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Need a Developer Q&A to Address the Real Problem - Misleading Communications



  • WundigoreWundigore ✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    just to add, I do not have any idea even how to macro and I have been in top 1000 on every skirmish. I find it less of a time sink than galaxy events. You will have to do some crew switching with the new mechanic which will, I suspect, reward those who buy some packs, but its 4 slots for lfive battles. You may have 2 or 3 switch-outs. How long will it take the pattern in the clunky crew selection interfacebto imprint on your brain. Not long, I think.

    Yar was a train wreck. DB failed so many ways. First, poor design. Second, not appreciating what would happen if they flat out wrecked a card. Third, the timing. Fourth, messaging it like a routine change. Fifth, no proactive compensation. Sixth, an atrociously slow reaction. Seventh a really bad solution. Eighth, continuing failure to acknowledge how badly they messed up. I hope they are studying it closely.

    I still enjoy your game DB, but I also think you have been stumbling a lot lately in the communication department. The OP gave you a nice suggestion on banking some good will. You should consider it. Effective moderation can keep it constructive.
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