"An Error Occurred"

Clicking on almost anything in the game brings up this error message. I can't claim my dilithium card, for example, and it takes forever to actually get into the game for the multitude of errors it keeps throwing.

Usually should work again after a couple minutes.
Thanks! I will give it another go in a bit.
Anyway, the game is unplayable for me today, both on mobile and steam platforms. Getting the spinning flower all the time and the occasional "An error occured" and "Game unavailable / interenet down" pop-ups, from time to time. Meahwhile, nothing loads, voyages are especially affected.
I checked my internet connection and it's working just fine.
EDIT: fixed some spelling errors.
I am really sorry that this is your current experience.
The game is up and running on our end.
While your internet connection is fine, it does not mean that all providers between yourself and our servers are. Any outage or issue on that particular route could result in the issues you are seeing.
True, I'll try to examine the problem more closely. However, everything else is fine on my end, I guess it's upto my ISP. I'll give it some time then, things will probably sort themselves out.
Asked around my fleet if anybody has the same issues, I've yet to recieve a reply.
Long/Giving DB some benefit of doubt:
DB can only control so much. It’s possible you’re on a crappy/cheap ISP who refuse to pay for good routes onto the internet and many of its popular destinations. It’s also possible DB aren’t selecting their internet peers very well, or are cheaping out.
TLDR: 50/50. Could be you have bad internet, could be DB don’t want to pay for good peering.