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The game message

DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
Am I the only one who finds it insulting, that they sent a game message, which makes it sound like we are the thick or dense ones, for not understanding how they had originally intended skirmishes to run. Even thou they changed the original text that was sent out when skirmishes were released, after the fact to cover their own bums. Not to mention they had it apparently wrong for the entire last skirmish without so much of as a peep? do they really think we are that blind. Then they are going to act like they are doing us a favor by allowing the yelgrun and Goran to continue to give bonues, regardless of traits, but not the main reoccurring mega officer.

If they plan to officially change the next skirmish to be completely trait dependent, without also updating or fixing the crew sorting for said event, dont bother ;p


  • kapukapu ✭✭✭
    piss off
    Captain Lvl 99; Vip0; 552 Unique Immortals; Fleet: Omega Molecules; Base Lvl 134 (MAX); Playing Since March 2016.
  • Cam TaliisCam Taliis ✭✭✭✭
    Please let me/us know if you're actually succesful on getting your IAPs refunded. As far as I know Apple hardly ever does that.
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    Cam Taliis wrote: »
    Please let me/us know if you're actually succesful on getting your IAPs refunded. As far as I know Apple hardly ever does that.

    I believe Apple doesn’t pay their developers from the App Store until 90 days after the transaction just for things like this.

    You are correct and the developer never knows who got a refund. So DB knows you made a purchase but they never know if you get refunded for that purchase. Apple just pays the developer a lump sum amount with no account details on receipts or refunds. So there is no need to worry about getting your account banned or having anything taken away if you get a refund. That said, if you abuse it, Apple will stop giving you refunds no matter how legitimate the reason may be, so don't ask for a refund unless there truly is an issue and you've exhausted all options from customer service with the developer.

  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm actually curious as to how bad this is going hit DB in the pocketbook, and if so, will they be stubborn and stick to their guns, or follow the money if it is a bad hit.

  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    I haven't quite given up on CS, but I suspect this will be the route I take as well.
  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    i read it, shrugged, said "par for the course for DB"
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
  • cmdrworfcmdrworf ✭✭✭✭✭
    I'm more wondering why people didn't look an say, "wow this is too strong, I bet they nerf it". But to all of you impacted by it, good luck. I wasn't "lucky" enough to get one so I don't have the impact.
    Sir, I protest! I am NOT a merry man!
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    cmdrworf wrote: »
    I'm more wondering why people didn't look an say, "wow this is too strong, I bet they nerf it". But to all of you impacted by it, good luck. I wasn't "lucky" enough to get one so I don't have the impact.

    This isn't the Yar thing.
    This is the Event crew aren't always bonus in skirmishes thing.
  • [BL] PShivers[BL] PShivers ✭✭✭
    edited August 2018
    After the whole Pecard debacle, I halted my spending. Once it was resolved to my satisfaction, I restarted my monthly card and spent a tad bit, but no where near what I had in the past. I went ahead and purchased the Iggy Pop offer because it was a need to collect kind of thing. In one way I am glad I got it because of Ra'ufo not getting bonus and on the other I am upset that I gave DB money. Yesterday was day 30 on my card and I will not be renewing it. I am strictly FTP from hear on out. The really sad part is that I love ST and I enjoy this game immensely. I love the members in my fleet and many of the people here in the forums. With that said, I don't think I will ever stop playing, but I definitely am not supporting this company with my money anymore. The editing of the blog and downright dishonesty during this issue is deplorable.

    The whole Yar thing hasn't effected me because I was too busy to participate in that event to get one, but the way that whole thing went down was darn well shady too.
  • I was able to get back almost every dollar I put into the game from Apple after the previous Skirmish event and ID packs. They were very friendly and understanding. BTW, I contacted their support via Phone, that seems to work best.
  • After the whole Pecard debacle, I halted my spending. Once it was resolved to my satisfaction, I restarted my monthly card and spent a tad bit, but no where near what I had in the past. I went ahead and purchased the Iggy Pop offer because it was a need to collect kind of thing. In one way I am glad I got it because of Ra'ufo not getting bonus and on the other I am upset that I gave DB money. Yesterday was day 30 on my card and I will not be renewing it. I am strictly FTP from hear on out. The really sad part is that I love ST and I enjoy this game immensely. I love the members in my fleet and many of the people here in the forums. With that said, I don't think I will ever stop playing, but I definitely am not supporting this company with my money anymore. The editing of the blog and downright dishonesty during this issue is deplorable.

    Why upset about editing the blog? It was actually announced on these forums that the blog was updated. It's not shady/dishonest to openly state you've edited a blog entry to be more clear.

    Don't get me wrong, I much prefer the simpler event crew mechanic as it is, and I am very fearful they'll implement the changes without the ability to save the crew selections for each battle. that would make this event type a nightmare, when it's currently my favorite for the big benefits and that it does not slow down game/crew development at all.
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    cmdrworf wrote: »
    I'm more wondering why people didn't look an say, "wow this is too strong, I bet they nerf it". But to all of you impacted by it, good luck. I wasn't "lucky" enough to get one so I don't have the impact.

    This isn't the Yar thing.
    This is the Event crew aren't always bonus in skirmishes thing.

    Exactly, I did not even mention Yar, thou the way they handled that situation, whether you were affected for not, was shady at best.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    After the whole Pecard debacle, I halted my spending. Once it was resolved to my satisfaction, I restarted my monthly card and spent a tad bit, but no where near what I had in the past. I went ahead and purchased the Iggy Pop offer because it was a need to collect kind of thing. In one way I am glad I got it because of Ra'ufo not getting bonus and on the other I am upset that I gave DB money. Yesterday was day 30 on my card and I will not be renewing it. I am strictly FTP from hear on out. The really sad part is that I love ST and I enjoy this game immensely. I love the members in my fleet and many of the people here in the forums. With that said, I don't think I will ever stop playing, but I definitely am not supporting this company with my money anymore. The editing of the blog and downright dishonesty during this issue is deplorable.

    Why upset about editing the blog? It was actually announced on these forums that the blog was updated. It's not shady/dishonest to openly state you've edited a blog entry to be more clear.

    Don't get me wrong, I much prefer the simpler event crew mechanic as it is, and I am very fearful they'll implement the changes without the ability to save the crew selections for each battle. that would make this event type a nightmare, when it's currently my favorite for the big benefits and that it does not slow down game/crew development at all.

    What was shady was that it wasn't announced when he linked us back to read it.

    It was announced after people had found Google's webcache of the site in its pre-edit state, and multiple people had posted highlighted screenshots of comparisons on the forums. They said they changed it only because at that point, we had already proven it conclusively.
  • After the whole Pecard debacle, I halted my spending. Once it was resolved to my satisfaction, I restarted my monthly card and spent a tad bit, but no where near what I had in the past. I went ahead and purchased the Iggy Pop offer because it was a need to collect kind of thing. In one way I am glad I got it because of Ra'ufo not getting bonus and on the other I am upset that I gave DB money. Yesterday was day 30 on my card and I will not be renewing it. I am strictly FTP from hear on out. The really sad part is that I love ST and I enjoy this game immensely. I love the members in my fleet and many of the people here in the forums. With that said, I don't think I will ever stop playing, but I definitely am not supporting this company with my money anymore. The editing of the blog and downright dishonesty during this issue is deplorable.

    Why upset about editing the blog? It was actually announced on these forums that the blog was updated. It's not shady/dishonest to openly state you've edited a blog entry to be more clear.

    Don't get me wrong, I much prefer the simpler event crew mechanic as it is, and I am very fearful they'll implement the changes without the ability to save the crew selections for each battle. that would make this event type a nightmare, when it's currently my favorite for the big benefits and that it does not slow down game/crew development at all.

    I can see people not thinking it was shady if they weren't following the events as they unfolded or haven't read back through all the threads in their entirety. If someone has done that and still thinks it's not shady, more power to ya. It is in MY OPINION that it was WWWAAAAAYYYYYY shady.
  • SunshineRikerSunshineRiker ✭✭✭✭✭
    Closing this thread.
This discussion has been closed.