In the upcoming Dominion mega Event, which faction item do YOU predict will be the most annoying?
in The Bridge
With the Klingon mega: 2 star bloodwine. Vulcan: IDICs
Mirror: 1 star Terran Emblems
Andorian: (as i recall) andorian ale
Which PITA item will have a low drop for the dominion mega event...
Please specify below which rarity level of the item you selected
Mirror: 1 star Terran Emblems
Andorian: (as i recall) andorian ale
Which PITA item will have a low drop for the dominion mega event...
Please specify below which rarity level of the item you selected
In the upcoming Dominion mega Event, which faction item do YOU predict will be the most annoying? 72 votes
Oh wait, it's DB, so it will probably be bloodwine.
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