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Cosmic Knights, Slashing our way to the top!

Vice Admiral WolffVice Admiral Wolff ✭✭✭
edited July 2018 in Fleet Central
At one month old and Eighteen members strong, Cosmic Knights is a Top 400 fleet in every event!
Our dedicated members donate fully every day and ensure daily targets as well as rapid starbase upgrades (Currently level 13 - the replicator and transporter room took some time 😉).

If you're interested in building a Top of the Line fleet alongside a group of hard working Captains, we have a place for you!
There is NO level requirement, NO mandatory number of shuttles, and NO out of game chat system. VIP 0 absolutely welcome (I myself and our other Vice Admiral Débora are F2P).

Contact Admiral: Cosmic Squirrel Henry, Vice Admirals: [V. Adm.] Wolff, or [V. Adm.] Debora
Officer: Tisiphone.
You can alternatively respond here or look us up in the fleet window.

Are YOU a Knight of the stars? ⚔️🌟⚔️
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