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Upcoming Arena Rewards

Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
edited September 2018 in The Bridge
Hello, all. I'm a relatively new player (5 months) and I'm excited about seeing the upcoming Arena rewards ahead of time. BUT... I'm not even a little excited that the Admiral division is mostly ships that I have at 10/10. I don't look forward to arena at all after this month.

I didn't look closely at the Captain or Commander divisions, but I think I saw the Defiant, which I still need. Even so, I'm really hoping that (at the very least) the Admiral division rewards are a place holder.

Also, seeing essentially three months of rewards is a little depressing. It's like saying that they're either not working on a new ship, or if they are, they have no intention of letting us try to get it in the arena. I'd be happier with seeing this month and next month unless they plan to roll out a new ship in two months and tease it to us.

Edit for iOS users:
October - Bounty
November - Borg Cube
Farewell 🖖


  • I'm very disappointed with it to tell the truth because we've had a good ratio of new/older ships in rewards recently. The next 3 months are ones that many players will have maxed simply by playing Dabo for a couple of months. I wish they'd at least give us an extra month on the newer ones such as the Andorian ship right now so that we can try to make it useful in Voyages.
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  • Wanna tell us iOS people which ships they are? :smirk:
  • the bounty in Oct
    and the cube in Nov
    "Never teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time and annoys the pig" Lazarus Long, Time Enough for Love, R.A. Heinlein
  • October
    Commander - Constitution Class 3*
    Captain - USS Defiant 4*
    Admiral - HMS Bounty 5*

    Commander - Galaxy Class 3*
    Captain - Romulan D'deridex Warbird 4*
    admiral November - Borg Cube 5*
  • Meh.
  • {DD} Smelly{DD} Smelly ✭✭✭✭✭
    The silver lining for me is that after this month I can go back to running all my arena battles in the morning instead of last thing at night. Staying in the top 1% is a hassle for ships that are completely unusable in voyages and will likely never be added to dabo so that we’ll be able to complete them and actually make them useable.
  • The silver lining for me is that after this month I can go back to running all my arena battles in the morning instead of last thing at night. Staying in the top 1% is a hassle for ships that are completely unusable in voyages and will likely never be added to dabo so that we’ll be able to complete them and actually make them useable.

    That's a silver lining I'm going to enjoy too!
    Come join our fleet! We're a great social group that helps each other. You play the way you want to, participate as much as you want and if you want to be competitive, you can be! Check out our fleet ad:

  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    The silver lining for me is that after this month I can go back to running all my arena battles in the morning instead of last thing at night. Staying in the top 1% is a hassle for ships that are completely unusable in voyages and will likely never be added to dabo so that we’ll be able to complete them and actually make them useable.

    That's a silver lining I'm going to enjoy too!

    Five battles a day and done, for two months straight...excellent.
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    After the click grind of Skirmish events, I’m desensitized to the arena and doing 10 doesn’t seem like much now...
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    Baring the Andorian ship in this months Admiral division I I have all the ships for the next three months maxed already. I'm pretty discouraged by the Arena, I value my time more than 200 honour/credits gained by doing the battles

    DB: Do Better
  • 3000 replicator credits sound nice to me! Pretty easy to stay in top five percent with max lvl ship. If I did anything differently I would put the USS Reliant in as a reward it's just sitting in my inventory level one no drops in portals yet?

    Ship drops in portals have changed, all of the sudden I'm building the Shenzhou, Discovery, and Sarcophagus ship that I'm happy about I like their unique animations.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    There is also mention of new ship abilities. Given how most of the top 1% ships have cloaking AND how the update says that cloaking will be improved - I really hope these new abilities are on par with the new cloaking and balance things a little. (Without making newer ships that people paid for less of an advantage.) This tangent may need its own thread after it goes live. But....

    To bring it back around, Arena might get a new life after the update. It won't change the fact that most people who have played for 6 months will have all those ships maxed. However, it could make the Arena more fun to play for a week. And for this month, while the reward is a ship that many do not have maxed, it might even be worth trying to top 1%. After this month, the future of arena looks bleak.

    Personally, I'll enjoy this month, hope there are changes to the rewards in the coming months for Admiral Division, and then go from there.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Big let down for October and November rewards.

    Why don’t they just do away with the reward structure entirely and allow players to chose which ship parts they get?
  • I have to agree that the rewards in admiral division for the next few months is disappointing. There is virtually no incentive to play.
  • @Shan Bounty and Borg Cube, are a total waste of time for October and November.
  • These awards are sure to lead to less Conquer Space offers selling too (!) 😉
    Come join our fleet! We're a great social group that helps each other. You play the way you want to, participate as much as you want and if you want to be competitive, you can be! Check out our fleet ad:

  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    These awards are sure to lead to less Conquer Space offers selling too (!) 😉

    Not as many ship schematic offer sales, you say? Hmm...

  • AntasilAntasil ✭✭✭✭
    I must say I'm a bit disappointed with the upcoming rewards. But these ships are dead useful for new players, so I can understand.
    But it would be best if there was some variety. If the admiral division offers olden goldies as rewards, give us some newer ships in commander or captain division.

    After this month, where I'll have to battle daily for my andorian ship, I will welcome an easy month I think :-)
  • RaraRacingRaraRacing ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jim Steele wrote: »
    Baring the Andorian ship in this months Admiral division I I have all the ships for the next three months maxed already. I'm pretty discouraged by the Arena, I value my time more than 200 honour/credits gained by doing the battles


    You only need to tap 5 times Jim ... my method:

    1. tap for first battle ...
    2. read the morning paper ...
    3. tap for second battle at some stage (after I'm done an article or two) ...
    4. etc.
    5. Coffee finished, paper done, Arena complete (credits & Honor will come in later when I collect my daily rewards) ... good breakfast had. :)
  • Yeah, very underwhelmed at the offerings for the next couple months. I have every single one of the maxed and I have been playing under a year.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Looks like this wasn't that big of a deal to players or devs. I'm bummed that the 5* rewards we're not just place holders. Next month, I will probably use @RaraRacing 's method or focus on the 4* ship that I have not completed yet.
    Farewell 🖖
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