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its time to rasie the vip levels and give credit to all the points you couldn't use because of the cap


  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Q Baker wrote: »
    its time to rasie the vip levels and give credit to all the points you couldn't use because of the cap

    To what? What credit will you give? The top players are so far beyond the VIP14 cap that to continue scaling VIP would be ridiculous. Sure you could probably come up with some options and create VIP15-20. But the majority of players at VIP14 would just be far past VIP20 too. So what do you really accomplish?
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    Amphistaff wrote: »
    How about you make the current VIP benefits actually useful? Who cares about being able to do scan speedups more times per day? Who does that ever? No one, that's who. The only useful aspects of VIP are 1) crew slots, 2) replicator uses, and 3) bonus DIL for purchases. All the rest is completely useless. MAYBE buying extra cadet tickets but with the chron surplus these days that's lost a lot of its value.

    I would much rather see enhancements to existing features and completely new stuff. Additions to collections and achievements are a really easy place to start (esp achievements). I would also love to see an increase in the threshold rewards for events. Add other non-event related stuff like honor, credits, chrons, merits.

    Honestly 1 2 and 3 sound good to me. I 'd be in favor of that.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    AviTrek wrote: »
    Q Baker wrote: »
    its time to rasie the vip levels and give credit to all the points you couldn't use because of the cap

    To what? What credit will you give? The top players are so far beyond the VIP14 cap that to continue scaling VIP would be ridiculous. Sure you could probably come up with some options and create VIP15-20. But the majority of players at VIP14 would just be far past VIP20 too. So what do you really accomplish?

    Yet there are other players that are not so far above that are in the middle that would get something out of it continuing.
  • Pallidyne wrote: »
    AviTrek wrote: »
    Q Baker wrote: »
    its time to rasie the vip levels and give credit to all the points you couldn't use because of the cap

    To what? What credit will you give? The top players are so far beyond the VIP14 cap that to continue scaling VIP would be ridiculous. Sure you could probably come up with some options and create VIP15-20. But the majority of players at VIP14 would just be far past VIP20 too. So what do you really accomplish?

    Yet there are other players that are not so far above that are in the middle that would get something out of it continuing.

  • Princess TristaPrincess Trista ✭✭✭✭✭
    Amphistaff wrote: »
    How about you make the current VIP benefits actually useful? Who cares about being able to do scan speedups more times per day? Who does that ever? No one, that's who. The only useful aspects of VIP are 1) crew slots, 2) replicator uses, and 3) bonus DIL for purchases. All the rest is completely useless. MAYBE buying extra cadet tickets but with the chron surplus these days that's lost a lot of its value.

    I would much rather see enhancements to existing features and completely new stuff. Additions to collections and achievements are a really easy place to start (esp achievements). I would also love to see an increase in the threshold rewards for events. Add other non-event related stuff like honor, credits, chrons, merits.

    I look at it as this. The ones who are way past VIP 14 have carried the company to where it is at. We have helped to create the game to what it is, and should be compensated in some way because we did that - in special achievements, dils, special crew etc...

  • Can the VIP 20 prize be the Wesley Crusher standee from the DB offices?
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • Can the VIP 20 prize be the Wesley Crusher standee from the DB offices?

    It would just come to you full of dart holes. :D
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • Yes they have it next to a Captain Jonathon Archer standee ;)
  • Who?! 😉
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  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    [QH] Oxmyx wrote: »
    Everyone who has spent any money or even played has helped to make the game what it is. The I’ve spent the most so I’m the most entitled is why the world is in the mess it is. The CHOICE to spend money whether pennies or tens of thousands is just a choice nothing honorable and certainly not something one is entitled to something extra for. Flushing thousands down the toilet for a game doesn’t make someone a celebrity, a hero, or entitled to anything. On the flip side the choice to spend thousands has kept the prices and value of what was bought artificially high. In the long run the game will lose the low to midrange spenders who actually make the most difference in its lifespan and are the ones who carry the game due to their greater numbers.

    The value will never reflect the worth as long as there are those who throw money around like rice at a wedding for what is completely valueless outside the servers. Excessive spending caused excessive greed which then caused layoffs and lack of quality control. I’m just as much at fault for contributing to the lack of value for spending as much as I have which is tiny compared to some of the bragging I have seen here. Just think how good the game would be and run if all that investment was put back into it instead of trying to branch out and create more cash cows. Had that money not been there then different decisions would probably have been made and we could ALL enjoy the benefits of better quality, more support because the company would have been forced to improve the product which would then improve the revenue stream just more slowly. Perhaps even lower prices and better values which then would create more revenue because more would want to spend.

    Value creates profits not high prices that cater to just a few. Maybe someday we will see a world where money isn’t the center of every decision stupid or otherwise and those lucky enough to have more aren’t put on pedestals or stages like some kind of idol. Instead those who choose to be honorable, have integrity and help one another are the ones who should earn extra things in life but sadly don’t. Those people are actually deserving of entitlements although due to their characters most would probably refuse. Seems extremely shallow to think being wealthy or spending excessively entitles one to anything.

    So do you think then Airlines should rid themselves of frequent flyer programs so that those who spent more with them are not rewarded for doing so except for the goods from which they purchased them initially?

    You've got a general overall problem with society, and increasing VIP levels or not is going to have little or no impact on such.

    The fact VIP exists and that many even moderate spenders have reached high levels simply because they've been around for more than 2 years just shows that a program exists that has not grown with the game. The same can be said for the 'achievements'. You could call folks wanting higher achievements than 350 immortals to be entitled capitalistic whiner babies, or you could say that DB has a program that should grow as the game grows.

    Also this is extra crew slots or some such in a game. Not who gets health care, or a better education, etc. Entertainment, frankly, is in a way a luxury item. You really do not need it to breathe, so it's value is whatever enjoyment you get from it.

    Do I think prices are too high for some things? Yes.
    Do I understand mobile game economics which flies in the face of your assumptions and has been documented and explored? Yes.
    Do I think it is ideal? No.

  • Now I'm only a lowly level 3 (illness took me offline for 6 months) but *IF* they could get the license to do it, a special Behold that gives you the 1 of the 4 cast of TBBT in their Star Trek Outfits. Make them 1* but give them great stats to Science and Engineering (Wolowitz)
  • Words have yet to be invented to describe how appalled I am by that idea!
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  • Pallidyne wrote: »
    So do you think then Airlines should rid themselves of frequent flyer programs so that those who spent more with them are not rewarded for doing so except for the goods from which they purchased them initially?

    Don't know about him, but I do. All these stupid rewards programs have only resulted in one thing: increased prices. Do you think they give it out of the goodness of their hearts? Hell no. They're just taking a portion of the real money that you paid in the first place, and giving it back to you in a different, more-difficult-to-spend format. Extra hoops to jump through, these days, just to get the same value you once got before these types of rewards programs existed. Extra cards to carry, extra mail to open, extra account profiles to monitor... :rage: I wish you could just opt out and get the original, bare bones price instead.

    Not to mention the fact that many of them are designed so that those who spend a lot, are rewarded, while those who spend little bits over a longer period, get nothing. Know what that's called? Reverse Robin Hood.

  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Elynduil wrote: »
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    So do you think then Airlines should rid themselves of frequent flyer programs so that those who spent more with them are not rewarded for doing so except for the goods from which they purchased them initially?

    Don't know about him, but I do. All these stupid rewards programs have only resulted in one thing: increased prices. Do you think they give it out of the goodness of their hearts? Hell no. They're just taking a portion of the real money that you paid in the first place, and giving it back to you in a different, more-difficult-to-spend format. Extra hoops to jump through, these days, just to get the same value you once got before these types of rewards programs existed. Extra cards to carry, extra mail to open, extra account profiles to monitor... :rage: I wish you could just opt out and get the original, bare bones price instead.

    Not to mention the fact that many of them are designed so that those who spend a lot, are rewarded, while those who spend little bits over a longer period, get nothing. Know what that's called? Reverse Robin Hood.


    At the risk of going horribly off topic (or at least continuing the trend), Airline and hotel rewards programs are designed to attract business travelers by literally giving business travelers kickbacks (the portion of their spend going to pay for the rewards) they can spend on personal travel for spending their employer’s money.
  • Who?! 😉

    Flagged for spam, not worth reading and trolling.

  • 😂 Dude, you have issues. Seek help...Or at least a dictionary.

    Have a blessed day :)
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  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    1) Airline rewards and frequent flyer programs and grocery rewards that result in gas discounts, etc may have been designed to bilk the business traveler, etc, but normal persons can also take advantage of them with some forethought. Using a credit card, and paying it off each month being one way. It requires being responsible and living within ones means. (though some debt can be unavoidable at different points in peoples lives).

    2) Seriously making a moral stand on wanting more VIP levels saying its all anti-Trek is frankly baby and the bathwater. And Oxmyx, you do have an issue with society. And I won't be passive aggressive enough to say 'to whom said this' I'll address you directly. I could go all John Stewart on the investment class, since that's appears to be where you're headed about who's wealth is legitimate or not, etc. but that again, is a societal issue not the VIP level.

    The VIP program here, IS the frequent buyer/flyer program. That's all it is. It's gimme some more slots or a lil extra dil on my purchase because I've been a loyal paying customer. Right now, seriously, DB needs to do some things to keep the loyal spending base, cause they are bleeding some big revenue streams in at least a couple big spenders who have closed the purse strings. (and yes they need to do some other things as well, they REALLY need to do those other things)

    If you think giving perks like an extra replication a day or some extra dil per purchase is wrong 'cause someone has made other purchases, then really buddy, you've got some serious issues with a capitalistic model and how society in many countries work.

    Yes, people need to think of other people, and do good works. Many of our biggest spenders here also give quite handsomely to charities and do good works. Just because someone wants their VIP points to have some benefit does not mean they are not donating time, money and/or good to causes like cancer research, homeless shelters and outreach, animal shelters, etc. I know from experience as I've been sponsored by other players, and donated to their causes as well. Painting those folks as bad and anti in the spirit of trek is a pretty broad stroke and as I stated early, very baby and the bathwater.

    But this isn't Model UN or even real life. This is a game where you can get more of the game by spending more on the game. That's how the light stay on.

    And in this game it is out of date and antiquated having not been adjusted in at least the nearly 2 years I've been here. Just like the more recent achievements (which are available to F2Ps) which are also laughably out of date even though they are even more recently added.

  • Wildstar19Wildstar19 ✭✭✭✭
    Now I'm only a lowly level 3 (illness took me offline for 6 months) but *IF* they could get the license to do it, a special Behold that gives you the 1 of the 4 cast of TBBT in their Star Trek Outfits. Make them 1* but give them great stats to Science and Engineering (Wolowitz)

    That would be awesome. I might even splurge to buy one. Picturing Leonard, after they trudged home, with his messed up/ajar Picard bald head-piece.😂
    Hurry up before those things eat Guy!
  • There ain't nothing wrong with having an issue with society. You gotta be living the high life and blind to what's around you to think there aren't any problems.

    Capitalism **tsk tsk**. Sure, there seems to be some good things it can do, largely for the 1%, but for a huge percentage of the world's population capitalism is simply not working.

    Anyway, back to the discussion about VIP14 being like the frequent flyer's club.
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