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Revival Item? What is that?

I just extended my first voyage in quite some time, and voila, no longer the dilithium charge, but a "revival item", which I have no idea what that is or what I'm surrendering up to continue the voyage. is DB coming to take my first born or something? ;) What are these items? I must have them, since it's letting me continue.


  • You should read your mail before you claim things, heheh.

    It's just a token that DB has sent out to make up for issues with Voyages / downtime / as a general reward.

    I believe three of them has been sent out at various points thusfar.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    DB has sent three voyage revival tokens in the mail for various recall/voyage issues. If you've claimed the messages you have them sitting and waiting for your first 3 revivals. After that it reverts to DIL.
  • Remember, if you already claimed these tokens/mails, you won't be given the option of extending with dil on the less expensive revivals.
    [DCC] bebe
    Privileged to be Admiral of the Great Fleet
    Dilithium Causes Cancer, maxed Starbase level 134
    Featuring photonic flee free holodecks and
    All you can drink Neelix's Even Better Than Coffee Substitute!
  • PenguinJimPenguinJim ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pink Bebe wrote: »
    Remember, if you already claimed these tokens/mails, you won't be given the option of extending with dil on the less expensive revivals.

    So just to spell it out: don't claim them until you're ready to use them! >:)
  • thanks everyone...heh heh. So it's true...occasionally there are messages that aren't "yeah, the server **tsk tsk** again here's some chrons" man, I tuned those out ages ago.
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