Countdown timer for Adwarps.
Mirror Cartman
in Make It So!
Adwarps are about 30 minutes apart. They generate revenue for DB, and you want us to watch more ads.
Put a timer on the main screen showing the time until the next adwarp is available. Make it red with a countdown when an adwarp has been used in the last 30 minutes, and green with a thumbs up when an adwarp can be used.
It would allow players to time things like collecting our free 20 chrons, doubling up rewards on expensive missions, or adwarping a final scan just before bed.
DB wins because players will use more adwarps.
Put a timer on the main screen showing the time until the next adwarp is available. Make it red with a countdown when an adwarp has been used in the last 30 minutes, and green with a thumbs up when an adwarp can be used.
It would allow players to time things like collecting our free 20 chrons, doubling up rewards on expensive missions, or adwarping a final scan just before bed.
DB wins because players will use more adwarps.