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Merit Rewards taunting you with a false sense of hope

When purchasing a Merit Rewards pack for 725 merits.
As the crew reward is coming out of the portal you can clearly see the outer border is predicting a Legendary gold/yellow colour, making me thing YES, I’ve got a Legendary Crew.
Only to be instantly disheartened when it changes to Blue, Green or Black.
It does this often 😡

I wish they’d stop taunting us & just have it display the colour of which crew you’re getting through the pull!

It may only be for a fraction of a second but it builds up your hopes & crushes them almost instantly.
Joined game 6th March 2016


  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    I have noticed this too. It is kinda bogus
  • They give us hope and BAAAMM!
    They are laughing at us

    Looks like “The good place” plot where we are actually in “The bad place” and being tortured?
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    You got something against Scotty? Man, that's harsh. ;)

    But yeah, seems like a simple programming change.
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    The taunting for me is that I'm so low on Merits, need 1000 to unfreeze next event crew, and the 750 price is just saying "Yeah, we'll see you later, loser".
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • IvanstoneIvanstone ✭✭✭✭✭
    My only hope is that I get 250 honour from Merit Pulls.
    My only hope is that I get 75 honour from 90K Pulls.
    I have very low expectations.
    VIP 13 - 310 Crew Slots - 1055 Immortals
  • Kirki wrote: »
    I totally agree with you! It's obvious bs with the gold outline. I bet some marketing maggot has a psychological study to point to.

    It's the same with shuttles now. Every shuttle is a winner! Even the ones that are losers! Put lots of shiney lights everywhere!

    That's Trek casinos in 2018 I guess.

  • I’ve found that they are the colour of the previous item you pulled out of that spot. Do a few pulls in a row and you’ll see that.
  • Wildstar19Wildstar19 ✭✭✭✭
    Kirki wrote: »
    I totally agree with you! It's obvious bs with the gold outline. I bet some marketing maggot has a psychological study to point to.

    It's the same with shuttles now. Every shuttle is a winner! Even the ones that are losers! Put lots of shiney lights everywhere!

    That's Trek in 2018 I guess.

    Brought to you by the folks who award medals in sports for "participation;" and who say, "we don't keep score, we don't want to discourage any kids." Smh
    Hurry up before those things eat Guy!
  • I’ve found that they are the colour of the previous item you pulled out of that spot. Do a few pulls in a row and you’ll see that.

    Well considering I’ve yet to pull a Legendary crew from the Merit rewards, that conclusion of yours is clearly wrong.

    Interesting as I’ve been tracking it a few weeks now and it’s been 100% accurate. I’m not doubting you but odd that mine are showing up that way. Same thing happens with 10x pulls as well, at least for me.
  • FlemmingFlemming ✭✭✭✭✭
    izausome wrote: »
    All pulls have been like this since day one.
    Get use to it.

    This just needs to be restated.

    Not just Merit ones.
    Intentionally Left Blank
  • edited September 2018
    Imo, it doesnt need fixing, save their time for the bigger issues but i have learned that if something has a gold outline, dont expect anything legendary, and if it is...woo hoo!
  • Don't think that was OP's intent. Would be good if at least a few threads could remain lighthearted around here... :smirk:
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Don't lose hope. Got this only today

    Wow, I did not know such a thing was possible. That screenshot is incredibly uplifting!
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Elynduil wrote: »
    Would be good if at least a few threads could remain lighthearted around here... :smirk:

    I agree. But this one comes off as griping about a minor issue. And it's symptomatic of the general tenor of the forums at large these days. I've been posting here (and the previous iteration of the forums) a long time, but I've grown so weary of the negativity of late. I understand there have been recent things that some players felt upset about, but that seems to just be a catalyst to fume and grumble about a myriad of other things, and to look at every positive thing that's introduced with skepticism.

    I have no problems with the game itself, but these piles upon piles of endless querulousness are seriously making me think about vacating the forums themselves, as much as I've gotten out of them in all this time.

    That would truly be a loss @Data1001 . The humor quotient would drop by 50%.
  • I agree with this...
    Elynduil wrote: »
    Don't think that was OP's intent. Would be good if at least a few threads could remain lighthearted around here... :smirk:

    And I agree with this...
    Data1001 wrote: »
    I understand there have been recent things that some players felt upset about, but that seems to just be a catalyst to fume and grumble about a myriad of other things, and to look at every positive thing that's introduced with skepticism.

    I also worry that it potentially diminishes the validity of actual grievances the community has.

    And I wholeheartedly agree with this...
    That would truly be a loss @Data1001 . The humor quotient would drop by 50%.

    I would definitely hate to see Data1001 leave the community.
  • GAWAGAWA ✭✭✭
    Some merit pulls are ok5wxnmlndkict.jpg
  • Wildstar19Wildstar19 ✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Elynduil wrote: »
    Would be good if at least a few threads could remain lighthearted around here... :smirk:

    I agree. But this one comes off as griping about a minor issue. And it's symptomatic of the general tenor of the forums at large these days. I've been posting here (and the previous iteration of the forums) a long time, but I've grown so weary of the negativity of late. I understand there have been recent things that some players felt upset about, but that seems to just be a catalyst to fume and grumble about a myriad of other things, and to look at every positive thing that's introduced with skepticism.

    I have no problems with the game itself, but these piles upon piles of endless querulousness are seriously making me think about vacating the forums themselves, as much as I've gotten out of them in all this time.

    Don't leave us Mr. Data, we like you!😓
    Hurry up before those things eat Guy!
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Elynduil wrote: »
    Would be good if at least a few threads could remain lighthearted around here... :smirk:

    I agree. But this one comes off as griping about a minor issue. And it's symptomatic of the general tenor of the forums at large these days. I've been posting here (and the previous iteration of the forums) a long time, but I've grown so weary of the negativity of late. I understand there have been recent things that some players felt upset about, but that seems to just be a catalyst to fume and grumble about a myriad of other things, and to look at every positive thing that's introduced with skepticism.

    I have no problems with the game itself, but these piles upon piles of endless querulousness are seriously making me think about vacating the forums themselves, as much as I've gotten out of them in all this time.

    Don't leave us Mr. Data, we like you!😓

    +1 here. Every time I see your name at the top of a post I know it is going to be a good read.
  • Capt. Pete OwenCapt. Pete Owen ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    GAWA wrote: »
    Some merit pulls are ok5wxnmlndkict.jpg

    You’re lucky to have pulled x2 Super Rare crew.
    The best I’ve pulled is Rare crew since they introduced the Merit Pack.
    Joined game 6th March 2016
  • Mr. Wes Esq.Mr. Wes Esq. ✭✭
    edited September 2018

    I’ve pulled a few dozen, one legendary, and strangely enough if was very shortly after I chose him as a begold option, which gave me 4/5, then immortalized when I got the merit pull.
    “With the first link, the chain is forged. The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably.” Captain Picard quoting Judge Aaron Satie.
  • I haven't done but maybe 5 or 6 Merit pulls. I had one Gold, and all the rest were 2* & a couple 3*. after the last 3 pulls of just 2*, I gave up, and will never do it again. Waste of merits which are too valuable for this futile exercise.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • I do merit pulls regularly. I have gotten a few legendaries, several super rares and lots of honour so I guess their value and usefulness are up to each individual. Also, I never pay attention to the border so I am happy with whatever I get. 😀
  • Wildstar19Wildstar19 ✭✭✭✭
    ^^^ ditto
    Hurry up before those things eat Guy!
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