haunted Vessels: Full Skirmish type. Rank 392 with 11 members.

Our starbase is growing approximately 2-3 lvls per week, and with your help, it could become once every day!

Find us in the Fleet window or send a message to (Admiral) Cosmic Squirrel Henry, (Vice Admiral) [V. Adm.] Wolff, or (Officer) Débora.

We look forward to meeting you!
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