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Crew slot sale. Thank you.

Crew slot sale, excellent.
Five free crew slots, excellent. Thank you DB.

But look who snuck aboard whilst I was looking elsewhere.


Wesley Crusher #385 and Acting Ensign Crusher #213 off to the disintegration chamber with you, I need the honour.


  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks for the slots, DB!
    Farewell 🖖
  • AldudeAldude ✭✭✭✭✭
    Many thanks! I used my honour windfall, immortalised 4 gold crew members, hit an achievement and then used my new dilithium to buy crew slots in the sale.

    Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
  • @Aldude quick question if you don't mind. I'm also VIP0 with 100 crew slots, a few complete golds but mostly purples in my crew. I've almost saved enough dilithium for my 4th shuttle but I'm very tempted by the crew slot sale. Which would be more useful in your opinion: 4th shuttle or the 10 extra slots?
  • {DD} Smelly{DD} Smelly ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Aldude quick question if you don't mind. I'm also VIP0 with 100 crew slots, a few complete golds but mostly purples in my crew. I've almost saved enough dilithium for my 4th shuttle but I'm very tempted by the crew slot sale. Which would be more useful in your opinion: 4th shuttle or the 10 extra slots?

    I'm know I'm not who you were asking, but I think most people here would agree with me that your 4th shuttle will be a much better investment.

  • mejoyhmejoyh ✭✭✭✭
    Thank you DB :) all the changes are super welcomed. Expanded use of ads, direct dismiss from packs, extra slots, sale on dabo/slots, repeatable crew on voyages.
  • Thanks @Data1001 and @{DD} Smelly (recruiting4lvl110sb)... Any thoughts about crewing all 4 shuttles effectively, especially in events? In my 100 slots I've got 4 immortal golds and a whole bunch of purples. I find I'm pretty good at having effective crews until I get to the 4k shuttles in events when it can be hit and miss.

    I find I've got a lot of 3/4 purples from events and I'm airlocking many 1/4 purples as I can't get honor fast enough to clear the 3/4 purples. I've pretty much done all the grey, green, and blue crew do I won't get many easy immortals achievements from now on - I've competed 178,and saved the dil from the 125, 150 and 175 achievements in anticipation of hitting 200 immortalized and getting my final shuttle.

    If I choose to go for the extra slots now, will it make my life easier for immortalizing crew in the long run? Will it mean I have more spare crew capacity and so will airlock fewer crew, meaning I can earn dilithium quicker for the 4th shuttle relatively quickly?

    I'm also am painfully aware of how the crew slot deal probably won't be repeated until the new year...
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Sancho Panzer - event success at the 4000pt level boils down to depth of crew roster. With 100 slots and rotating crew through the vault, you can assemble a sufficient crew for 4 shuttles and still do the various other activities (cadet challenges, voyages, etc). But to have good success at 4000pts, you need strong cards in each skill that ideally are bonus crew in any given week - which either means lots of crew with the trait-of-the-week (e.g., Dominion this week), or lots of variants of the featured crew (e.g., Odo this week). This crew development process can only be achieved with time (or money). If you have a lot of 3/4 crew, the vault isn't helping you, so you will just have to accept that the 4000pt level will be difficult until you can FF some crew for space and add other useful ones for future events. Just keep working on it and you'll get there.
  • AldudeAldude ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    4th shuttle, hands down.

    With 90 slots, I had to be brutal about space. I airlocked purples left, right and centre just to keep space open. I have a spreadsheet with my own points-based system of usefulness which I consult all the time...
    But that 4th shuttle is vital!
    Fleet Admiral of NCC UK Midlands."Leave any bigotry in your quarters. There's no room for it on the bridge." - J.T. Kirk, 2266
  • muwoomuwoo ✭✭✭
    @Aldude quick question if you don't mind. I'm also VIP0 with 100 crew slots, a few complete golds but mostly purples in my crew. I've almost saved enough dilithium for my 4th shuttle but I'm very tempted by the crew slot sale. Which would be more useful in your opinion: 4th shuttle or the 10 extra slots?

    4th shuttle. If you buy the crew slots you know what will happen? You'll fill them and you'll be stuck with not enough crew slots. You'll always fill up to the level you have and end up juggling so you might as well juggle at 90 and get that shuttle. I was skeptical at first because it's a lot of dilithium but glad I saved up for it.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Regarding not having strong enough crew to maintain success in 4000 VP shuttles: this would still be a problem whether you had only 3 shuttles, or 2 shuttles — having 4 shutttles just gets you to that point faster. You will eventually get to a point of "settling in" at a shuttle difficulty level you can deal with, with your current roster, since enough shuttle failures will eventually drop you down to the next lowest VP level (and level of difficulty). But that 4th shuttle would still allow you to accumulate VP at a much faster rate during Faction events. It also helps a lot during the week, just running regular shuttle missions, since you can then build up your resources more quickly.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • @Data1001 @Aldude @Ishmael Marx @muwoo thanks for your thoughts on this, I really appreciate your responses. I think I was hoping extra slots would help but you guys are right, I'll just end up with more 3/4 purples! Thanks everyone
  • Stellar IceStellar Ice ✭✭✭✭✭
    @Sancho Panzer as a fellow VIP 0, definitely shuttles before slots. Shuttles are a game changer and it's the only way for VIP 0 to be competitive in faction events. Slots can come later. If you run out of room, just airlock your partial crew. They'll come around again eventually.
    The VIP 0 Heroes and VIP 0 Champions are looking for like-minded fellow VIP 0 players to join our family of fleets. Please contact me here or on Discord.

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