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Age of Sail Data (5*)


Guessing we'll see him in the Tuesday offers today.

Could we see an "Age of Sail" Collection in the future?


  • Dabo
  • Theres also a 3* sisko.
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Theres also a 3* sisko.

    What's it labelled as?
  • I want Age of Sail Burnham and Age of Sail Janeway!!!
    [GoT] Drunk Shimoda
    GoT Chief Communications Officer
  • AmphistaffAmphistaff ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yateball wrote: »
    Theres also a 3* sisko.

    What's it labelled as?

    Commanding Officer Sisko. Search for him in your vault, he'll show up.
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    I want Age of Sail Burnham and Age of Sail Janeway!!!

    I love ya, but can we please retire this joke?

    Completely agree... it's played
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Amphistaff wrote: »
    Yateball wrote: »
    Theres also a 3* sisko.

    What's it labelled as?

    Commanding Officer Sisko. Search for him in your vault, he'll show up.

    Yah I didn't see him when it was originally posted but rebooted the app and see him now. Looks like that's probably the red uniform sisko that's been pictured on the wiki and what not for ages but never in the game
  • [TLA]  84wb[TLA] 84wb ✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Amphistaff wrote: »
    Commanding Officer Sisko. Search for him in your vault, he'll show up.
    Strange enough, he does not (yet) show up in the Rare Crew collection.
    EDIT: Forget that. After another reboot he does.
    Interested in being part of the TLA fun?
  • smcecwqw0qvl.jpeg
    •SSR Delta Flyers•
  • [ISA] Big McLargeHuge[ISA] Big McLargeHuge ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018

    Just a thumbnail, but that might be the best Data artwork they've ever done.
  • Sold in a Data and Geordi pack rather than an AoS one.

    Would've maybe been tempted had they included Friar Tuck Data in the 4*'s and Captain/Borg La Forge. But two awful mirror crew and two FF'd Geordi's and it's a no from me!
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sold in a Data and Geordi pack rather than an AoS one.

    Would've maybe been tempted had they included Friar Tuck Data in the 4*'s and Captain/Borg La Forge. But two awful mirror crew and two FF'd Geordi's and it's a no from me!

    Agreed... I also already have Mirror Data immortal so it's even more of a "can't touch this" from me
  • I chased him harder than I should have, which is the norm for the characters I really want.

    I ended up with some LaForges I already had and a Mirror Data
  • I always love a new Sisko, but if I were making a generic 3* version I'd have picked either Saratoga Sisko or plain old Commander Sisko.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    5/5 Age of Sail Data stats thanks to @Paladin 27 (congrats on FTM)

    CMD 1171 +(186-446)
    ENG 844 +(125-269)
    DIP 527 +(127-243)

    Traits: Android, Federation, Starfleet, Cyberneticist, Costumed, Explorer, Musician
  • Sold in a Data and Geordi pack rather than an AoS one.

    Would've maybe been tempted had they included Friar Tuck Data in the 4*'s and Captain/Borg La Forge. But two awful mirror crew and two FF'd Geordi's and it's a no from me!

    3 FF Geordis. Love the Data's, but not enough to roll those dice.
  • RennJaxoRennJaxo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I always love a new Sisko, but if I were making a generic 3* version I'd have picked either Saratoga Sisko or plain old Commander Sisko.

    Saratoga Sisko needs to be an eventual one-star version of the character, so we finally get a Sisko of each variant.

    Agree about Commander Sisko though - pre goatee and shaved head.
  • I wish they would just do an AoS Galaxy Event or just AoS pack, not risking buying this with the Mirror LaForge/Data there
  • Paladin 27Paladin 27 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Stats aren’t the best but pretty good especially considering the rarity of dip eng cmd for voyages. Also a few traits that come up frequently for voyages.
  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    It's insane how often they slip Mirror Universe characters into packs... like there seems to be at least one in each release
  • IkritIkrit ✭✭✭
    I always love a new Sisko, but if I were making a generic 3* version I'd have picked either Saratoga Sisko or plain old Commander Sisko.

    I'm surprised Commander Sisko isn't in. Saratoga could work as a 1*, kinda fitting with certain "flashback" variants like Stargazer Picard or Ensign Tuvok (I know that Saratoga Sisko isn't exactly a flashback but more of an intro to who Sisko is and what his motivations are, but it takes place a couple of years before DS9 is set).

    I would like "(The) Sisko, Emissary of the Prophets," with the art from either the first episode or from an episode specifically about the Prophets and/or his connection to Bajor. Something that ties him to Bajor (though the Lightship version does kinda fit that). I can't think of examples right now, but I know there is something out there.

    Also, Chef Sisko would be a funny 1*
  • RennJaxoRennJaxo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Ikrit wrote: »
    I always love a new Sisko, but if I were making a generic 3* version I'd have picked either Saratoga Sisko or plain old Commander Sisko.

    I'm surprised Commander Sisko isn't in. Saratoga could work as a 1*, kinda fitting with certain "flashback" variants like Stargazer Picard or Ensign Tuvok (I know that Saratoga Sisko isn't exactly a flashback but more of an intro to who Sisko is and what his motivations are, but it takes place a couple of years before DS9 is set).

    I would like "(The) Sisko, Emissary of the Prophets," with the art from either the first episode or from an episode specifically about the Prophets and/or his connection to Bajor. Something that ties him to Bajor (though the Lightship version does kinda fit that). I can't think of examples right now, but I know there is something out there.

    Also, Chef Sisko would be a funny 1*

    Or Beachwear Sisko.

  • YateballYateball ✭✭✭✭✭
    Those Sisko rolls tho!
    FE/FF level 100 CMD 433 (11-23), DIP 234 (12 - 34), SEC 487 (28-78)

    That is one un-proficient dude
  • AoS Data's stats aren't great, but a Data with command will come in handy at some point.
  • 6nnum5j3i7ic.png

    Anyone got ship stats?
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