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Possible compensation for the devalued Polywater

WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
edited August 2018 in The Bridge
1. For every copy of Polywater one had (this includes any airlocked) One should have the choice of any existing legendary to replace 1F of Polywater.
2. For every leveled version of Polywater they get to choose one of the above legendaries to be leveled to same level.
3. For everyone else that did not have Polywater they get a legendary citation.
4. Remove Polywater from game.

I am not sure if this would be satisfactory or not. There will be people who did not make an effort to obtain Polywater who will receive a legendary citation.
But maybe this would satisfy all.

Ex. The winner of event had at least two immortalized Polywaters and the 5 1F copies for winning the event. Let us say he never leveled or fused those 1F copies.

He would be entitled to 15 legendaries of his choosing to replace Polywater. He can ask for more than one copy of the same legendary if he chooses.
He would also be entitled to two being fully leveled since he had two fully leveled Polywaters.

Edit: Maybe removal of Polywater is extreme, some people may still want a copy of her.


  • Just offer to reverse the purchases, with either cash or dilithium refunded depending on what was used to purchase, or swap Yar for either one of the 5*s released over the last few months or a citation. Chuck a few hundred sorrytrons per Yar in to make up for resources used in levelling up.

    Then mail out everyone a 4* citation and some sorrytrons for the recent SNAFUs.

    It needn't be complex. They've got the money in the bank, and making this mostly right costs them little other than time.

    The aim in these situations is to soothe ruffled feathers, maybe buy a little a goodwill, so I'm entirely uncertain why DB seem bent on pouring fuel on fires.
  • Cpt. CavemanCpt. Caveman ✭✭✭✭
    I know it's just an estimator. But, I don't like the idea of my level 100 crew I fully equipped to be given the same compensation as a level 1, that had nothing spent on it.

    To say they are both worth 720 Dilithium is pure rubbish

    estimated cost to FE:
    8400 chronoton
    575,000 credits
  • I know it's just an estimator. But, I don't like the idea of my level 100 crew I fully equipped to be given the same compensation as a level 1, that had nothing spent on it.

    To say they are both worth 720 Dilithium is pure rubbish

    estimated cost to FE:
    8400 chronoton
    575,000 credits

    DB is just letting everyone know how it’s a 400% off deal.
  • In my ticket, I requested my FE 2/5 PW Yar be replaced by a 2/5 Gary Seven (he has a cat!). I also felt an exchange was the most fair solution. No dice, though.
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    In my ticket, I requested my FE 2/5 PW Yar be replaced by a 2/5 Gary Seven (he has a cat!). I also felt an exchange was the most fair solution. No dice, though.

    That is what I was asking for my Polwaters.
    But I decided I wanted a refund for my DYC Polywater.
    I asked again and said if they cannot do it escalate the ticket.
    That is why I am contiplating legal advice.

  • I'm torn on this. I bought a couple of DYC and dropped a legendary citation to get PolyYar FF, which is much more than I usually do. I still like her. I still use her. But I still feel like I didn't get what I paid for, so I still feel ripped off, and the stock support response and lack of compensation leaves a bad taste.
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  • The CS I'm dealing with has been pretty helpful. Simply swapping the Yars - I made no recommendations as to who I'd like - seems to be the simplest and easiest way forward, but no, DB has to go the more complex route with plenty of opportunity to screw that up.

    They're happy to refund my money, which is nice, and remove any crew gained (realistically this is going to be a reduction in honour in most cases.)

    I've asked for a list of crew that'll be removed first, and asked for further in-game restitution for any that I'll have worked on.

    But yes, no apologies or anything like that, just the re-iterated "misunderstanding" BS.
  • I got a message with “misunderstanding” as well and the CS said he will investigate the issue and update once he has resolution.

    Not sure if the particular CS is just waiting to check with his supervisor or if DB is trying to figure out how to handle the tickets and has told CS to hold off.
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