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Follow up Questions for Jazz Riker

On a separate note: we hear what you're saying about a number of the recent issues. There are a lot of voices giving us feedback. We're working on fixing bugs (Skirmishes, PvP rewards) and are endeavoring to improve QA processes for crew to make sure we don't have to adjust characters after they're released (Polywater Yar). It's impossible to say problems will never happen again, but we're trying to improve on our end.

For what it's worth, I'm sorry about the recent issues and our sparse communications regarding them.

Jazz Riker, I appreciate the reply, but this is still a profound non-answer

1) Can you confirm the AND issue is fixed
2) What remediation are you proposing/recommending for those impacted by Yar since it was DB's mistake
3) When can we expect an update clarifying rules and user interface/crew selection for Skirmishes

Since this thread started, these other issues have been raised:

1) What should the Killy offer have been, $9.99 or $24.99 If 9.99, will you be issuing refunds and re-posting for people, if $24.99 will you be adding the VIP and dilithium for people since the VIP value was incorrect
2) Can we get an update re:steps being taken to combat macros in the events? People are rapidly losing faith in the format.

Apologizing for sparse communication is not communication. We need a real reply addressing concerns.


  • I need someone from DB to contact me immediately to resolve my customer service issues...this has been going on for days now and I am not getting any replies and at this point, unless I hear from someone today, I feel I need to escalate my issue using outside means...
  • WaldoMagWaldoMag ✭✭✭✭✭
    Have to agree I was thrown off by name at first.
    Then I realized. It's Picard saying it.
    Basically you are being the Go For.
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