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Best with sound on...why?

Just wondering whats going on with sound clips with crew??

My picards (all 8 if them) say engage, while all 5 janeways say lets get started / respond well to threats....while only 2 star sisko has any sayings making my other 5 versions of him mute. This applies to many many other crew in the game.

Meanwhile, my RAF Bashir has had his "im going to like history" phrase removed, while all new crew have no sounds clips at all.

Ok some guest characters may have image and sound rights, but there cant be licencing issues with most regular / core cast or crew already providing art and clips, so why the discrepancy??

Also can we have more vsriety on the sound wben you complete a mission...a snippet if the other series themes would be great.

Best with sound on why??


  • SiblinSiblin ✭✭✭
    How else can you enjoy the ambient hum!

    Agreed though. We seem to have fewer and fewer voices
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Siblin wrote: »
    How else can you enjoy the ambient hum!

    Agreed though. We seem to have fewer and fewer voices

    Sound off cuz the ads, but some of them play full volume regardless of what you have it set on.

  • Maybe they know how many of y'all have muted the game, and thus no longer bother...
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    I do not need to have phrases all the time. But it would be neat if they could coordinate speech for crew when they want to do something special. Such as mega event.

    But I also would say that my suggestion is not worth the effort.

    Therefore, a rotation of crew speech might be a better choice. That is limit the total storage or bandwidth needed and switch who gets speech week to week or month to month. What ever makes the most sense and limits the amount of programming resources needed.

  • Meanwhile, my RAF Bashir has had his "im going to like history" phrase removed, while all new crew have no sounds clips at all.

    I'd been wondering about the disappearing sound clips. Thought the game had been loading wrong or something.
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    Most of my play time is at the local pub, so my sound is always off, because while I hate my fellow patrons, I don't want to annoy them at the same time.
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    The last time I turned the sound on was for maybe a minute so I could hear Vreenak. Other than that, I don’t want to hear ads (not that it always helps).
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    My advert volume is separate to the game volume, either way, the sounds are irritating so I always play on silent, It would be nice if you could mute all but the voice clips. There are only so many computer blips I can take!

    DB: Do Better
  • When playing on steam ive always got my sound on, pc has a decent 5.1 set so it sounds great, on my mobile device however i usually have my sound off since ads have explosive sound levels
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    Game better without sound.

    Sorry, sounds are sharp, repetitive, annoying, and I don't want anybody else to hear what's already irritating me in the game, let alone as an unwilling participant.
  • Sound on at home. Off when I leave the house.
  • But if the sound is off, how will I know if the hall is rented and the orchestra is engaged? I need to know when it's time to see if I can dance.
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    But if the sound is off, how will I know if the hall is rented and the orchestra is engaged? I need to know when it's time to see if I can dance.

    Ha! Or what day is a good day to die

  • Same here. Aside from the novelty of Vreenak, this game is awful with the sound on.

    Also the relentless TNG sound clip every time a success is encountered is... well.... awful
  • It was fun at first, but after the novelty of all the sound clips and explodey noises wears off, it just becomes a time waster.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's too bad more crew can't be concise, exciting, and to the point like "Mayweather!"
  • Meanwhile, my RAF Bashir has had his "im going to like history" phrase removed, while all new crew have no sounds clips at all.

    Ok some guest characters may have image and sound rights, but there cant be licencing issues with most regular / core cast or crew already providing art and clips, so why the discrepancy??

    Probably not a rights issue for the missing clips, at least, since 1701 Jadzia still has all her clips from the same episode.

    I went ahead and submitted a bug ticket, and the response this morning asked if the issue started before or after the last update, and whether I'd tried restarting the game, etc. So the customer service reps at least don't think it's intentional. (Or don't know and gave me a form response. Whichever.)

    I do wish we had more quotes on newer characters! I'm absolutely in the camp that would welcome an Admiral Patrick card if he came with "That's a stupid question," and finally getting Niners Worf added to the game without "Find him and kill him" was a real blow! (I didn't get the card; does he even have a repeat of "We will destroy them," from that episode? There's nothing listed on the wiki.)
    ByloBand wrote: »
    It's too bad more crew can't be concise, exciting, and to the point like "Mayweather!"

    True! I occasionally want to yell back at Scotty, "Yes, I know you mean the original enterprise. You really don't have to keep going on about it..."
  • I mute the game until I open packs. The only sound I want to hear is BEHOLD!!!
  • garnergarner ✭✭✭
    I mute the game until I open packs. The only sound I want to hear is BEHOLD!!!

    This, only this
  • Cam TaliisCam Taliis ✭✭✭✭
    Could they at least change Professor Scott's soundbyte to "Captain, there be whales here!" or "Computer. Com-pu-ter!" ?
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