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Blank voyage

So, I have a voyage running that I've extended a couple times (its at just over 10 hours at the moment)

Its still counting down, but the screen is mostly blank. ..

No text, no shown rewards, but I can see the timer and access the crew tab.

I've restarted the app a couple times bUT same thing.

I's this common? Is there a fix, or am I in ticket land?


  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    Hi Joe,

    Unfortunately it can happen.
    There is no fix at this time and if this persists the best bet will be to contact Support who will be able to recall the voyage for you.
  • Thanks shan.

    I opened a ticket on it a couple hours ago. Is there an estimated turn around time on average? I'm sure the fix itself is an easy one and that the team will do just fine correcting it, but I have about 5 people in crew overflow that I don't want to lose.

    How does that relate, you ask? Well voyages are the primary source for chrons, and I'm now stuck, not only in this specific voyage, but the ability to run a new voyage to grab those tasty chrons, and level up some folks to airlock. Thus, making room for the overflow crew.

    Thanks again,

  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    It can take up to a day or two depending on the amount of tickets Support has to deal with.
    I understand your predicament and I hope you will hear back soon, if it has not been dealt with yet :)
  • Joe, some people have reported being able to get around this issue by using the iampicard tool. Might be worth a try?
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  • My Voyage got to 14 hour mark today. Woke up to super slow server. I got to the Voyage Dilemma screen twice, but would not let me make a choice, and now after reloading a couple times I get the blank screen as well.

    I am going to wait for about an hour to see if it clears itself before submitting ticket. (I Don't want to wait 3 weeks to get it fixed like last time.)

    Hopefully another Voyage Token and sorry chrons are in our near future.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • I got the blank screen as well. I lost the 10 and 12 hour dilemmas.
  • Fortunately, waiting did the trick. I was finally able to login and got to my Voyage at the 14hr 37 min mark with 9 AM left! Whew that was close!
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • I've just had a voyage miss the 10hr dilemma, it ran out of AM at something like 10hrs 1min 30s...! Ticket raised.
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