I have him frozen. I don't have many dominion cards but I've not taken him out of the freezer because I just don't think the double bonus is worth it.
It would also take you quite a few faction items to level him up which would probably be better placed on the super rares lol the Founder. As he is in this months rewards by all means keep him in your crew if you have space but I would only start working on him if you have no other dominion crew currently being worked on. I'm finding the Founder more difficult because I used everything on the two Dukats and Weyoun only a couple of weeks ago.
I voted “no” for event purposes (unless your non-Dominion crew is also very weak) but since he is also the 3* of the month you could FF him more quickly. If you are lacking crew slots, however, I would dump him in favor of a 4* that you could make better use of.
Keep him. He's also the daily reward 3* this month, so you should have him FF'd quickly. He might not matter to your event play (depending on your crew strength), but just level-and-freeze for the collection and immortalization achievements.
It really depends on your roster and how many slots you have available. At my stage of the game, Keevan's stats are too weak, and he will stay in the freezer during this event. But back when I levelled him up, I was a much newer player, and he ended up completing some critical nodes for me on command.
As a general rule, though, getting all three copies of a rare crew member, levelling him/her, and freezing him/her is almost always a good way to use the monthly reward.
For completions sake yeah sure why not but you dont need him for any cadet challenges, he's not really worth it in the arena and his total scores aren't that great. I wouldn't spend any dilithium buying him in the store or honour to tier him up though.
He's the daily reward this month so get him, freeze him and forget about him.
Two things 1 is your roster do you have cmd and dip crew with a base in excess of 960 and 600 if no then Keevan is worth or if this is the first star on Keevan 790 and 370 (can you level 100 in time for the shuttle event). The second one is out of your hands a little but it will depend on how many cmd dip seats are required during the faction missions, I suspect quite a fair amount will be so, Keevan may provide some needed depth he may even free up a better crew card that could be better used on a voyage instead. So the question for the latter part is how many shuttles can you run?
[was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
I voted yes, only because I recall using/needing him to complete a 3* mission along the way .. he had a trait only he had that made it easy ... can't remember what mission though ..
Two things 1 is your roster do you have cmd and dip crew with a base in excess of 960 and 600 if no then Keevan is worth or if this is the first star on Keevan 790 and 370 (can you level 100 in time for the shuttle event). The second one is out of your hands a little but it will depend on how many cmd dip seats are required during the faction missions, I suspect quite a fair amount will be so, Keevan may provide some needed depth he may even free up a better crew card that could be better used on a voyage instead. So the question for the latter part is how many shuttles can you run?
I use 4 shuttles. I haven't used a Blue crew in a shuttle in ages (except maybe during events). My main angle was wondering if was beneficial to the mega event, being Dominion.
Two things 1 is your roster do you have cmd and dip crew with a base in excess of 960 and 600 if no then Keevan is worth or if this is the first star on Keevan 790 and 370 (can you level 100 in time for the shuttle event). The second one is out of your hands a little but it will depend on how many cmd dip seats are required during the faction missions, I suspect quite a fair amount will be so, Keevan may provide some needed depth he may even free up a better crew card that could be better used on a voyage instead. So the question for the latter part is how many shuttles can you run?
I use 4 shuttles. I haven't used a Blue crew in a shuttle in ages (except maybe during events). My main angle was wondering if was beneficial to the mega event, being Dominion.
If you are running 4 shuttles then there is a chance he will be of some use to you then but it depends entirely on the strength of your roster.
[was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
Interesting. I'm new, about 4 days into the game, a Captain-level 14. I have a 1-star Keevan (currently level 29). Yes, right now he's my only Dominion crew member.
Am I right to suppose that "freeze" means, "max everything and immortalize in the Cryo Vault?"
Oh, and while I'm asking (and since I can't start new threads yet"), what does that little "heart" below a crew member's equipment slots do? Does it register a crew member as a "favorite?" What would that do and/or mean?
Interesting. I'm new, about 4 days into the game, a Captain-level 14. I have a 1-star Keevan (currently level 29). Yes, right now he's my only Dominion crew member.
Am I right to suppose that "freeze" means, "max everything and immortalize in the Cryo Vault?"
Oh, and while I'm asking (and since I can't start new threads yet"), what does that little "heart" below a crew member's equipment slots do? Does it register a crew member as a "favorite?" What would that do and/or mean?
Welcome to the game! Yes, that's what freeze means. Just fyi, i kept Keevan, froze him, but he's been helpful in the faction event towards the end when every little bonus helps.
About the heart, I suppose that's what it means. I've never hit it. It has no bearing on the game that I know of...
Go to the ST Timelines wiki page, that has tons of useful info and answers to questions. But I'd be happy to answer any question u have.
It would also take you quite a few faction items to level him up which would probably be better placed on the super rares lol the Founder. As he is in this months rewards by all means keep him in your crew if you have space but I would only start working on him if you have no other dominion crew currently being worked on. I'm finding the Founder more difficult because I used everything on the two Dukats and Weyoun only a couple of weeks ago.
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As a general rule, though, getting all three copies of a rare crew member, levelling him/her, and freezing him/her is almost always a good way to use the monthly reward.
Captain Level: 95
VIP Level: 12
Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
He's the daily reward this month so get him, freeze him and forget about him.
I use 4 shuttles. I haven't used a Blue crew in a shuttle in ages (except maybe during events). My main angle was wondering if was beneficial to the mega event, being Dominion.
If you are running 4 shuttles then there is a chance he will be of some use to you then but it depends entirely on the strength of your roster.
Am I right to suppose that "freeze" means, "max everything and immortalize in the Cryo Vault?"
Oh, and while I'm asking (and since I can't start new threads yet"), what does that little "heart" below a crew member's equipment slots do? Does it register a crew member as a "favorite?" What would that do and/or mean?
Welcome to the game! Yes, that's what freeze means. Just fyi, i kept Keevan, froze him, but he's been helpful in the faction event towards the end when every little bonus helps.
About the heart, I suppose that's what it means. I've never hit it. It has no bearing on the game that I know of...
Go to the ST Timelines wiki page, that has tons of useful info and answers to questions. But I'd be happy to answer any question u have.