"Not enough items"

Quick Build selections are quite often returning a "Not enough items" error even when plenty of the required items are available. This is happening on both my Android and Steam platforms.
If so, burn some stuff in the replicator.
For example:
you have a 3 equipment top level, each one requires 3 pieces of equipment
Two of the three a couple levels in require 4x 0* polyalloy each, and you only have 4.
each of the equipment seems complete, so it registers as ready to build.
You have to go down an couple levels, and build up, then you will see one equipment at the top level is not complete after that.
Does that make sense? Yes it is a coding glitch, and not one likely to get a fix anytime soon. Fortunately it doesn't happen that often.
Never seen that. iOS here, and if I don't have enough items, it doesn't "light up" for me. Every time I've seen "Not enough items", on the other hand, I was able to complete the item by retrying without doing any additional farming.
I'm definitely not over the 1k cap, either, though.
Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
I have 38 of the Submicron Scanner's, need 16 for Professor Sato's Lvl 100 item - Definitely not over the 1,000 item cap.
Quick build at the top level, I get the error; try it 20 times and I always get the error.
Work the way down at each level, I get the error.
The only solution is to go all the way to the bottom and build it up at each level. At which time of course I can build the top level item.
Easy solution yes. Annoying, highly. If the function isn't working as intended, they need to know about it and fix it.
Also, this happens countless time on nearly every item. To the point where I'm always amazed when the quick build function actually works.
I have seven 0* submicron scanners and need to build a 3* version. The two 2* submicron scanners that show up as the recipe for the 3* version will be yellow because each 2* version requires four 0* versions and I have more than four, but quick-building the 3* submicron scanners will fail because I do not have eight 0* versions.
It’s complicated to even lay out in an example, never mind to code such that the same mid-level item would have different text colors based on the number of lower-level items. As has been said: the way to avoid these warnings is to build equipment as we all once had to, starting from low-level subassemblies all the way up to the final build one layer at a time.
I don't see that as such a problem. It shows you can build one, not necessarily all. Sub-recipes showing orange instead of red, should be distinguished from the top item lighting up in yellow, though, for the purpose of this discussion.