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The A, The E, CBS and Viacom

edited September 2018 in The Bridge
I thought I understood why we don't have these two beautiful ships in game - the rights are owned by Viacom but DB works with CBS, owner of the television shows.

But then how do we have the USS Reliant, Ripped Khan, Drunk Troi et al?


  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    DB has the rights to all the pre-JJ Trek and Discovery. The Refit and E could appear in the game. They're just waiting for the right moment to introduce them.
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    I know the studio was always super protective over the 1701 refit and A, not allowing any other ships to be seen of that class in future films or TV series.

    If I remember correctly they wanted the A to always be totally unique and recognisable.

    I wonder if this has anything to do with it? Or, it’s simply as other have pointed out and DB just havent made or released them to us yet.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    I know the studio was always super protective over the 1701 refit and A, not allowing any other ships to be seen of that class in future films or TV series.

    If I remember correctly they wanted the A to always be totally unique and recognisable.

    I wonder if this has anything to do with it? Or, it’s simply as other have pointed out and DB just havent made or released them to us yet.

    Was the Constitution class wreckage at Wolf 359 Refit or Original?
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    Pallidyne wrote: »
    I know the studio was always super protective over the 1701 refit and A, not allowing any other ships to be seen of that class in future films or TV series.

    If I remember correctly they wanted the A to always be totally unique and recognisable.

    I wonder if this has anything to do with it? Or, it’s simply as other have pointed out and DB just havent made or released them to us yet.

    Was the Constitution class wreckage at Wolf 359 Refit or Original?

    Good point - that’s the only slightly exception where you see some refit constitution wreckage at Wolf 359.

    There’s not a lot of it left either, could have been a different configuration altogether.


  • If you have the time watch/listen to this two videos about the past and future of Star Trek through the divorce of CBS and Paramont/Viacom:



  • Great Videos, thanks for sharing MCMCaveman
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    In lieu of the E, I'll take the F:

  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    In lieu of the E, I'll take the F:


    That’s horrendous! :s:#:'(
    I’m assuming some sort of STO monstrosity.
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    In lieu of the E, I'll take the F:


    That’s horrendous! :s:#:'(
    I’m assuming some sort of STO monstrosity.

    It's officially canon, until the new Picard show retcons it.
  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    In lieu of the E, I'll take the F:


    That’s horrendous! :s:#:'(
    I’m assuming some sort of STO monstrosity.

    It's officially canon, until the new Picard show retcons it.

    How is it canon?
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    In lieu of the E, I'll take the F:


    That’s horrendous! :s:#:'(
    I’m assuming some sort of STO monstrosity.

    It's officially canon, until the new Picard show retcons it.

    How is it canon?

  • Cranky (SC) Cranky (SC) ✭✭✭✭✭
    In lieu of the E, I'll take the F:


    That’s horrendous! :s:#:'(
    I’m assuming some sort of STO monstrosity.

    It's officially canon, until the new Picard show retcons it.

    How is it canon?


    A publicity/marketing article on StarTrek.com does not make something canon. They’ve probably had articles about Star Trek Timelines before and that doesn’t make any of the made up crew by DB canon either (whether you like them or not).

    The generally accepted definition of Star Trek canon is that it has to have been shown in TV or film. Computer games, comic books and M.A.S.Hups don’t count.
  • GhostStalkerGhostStalker ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    In lieu of the E, I'll take the F:


    That’s horrendous! :s:#:'(
    I’m assuming some sort of STO monstrosity.

    It's officially canon, until the new Picard show retcons it.

    How is it canon?


    A publicity/marketing article on StarTrek.com does not make something canon. They’ve probably had articles about Star Trek Timelines before and that doesn’t make any of the made up crew by DB canon either (whether you like them or not).

    The generally accepted definition of Star Trek canon is that it has to have been shown in TV or film. Computer games, comic books and M.A.S.Hups don’t count.

    Star Trek online was the only official platform of the (prime) Star Trek Universe from the cancellation of Enterprise until Discovery (if you consider it prime Universe.) The TV shows were over, the universe lived on in the game. It's 2018, the world doesn't revolve around television anymore. The true definition of "canon" is - is it officially part of the Universe of the intellectual property? And it was referred to directly as canon by Paramount. I'll dig up the articles if you insist, but at the moment I'm a little busy.
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    That looks like the unnatural spawn of the Voyager mating with the Enterprise-D...
  • In lieu of the E, I'll take the F:


    That’s horrendous! :s:#:'(
    I’m assuming some sort of STO monstrosity.

    It's officially canon, until the new Picard show retcons it.

    How is it canon?


    A publicity/marketing article on StarTrek.com does not make something canon. They’ve probably had articles about Star Trek Timelines before and that doesn’t make any of the made up crew by DB canon either (whether you like them or not).

    The generally accepted definition of Star Trek canon is that it has to have been shown in TV or film. Computer games, comic books and M.A.S.Hups don’t count.

    Star Trek online was the only official platform of the (prime) Star Trek Universe from the cancellation of Enterprise until Discovery (if you consider it prime Universe.) The TV shows were over, the universe lived on in the game. It's 2018, the world doesn't revolve around television anymore. The true definition of "canon" is - is it officially part of the Universe of the intellectual property? And it was referred to directly as canon by Paramount. I'll dig up the articles if you insist, but at the moment I'm a little busy.

    No. It's not.

    It's widely accepted amongst fans that it is just what is shown on TV and Movies.


    The ship also doesn't have an entry on Memory Alpha, but IS on the non-canon Memory Beta.

    Also this extract taken from STO's own Wiki: https://sto.gamepedia.com/Canon_in_Star_Trek_Online:
    As part of the Star Trek franchise, the game itself has to be considered soft-canon, as any new TV series or movie could easily contradict its stories and settings.

    And this interview in 2009 with one of the game developers.
    Specifically this quote,:
    Zinkievich: What is the official canon is really an argument that anyone can have. For us all the shows and movies are canon. But you can get in an argument with any of the fans about how even some of the shows may have small contradictions in them. We want to make sure that we follow that timeline, and we're true to that timeline. We see the shows and movies as canon. We're reading the novels now; the novels are considered soft canon with a lot of more conflicts in there. You can never call yourself "canon," but we can't take a 90-degree angle and go it's all totally different.
  • OK, two serious issues that also happen to be pet peeves of mine:

    1) Licensed material is not "official" or canonical in any way. Perfect World Entertainment (the STO developer), Pocket Books (publisher of many many Trek novels), IDW comics, Disruptor Beam and other licensees who produce "expanded universe" content (Trek doesn't really have an EU in the same sense that Star Wars did, but I use the term for lack of a better one) have a license to produce Trek content. They have no obligation to be consistent with each other. STO can contradict events that happened in a novel, and the novels can even contradict each other. This was not true of the old Star Wars EU, which had to follow certain rules. Star Trek's licensed material is not canonical. Period. It's not a disputed question.

    2) The Youtube video linked above is by a team called "Midnight's Edge," a channel that spreads wildly inaccurate information and laughable conspiracy theories. Perhaps some of you remember when they were insisting Discovery was going to be cancelled before it even premiered, to be replaced by a rumored series about Khan? They've been aggressively pessimistic about Discovery. Midnight's Edge treats rumor as reality and conjecture as fact, sowing pessimism and doubt among fans. They're the Alex Jones of Trek fandom.
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