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How many people have managed to finish all the achievements on the daily missions page?

I'm finding the Complete and rank in a Gauntlet and Complete and rank in an Event achievements hard to accomplish. I'm also finding a few other accomplishments difficult to complete. Also, the Complete Gauntlet Rounds are slowly getting there. The Voyages achievements just takes too long?

And once you complete each achievement, do they keep increasing as we complete them and the rewards double?

How many people have completed all the Achievements or is this Mission: Impossible, pardon the pun.



  • NivenFresNivenFres ✭✭✭✭
    I did manage to get top 100 for event achievement. Doubt I will ever get the 50.

    Rank in Gauntlet is definitely achievable, just requires crew and luck.

    Currently at 1338/2000 for voyage dilemmas.
    Current at 15214/20000 for gauntlet rounds.
    These are just grinds.

    Voyage hours: never felt like spending the dil for the 20 hour.
    "If it wasn't for autocorrect, we wouldn't have Tuvok on a Giraffe."
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    The hardest ones are player level 90 and 99. You can probably complete gauntlet rounds and voyages before level 80.
  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm more concerned about them adding additional levels to keep having something to strive for:

    1) More rewards for competing in events
    2) More levels for immortalizing crew
    3) For dilemmas and Gauntlet rounds, how about at least adding another tier to each:
    i) 3,000 dilemmas - Colonol Worf
    ii) 30,000 Gauntlet rounds - Guinan, 40,000 Caretaker, etc

    I'd also really like to see achievements for Completing Episodes (all stars/all levels) and immortalizing ships

    They were a great idea that gave goals, but for some reason just stalled out
  • AcerAcer ✭✭
    Most of the achievements are hard to completely finish - they are meant to be. The rewards mostly scale up. See the wiki for the different reward levels.

  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    The only ones I have left:
    Increase captain level (currently at Lvl 78)
    Complete rank (I have finished T15, so T5/1 achievements still available)
    Immortalize crew members (344/350)

    I can finish off the immortalize one whenever I feel like it (I have 8 4/4s waiting to be leveled). The level one will, obviously, take a while. I doubt I'll ever push to win an event.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    Here’s what I have left to do...


    It’s doubtful I’ll ever get the Top 1 and Top 5 cheevos.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’ve given up the idea of being able to get first in an event. My top finish was 799, though if real life hadn’t gotten in the way I probably could have gotten up to around 400, and I rarely get close to even the top 1000. I have slightly more hope for the gauntlet but the stars do kind of have to align - I’ve gotten 4th but 1st is going to be tough.

    For the rest:

    -858/1000 dilemmas
    -72/80 captain level
    -330/350 immortalized
    -12,194/20,000 gauntlet rounds

    All achievable with time. Lots of time, for the gauntlet...but achievable.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    I only have 5 types of achievements left, with 4 of those being achievable in time:

    - captain level (70 / 80)
    - dilemmas (~1,300 / 2,000)
    - event rank (top 100)
    - immortalize crew (343 / 350)
    - gauntlet rounds (~17,000 / 20,000)

    Only the event rank achievements inside the top-100 feel unreachable.
  • mejoyhmejoyh ✭✭✭✭
    The event achievement seems the hardest. To get 1st, you are looking to horde around 80-100k crons to get into the 4-5mil VP territory for a galaxy event. All the other types of events basically require dil to speed up or get tickets for. :(

    For the gauntlet, you need a combination of a weaker competitive line up, abit of timing and about 1-200 dil to get first place. Have managed it once and a couple of times a close 2nd. My tactic is to join a later gauntlet so all the whales go first and just chip away on the streak for the first day. On the second day, I go for the trophies. On the final roll just before the event ends, if you are within 1-200 trophies from number 1, combination of dil to refresh your characters and merits to get the right match ups.

    Here are my stats
    Captain level - 67/70
    Dilemmas - 1,190/2,000
    Immortalised - 263/275
    Gauntlet Rounds - 9,439/10,000
  • The event achievement is becoming VERY difficult. Currently, one person spent 105K in crons and came in second place. For shuttle events, a lot of real-world cash is spent getting dil to speed up shuttle times. So, it can also be prohibitively expensive. But, it is always possible. Here is what's left for me (Gauntlet and Dilemma stats are low because I took a 6-month break from the game...it affected the Gauntlet and Dilemma progress more than anything else):

    Captain Level - 78/80
    Dilemmas - 545/600
    Participate in Event - 41/48
    Gauntlet Rounds - 3,297/5,000

    So, to answer your question, Captain Spirk, it's not impossible, just very difficult.
  • Capt AjammCapt Ajamm ✭✭✭
    edited August 2018

    82/90 - captain level
    1500/2000 - dilemmas
    ~16.5k/20k - gauntlet rounds
    These 3 will just take time

    Not sure when i'll get Top 25 - event

    I am mostly monthly dil only since reaching vip 14. Spending could increase if the rng was better on packs or we got more desirable legendary $10 deals
    ~ seeking out new life
  • mejoyhmejoyh ✭✭✭✭
    If you want to go for the immortalised crew reward, it also counts duplicates. So you could technically stock up on 1 star crew and do a whole bunch of them to pump your numbers up lol
  • I just finished the 350 immortalizations achievement... And last week, finished the embarassingly-wasterful 20h voyage achievo because I forgot to recall my voyage 3x and just figured "WTF, might as well just get it out of the way"... Used the Voyage Recall freebie that DB sent out, which got me to the 20h mark... Then I promptly fell asleep without recalling and had to waste dilithium after it ran dry at 20h11m!
    [GoT] Drunk Shimoda
    GoT Chief Communications Officer
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    Don't care about and not going to try to get event rank (at 250 next so far, rewards aren't worth the trouble), 20 hour voyage (just doesn't make cents, p2w only, no value), immortalize crew (175 now, I don't bother with 1-3*, there are other places to spend chrons), captain level (63, I don't buy enough chrons to reach 90 ever). I might hit voyage dilemmas someday, but I don't care.

    I got first place in gauntlet accidentally, and a few more times after that. It just takes a little luck and decent gauntlet crew and maybe 1000 merits, definitely doesn't require dil at any point.
    Everything else was trivial.

    It really does make no sense that there are no achievements for clearing all stars on a chapter or all chapters, or getting honored status in all factions.
  • Here’s what I have left to do...


    It’s doubtful I’ll ever get the Top 1 and Top 5 cheevos.

    Completing an event is the hardest one of all to crack. I see you haven't cracked that one as well.
    mejoyh wrote: »
    If you want to go for the immortalised crew reward, it also counts duplicates. So you could technically stock up on 1 star crew and do a whole bunch of them to pump your numbers up lol

    I didn't realize that. I don't have enough slots to stock up on 1* crew though.
  • Frank?Frank? ✭✭✭✭✭
    No one has cleared the board yet. Only one player has hit level 99, and they retired right after that. That player never won an event, so the elusive trophy of "first to clear achievements" still exists.

    A few names out there have a chance. Stones, Sisko, one of the guys in AF - all mid 90s lvl.
  • What I have left:

    On my last leg of the immortals: 329/350 (last one until DB upgrades)
    Capt lvl 72
    almost 1600 Dilemmas/2000 which is last one I believe
    I need Event top 50 and up, and I am going to pick one to try and win to get those all at once.
    Approaching 14000/20000 Gauntlets. Should clear those in about 3 weeks.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I’m so picky about crew I’ll hit the event winner and Captain Level achievements before I get the immortalized crew one
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    Need to finish:
    Dilemmas (would go faster but I've been sloppy recently)
    Levels (would go faster if I used half of my supply kits)
    Rank (if a VIP0 can get rank 1(twice) then anyone can do it but it does require an obnoxious amount of tapping)
    Crew (almost at 350)
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
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