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Skirmish Event Changes

<TGE> Darxide<TGE> Darxide ✭✭✭✭
edited September 2018 in The Bridge
So I'm looking at the in-game mail with the same title as this post. The last email some weeks ago that was trying to explain stuff was just a word soup after a bit and I just cleared it and forgot about it.

So let me get one thing straight because this new mail seems a bit long-winded to explain what seems to be a simple thing. For this upcoming event tomorrow as long as I put my Kal-if-fee Spock on to the ship for the skirmish then I'll get the maximum VP possible? Is this correct? Because this is all I ever did for the past skirmishes. Just put an event crew in there. If this is the case then I don't know (nor care) about what has changed because it doesn't impact me.


  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    It's all explained in Shan's post in Starfleet Communications. Here's an excerpt that may clear things up (I have bolded text which I feel is most pertinent):
    Bonus VP can be obtained by:
    - Using a featured event crew (highest bonus)
    - Using a variant of the featured event crew or, when applicable, crew with an event bonus trait (medium bonus)
    - Matching a trait in a specific battle (small bonus)

    These various bonuses do not stack and only the highest qualifying bonus will apply.
    Your ship can only get one bonus from your crew. You will always get the highest bonus of the equipped crew.


    Battle A: you equip 1 featured event crew, 1 variant (or event bonus trait crew), and 1 crew matching 1 or all traits of the battle. The VP bonus applied will be the one provided by the featured event crew (the highest bonus).

    Battle B: you equip 1 variant (or event bonus trait crew) who also matches one or more traits for said battle. The highest VP bonus will apply (a medium bonus).

    Battle C: you equip at least one crew matching one or more traits for said battle. A small VP bonus will apply.

    In other words, to answer your question: yes.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • Data1001 wrote: »
    In other words, to answer your question: yes.

    This was all that was required.
  • Yes. Or so it appears. Without in-game testing proving what we think she meant the developers were trying to explain is actually working as expected and there are no bugs, that's correct.
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  • Does the ship bonus stack with the crew bonus? I haven't seen this addressed anywhere.
  • Althea BiermontAlthea Biermont ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Yes. Or so it appears. Without in-game testing proving what we think she meant the developers were trying to explain is actually working as expected and there are no bugs, that's correct.
    Crossing fingers

  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    Does the ship bonus stack with the crew bonus? I haven't seen this addressed anywhere.

    It does not. In Shan's post, she comments that bonuses do not stack, only highest bonus applies.
  • Does the ship bonus stack with the crew bonus? I haven't seen this addressed anywhere.

    LOL great point, I completely forgot about ship bonuses. I would presume the bonuses don't stack, though it would provide a LOT more incentive to buy ship packs if they did.

    We need to keep in mind a lot of people reading this forum are more advanced/veteran players than average, so the ships could be beneficial to people newer to the game who have few/basic ships and no event crew (especially vip0). Particularly for those with very few available crew slots, a bonus ship could allow you to get SOME bonus vp and rewards, though I have no clue which "tier".
  • I find it’s more interesting if the bonus are cumulative, so people come up with setup that still survive to get the most point per battle.
  • Capt. ChaosCapt. Chaos ✭✭✭✭✭
    I believe ship bonuses only reduce damage taken.
  • FarnsworthFarnsworth ✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Ship bonuses increase your hull and shields. Unfortunately, we aren't getting the double Victory Point bonuses from using event crew like we're supposed to.

  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Blob wrote: »
    I find it’s more interesting if the bonus are cumulative, so people come up with setup that still survive to get the most point per battle.

    Yes. Or scale the difficulties further. I'd also like to see traits providing stackable skill improvements. So the harder it gets the more you need to think about trait matches to keep winning. Eventually you even get to the point where you're picking crew for traits to win and not being able to worry about event crew bonus. Then make opponent/trait selections random from a set. I would also eliminate the final battle bonus and let each battle scale up in VP so you keep playing until you die.

    The end result would be you need to stop and think after each battle. You wouldn't be able to write a bot for it. The event would become about thinking about crew for each battle and optimizing your selection. You would run fewer battles with more thought into each one. The eventual winner would be the person that runs the smartest battles instead of the person that grinds the same repetitive tasks the most times.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    Data1001 wrote: »
    Yes. Or so it appears. Without in-game testing proving what we think she meant the developers were trying to explain is actually working as expected and there are no bugs, that's correct.

    Shh... Darxide doesn't want any further information on that topic, didn't you read his demands? We don't want to break his brain. :p

    So, if I'm understanding your interpretation of Darxide's communique, my explanation was breaking Darxide's brain because the complexity was, well, too complex? Because I would have thought Darxide would have preferred a more complete explanation to prepare them should our interpretation of Shan's communication from the developers prove incorrect or the possibility of bugs within the game making us out to be liars or, worse, stupid. Which is nor something I, or indeed your own good self, should I interpret you well from our brief communications online, would like.

    If it makes you feel any better, Darxide's admiral is Roonis.

    No one comes out of a conversation with Roonis without being made aware of several different varieties of impending doom.
  • I stand with Roonis :)
  • Data1001 wrote: »
    Yes. Or so it appears. Without in-game testing proving what we think she meant the developers were trying to explain is actually working as expected and there are no bugs, that's correct.

    Shh... Darxide doesn't want any further information on that topic, didn't you read his demands? We don't want to break his brain. :p

    So, if I'm understanding your interpretation of Darxide's communique, my explanation was breaking Darxide's brain because the complexity was, well, too complex? Because I would have thought Darxide would have preferred a more complete explanation to prepare them should our interpretation of Shan's communication from the developers prove incorrect or the possibility of bugs within the game making us out to be liars or, worse, stupid. Which is nor something I, or indeed your own good self, should I interpret you well from our brief communications online, would like.

    If it makes you feel any better, Darxide's admiral is Roonis.

    No one comes out of a conversation with Roonis without being made aware of several different varieties of impending doom.

    Ah, so appealing to authority. I'm sure Roonis has better things to do than rip shreds off of someone who's having a gentle joke.
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • [BL] PShivers[BL] PShivers ✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Farnsworth wrote: »
    Ship bonuses increase your hull and shields. Unfortunately, we aren't getting the double Victory Point bonuses from using event crew like we're supposed to.


    Did you read that whole thread? Max bonus with event crew is 1000 vp. Spock is getting proper bonus.
  • I really want to express my appreciation for these changes. It is not common for a game to listen to the players and the fact that you guys did listen and act on our input is awesome. THANKS
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