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STT no longer belongs to db? Edit: stt has partnered with tilting point

edited September 2018 in The Bridge
Someone wanna explain this...
Never heard of tilting point...


  • I don't have an explanation, but it does match up with what is on this page - https://tiltingpoint.com
  • I was just about to post the link, beat me to it
  • [GoT] Unsober Shimoda[GoT] Unsober Shimoda ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
  • Let's hope they bring also some QA with this ....
  • Frank?Frank? ✭✭✭✭✭
    Old news - this became public around Christmas when we all got Mirror JLP and Merry Man Worf. The idea was the new brains-trust was trying to buy loyalty from existing players by giving away 5* crew - which for the previous 2 years was unheard of.

    Still DB at the steering wheel.
  • ~peregrine~~peregrine~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    No change in the Apple app store:

    "In the short run, the game defines the players. But in the long run, it's us players who define the game." — Nicky Case, The Evolution of Trust
  • Old news - this became public around Christmas when we all got Mirror JLP and Merry Man Worf. The idea was the new brains-trust was trying to buy loyalty from existing players by giving away 5* crew - which for the previous 2 years was unheard of.

    Still DB at the steering wheel.

    Ooh, how can i get in on this lol
  • Perhaps if DB focused more on player retention, they wouldnt need to go to another company to help with 'user acquisition'.

    Fuzzy Moo - I agree with you comment. Question (for all to answer), what do you propose that they (DB) do to retain the players they already have? I'd be interested in hearing what you all have to say as I am one of those players that they are about to lose.

    Note - to avoid hijacking this thread, creating a new post wouldn't hurt.
  • What I find most interesting is that all of the games featured on the homepage have a compelling stat about increases in revenue, ROI, ad spend, decreases in CPI, etc.... except STT.

    Also as an aside, when this news came out about the partnership, I was mad at DB about something -- I think it was the Mirror Bev debacle, but who the heck knows at this point given how often they mess up. So, I went and downloaded all of Tilting Point's other games and threw some money out of spite that I would have normally spent on STT. My food truck is boss.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • What I find most interesting is that all of the games featured on the homepage have a compelling stat about increases in revenue, ROI, ad spend, decreases in CPI, etc.... except STT.

    Also as an aside, when this news came out about the partnership, I was mad at DB about something -- I think it was the Mirror Bev debacle, but who the heck knows at this point given how often they mess up. So, I went and downloaded all of Tilting Point's other games and threw some money out of spite that I would have normally spent on STT. My food truck is boss.

    Does it serve Tacos? Does it have Ranch Dressing?
  • Gee, I guess that they didnt rent enough of those $129 desks.
    Gee, I guess those $129 desks meant nothing at all.
  • Old news - this became public around Christmas when we all got Mirror JLP and Merry Man Worf. The idea was the new brains-trust was trying to buy loyalty from existing players by giving away 5* crew - which for the previous 2 years was unheard of.

    Still DB at the steering wheel.

    Ooh, how can i get in on this lol

    You can be Jonny Cochrane or Judge Lance Ito. Strike that..
    I'm judge Ito, your objection is overruled
    But permission to carry forward with the role play is allowed.
  • 29 million? To promote one of the most tedious games on that planet? Hahahahaha.

    Whatever happened to creating a quality product, good communications and good customer service? Used to take care of itself.
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    "The two companies will co-develop another role-playing game based on an existing intellectual property."

    Can you already give some hints about this Shan? Or maybe even a concrete name :p ?

    And next to further cash what does this deal mean for STT? Will DB hire new staff? Cause with a further game in development the working resources of your small team would spread even thinner...
  • Game of Timelines:

    spoiler: Everyone dies at the end of the first event
  • 29mil to advertise... Wow..... except hardcore star trek fans which prob already play and left the game, who else they are targetting? They better spend the money to improve the game itself

  • I doubt the money is for star trek. It's a cut for DB to make and run a new game. I think it will drain resources from the current game since it is the larger money source now.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    Emmett K wrote: »
    I doubt the money is for star trek. It's a cut for DB to make and run a new game. I think it will drain resources from the current game since it is the larger money source now.

    I fear this is accurate. We know for sure that the money hasn't gone into CS or QA.

    I'm still positive the 5* give-aways and the Mirror Picard DBacle were Tipping Point pushes.

    P.S. My latest ticket is a week out now with no response. This is why I don't make tickets and am fearful to spend.
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