Power Creep
Prime Lorca
in Make It So!
Quick request - when placing existing crew (especially Super Rares) in events, please re-balance them. Mirror Garak is pretty weak compared to all the other Super Rares. It would be a bigger incentive to get (buy) the existing crew.
Thank you and happy captaining.
Thank you and happy captaining.
Farewell 🖖
2) With the 3x event bonus, Mirror Garak should show up on shuttle roster lists ahead of even the most powerful legendary non-bonus crew, never mind other super rare crew not named Admiral Ross. For this event, Mirror Garak’s fully fused DIP skill will be 1857 before starbase and collection bonuses, which beats powerful DIP-primary legendary crew like Interfaced La Forge by at least 600 points.
Also, factor in that the existing crew is also (usually) obtainable via rank rewards - a more indirect form of purchasing for those who will forego purchasing it via packs - and since it's no longer usable in the event by the time you obtain it that way, the incentive to push for sub-1k ranks is vastly decreased if the crew has no future usefulness. Even top 1k incentive is diluted if it's only the legendary that is appealing (and obliterated if the legendary is appalling ).
Plus, if you use a skill boost on that shuttle, it will also get Mirror Garak's 3x boost if it hits one of his skills.
Captain Level: 95
VIP Level: 12
Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends