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New thoughts on compensation for Polywater Yar

WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
edited August 2018 in The Bridge
Looks like this is going nowhere but here is another try.

I For People Who Bought Event Packs (Not Cadet Offers)
I hope DB would know which packs were bought with dil. make sure they are right if you purchased offers too.

A. If you want to keep crew you will have to keep all packs.
B. If you do not want crew return all packs for Dil.
For any leveled crew who will be removed See below For Loss Leveled Crew
C. If you are keeping packs and have Polywater Yar.
1. If you do not want some of your Polywater Yar's.
You get some choice of Large Compensation for each fuse level of her.
Any lossed leveled Polywater Yar's See below For Loss Leveled Crew
2. If you want to keep some of your Polywater Yar's
You get some choice of Small Compensation for each fuse level of her.

II For People Who Bought Cadet Offers.
Point the order of purchased offers will have to be the order of packs opened.
This will be more complicated for number of offers purchased. If you have time between offers purchased should make it easier. But need to make sure the packs associated with offer match with DB.

A. For each offer if you want to keep crew from that offer keep that offer.
B. If you do not want crew you got in an offer return that offer.
Again make sure you agree with the crew which will be removed for that offer before removal occurs.
For any leveled crew who will be removed See below For Loss Leveled Crew
C. If you are keeping offers that have Polywater Yar either packs or included with offer.
1. If you do not want some of your Polywater Yar's.
You get some choice of Large Compensation for each fuse level of her.
Any lossed leveled Polywater Yar's See below For Loss Leveled Crew
2. If you want to keep some of your Polywater Yar's
You get some choice of Small Compensation for each fuse level of her.

III People Who Bought Double Your Crew for Polywater Yar

A If you want refund give up a fuse level for each offer you want refunded.
Any lossed leveled Polywater Yar's See below For Loss Leveled Crew

IV People who used Legendary Citation on Polywater

A If you want refund give up a fuse level for each citation that you want refunded.
Any lossed leveled Polywater Yar's See below For Loss Leveled Crew

V People Who Participated In Event

A. If you were below level 1000 and did not try to get Polywater using more than your normal effort.
No compensation needed.

B. If you were below level 1000 and made an extra effort to try to get Polywater Yar.
You will need to negotiate for boosts and dil. spent on speedups or possibly return of boosts bought with dil.for dil. spent

C. Those who put in no extra effort to make top 26-1000
No compensation needed (This is my Crusoe account)

D. Those who made extra effort to get Polywater Yar but ended up rank 26-1000
1. If you do not want to keep Polywater Yar.
You get Large Compesation for her.
Any lossed leveled Polywater Yar's See below For Loss Leveled Crew
2. If you want to keep Polywater Yar
You get Small Compensation.
3 If you were making effort to make top 25.
You will need to negotiate for boosts and dil. spent on speedups or possibly return of boosts bought with dil.for dil. spent

E. Those who made top 25.
1. If you participated in the event only for Polywater Yar. But you do not always participate in events.
a. If you do not want some of your Polywater Yar's.
You get some choice of Large Compensation for each fuse level of her.
Any lossed leveled Polywater Yar's See below For Loss Leveled Crew
b. If you want to keep some of your Polywater Yar's
You get some choice of SmalI Compensation for each fuse level of her.

2. If you got the Rank Bracket you were trying for (1,2-6,7-15,16-25)and and you would have been top 1000 normally. (My WaldoMag account)
a. You keep one Yar with no compensation needed.
b. If you do not want some of the other Polywater Yar's.
You get some choice of Large Compensation for each fuse level of her.
Any lossed leveled Polywater Yar's See below For Loss Leveled Crew
c. If you want to keep some of your other Polywater Yar's
You get some choice of Small Compensation for each fuse level of her.

3. If you fell short of your Rank Bracket.
a. If you do not want some of your Polywater Yar's.
You get some choice of Large Compensation for each fuse level of her.
Any lossed leveled Polywater Yar's See below For Loss Leveled Crew
b. If you want to keep some of your Polywater Yar's
You get some choice of Small Compensation for each fuse level of her.

VI For Loss Leveled Crew

A. For any Crew you will lose who are leveled.

1. Choose crew with same rarity form the unleveled crew that you have to have leveled in compensation,
NOTE: can either have same slot items equipped or ask for some equivalent for those items.

2. Ask for a future crew of same rarity to get the same level.This will be complicated because you will need to contact DB and they will need time to level that crew.
NOTE: If crew not fully leveled might be better to ask for some compensation for those items. Or you could finish building and equipping all items for that level MAKE SURE YOU WILL BE ALLOWED A FUTURE LEVELING OF CREW.

3. Negotiate for compesation for leveled crew. NOTE: You may need more than just Chron. think about faction only items and replicator uses.Also if you returned Offers you would have gotten credits and Chrons. if not taken from you keep that in mind.

My thoughts on Large Compensation some choice of legendary crew I guess it could be limited to portal only. Could also be 50,000 honor.

Not sure about Small Compensation. Maybe honor or superrare citation.

Have at it.
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