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Keevan in 3* rewards again? Seriously? C'mon DB

edited September 2018 in The Bridge
Really? Are we going to be going though the same old crap again? Shan, please help us out here.
Almost everyone is sick of this guy, especially after he was in daily rewards last month, then almost for the last event mega. EVERYONE has him FF!
DB, can you do something better for a 3* reward than offer the same thing over & over? Make it worth players while! And don't make it Third Rematkan.


  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Over 4 hours for anyone to post this, I guess we all really were occupied with spending our honor windfalls.


    Or maybe this thread needs to be merged into the event thread as it was already posted by the op there.
  • Paladin 27 wrote: »
    Over 4 hours for anyone to post this, I guess we all really were occupied with spending our honor windfalls.


    Or maybe this thread needs to be merged as it was already posted by the op there.

    Either playing poker or the aforementioned. Ya, guess we're all starry strucked by the new features which is quite awesome, just waiting for the full update.
    BTW, I did see the rewards this morning when posted but was too busy TCOB to post about it, surprised no one beat me to it.
    @Paladin 27 A of♠️for you.✌
  • The only other Event related 3* are

    Constable Odo and Third Remata'Klan

    How about a new 3* instead of any of the three choices.
    Starfleet Commission: August 12, 2017
  • The only other Event related 3* are

    Constable Odo and Third Remata'Klan

    How about a new 3* instead of any of the three choices.

    I'm for that! Couldn't have put it better myself bro.
  • New would be nice but we realistically can't expect that for every event. Personally I'm ambivalent about it - particularly as I'd already decided to do thresholds and out on this one - with old crew as the rank reward I can let my rank slip as much as I like.
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  • New would be nice but we realistically can't expect that for every event. Personally I'm ambivalent about it - particularly as I'd already decided to do thresholds and out on this one - with old crew as the rank reward I can let my rank slip as much as I like.

    Ya Ziggy, that's fine, for you.
    I'm just saying that this 3* Keevan again is reaching into the well(or the hat) filled with Keevan one too many times, and just after last month's daily reward and almost in the event. DB needs to be more creative in the 3* rewards dept. for events. Which is something that I addressed to Shan in my welcome back post last week, still haven't heared back about how DB would try to stop throwing the same garbage at us in event rewards or be conscientious in not repeating the same rewards for weeks. It gets boring.
    I wonder if she's doing something about it now as we speak?hmmm. Waiting for some word Shan.
  • You're missing my first point - new 3* crew for each event are a chore DB don't need to Do, Rare crew being mostly straight-to-ice anyway.
    DB could pick ANY existing 3* crew and any player who's been playing even half as long as I will have them immortalised already.
    Consider this: DB got crucified recently (again!) for churning out a 5* crew with an out of balance ship skill. Players frequently point out that QA is near to non existent. Now think how many more opportunities there are for slip ups if we get 3 new event crew every week - on top of whatever Tuesday portal or other specials.

    With 3* crew being such a low priority for many Players, plus the fact that they're all easily obtainable anyway, is this really worthy of complaint?

    IMHO it's not but IDIC I suppose.
    Come join our fleet! We're a great social group that helps each other. You play the way you want to, participate as much as you want and if you want to be competitive, you can be! Check out our fleet ad:

  • You're missing my first point - new 3* crew for each event are a chore DB don't need to Do, Rare crew being mostly straight-to-ice anyway.
    DB could pick ANY existing 3* crew and any player who's been playing even half as long as I will have them immortalised already.
    Consider this: DB got crucified recently (again!) for churning out a 5* crew with an out of balance ship skill. Players frequently point out that QA is near to non existent. Now think how many more opportunities there are for slip ups if we get 3 new event crew every week - on top of whatever Tuesday portal or other specials.

    With 3* crew being such a low priority for many Players, plus the fact that they're all easily obtainable anyway, is this really worthy of complaint?

    IMHO it's not but IDIC I suppose.

    On top of that, the threshold you need to reach to acquire and FF the new 3* is only consistently attainable by veteran players, EXACTLY the players who would not get any gameplay benefit out of it, apart from adding a notch to an achievement or collection. There was a time when 3* cards mattered (anybody remember the "Magnificent Seven"?) but that time has long since passed, apart from your favorite weekend crew.
  • Third Rematla'Klan would be excellent. Should have had him two weeks ago instead of Keevan, now we should have him instead of Keevan.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • You're missing my first point - new 3* crew for each event are a chore DB don't need to Do, Rare crew being mostly straight-to-ice anyway.
    DB could pick ANY existing 3* crew and any player who's been playing even half as long as I will have them immortalised already.
    Consider this: DB got crucified recently (again!) for churning out a 5* crew with an out of balance ship skill. Players frequently point out that QA is near to non existent. Now think how many more opportunities there are for slip ups if we get 3 new event crew every week - on top of whatever Tuesday portal or other specials.

    With 3* crew being such a low priority for many Players, plus the fact that they're all easily obtainable anyway, is this really worthy of complaint?

    IMHO it's not but IDIC I suppose.

    I never said DB had to make a new 3* card for every event. That would be a lot of work, but it would be nice.
    All I'm saying, and I'll repeat myself again since you really didn't read my last entry and understand my point. I wish DB would stop repeating the SAME rewards for every other event and/or monthlies. That is my only gripe here,(and yes it's worth the gripe) as they should have done a different reward instead of Keevan for this event.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    Third Rematla'Klan would be excellent. Should have had him two weeks ago instead of Keevan, now we should have him instead of Keevan.

    I have Third sitting at 1/3, fully equipped, at level 99. I'd certainly take him over the 300 honor I'll get from Keevan.
    Farewell 🖖
  • @Shan- any chance of a change in 3* rewards for event?
    Thx in advance.
  • Guess not😑😖
    Usual response from DB🤐
  • kapukapu ✭✭✭
    Guess not😑😖
    Usual response from DB🤐

    fyi tagging her doesnt do anything, they disabled it due to so much spamming :DD
    Captain Lvl 99; Vip0; 552 Unique Immortals; Fleet: Omega Molecules; Base Lvl 134 (MAX); Playing Since March 2016.
  • Ya, I know. Was worth a try. Thx bro.
    To bad all I hear is crickets.🐜
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    I like crickets. Especially chocolate covered ones.
  • Pallidyne wrote: »
    I like crickets. Especially chocolate covered ones.

    You should try deep fried scorpions 🦂 yum
  • ShanShan ✭✭✭✭✭
    I forgot to update this thread, my apologies.

    I did inquire about Keevan and it was intended, as it provides a Dominion crew in lower ranks.
    For newer players it will be useful, for older players less so - it is often a difficult balance to achieve.
  • Shan wrote: »
    I forgot to update this thread, my apologies.

    I did inquire about Keevan and it was intended, as it provides a Dominion crew in lower ranks.
    For newer players it will be useful, for older players less so - it is often a difficult balance to achieve.

    But my point on this thread was he was last month's calendar rewards so... even new, recent players already have him maxed more than likely.
    So again I say, stop repeating the SAME rewards and add someone different who hasn't been featured recently. Again Q&A
    As another player said in this thread, Third Rematla'Klan would have been good since he hasn't been featured in rewards for a looong time. I know in one of my other post I said don't make it him, but at least it wouldn't have been a repeat of a character over a 2 month span and THAT would have benefited the newer players more with an extra dominion crew, don't you think?
    In the words of Spock, I think it sounds logical.
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ya, I know. Was worth a try. Thx bro.
    To bad all I hear is crickets.🐜

    That’s the weirdest cricket I have ever seen... but any generic “bug” should do... oh wait, there is a 🦗 emoji 😇
  • Thx @Paund Skumm, don't have it in my keyboard and the image is different from the one you actual post.
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