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HMS not Klingon?

Doing my voyage today when the Klingon trait came up for the ship I was like "yes" long voyage today but when I got to the HMS, it didn't give the extra AM.
What up with that? IT is a Klingon ship, right? I know it was commandeered by Kirk and crew but it's still a Klingon ship none the less right? DB need to make HMS have both Federation and Klingon traits.😔🤔

Best Answers

  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Imho it is correct. Whomever builds or last operates a ship is irrelevant. It is the current owners or occupiers that matter.
  • edited September 2018 Answer ✓
    In the long history of navies the ship belongs to whose flag she flies.

    We understand your point but that's not tradition. Or ownership.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓
    Just for giggles, does anyone know what the Bounty was called before it was commandeered?

    This is the best info I could find:



  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    It was a Klingon-built ship but I believe the reasoning behind the trait is that it is a Federation-aligned ship after Kirk and friends commandeered it.
  • It was a Klingon-built ship but I believe the reasoning behind the trait is that it is a Federation-aligned ship after Kirk and friends commandeered it.

    My point is, it was built and commissioned by the KDF, I suppose. So that makes it still a Klingon ship regardless of anyone commandeering it.
    When Gul Dukat commandeered a BoP, did that make it a Cardassian ship? He used it to fight for Cardassia but that didn't make it a Cardie ship now did it? I think not.
  • SMM wrote: »
    Imho it is correct. Whomever builds or last operates a ship is irrelevant. It is the current owners or occupiers that matter.

    I still believe origin should count.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've always had the some thought, especially since each player is loading the ship with his/her own unique crew for every voyage. The bounty never ceased being a Klingon Bird-of-Prey, in terms of ship classification.

    I can throw a BMW sticker on a 1984 Hyundai Pony, and loan it out to a bunch of Mazda salesmen, but that doesn't make the car a BMW or Mazda... it's still a 1984 Hyundai Pony.
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    When the USS Nautilus was captured by the British and renamed HMS Emulous was it still an American ship? ;)
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    In the long history of navies the ship belongs to whose flag she flies.

    We understand your point but that's not tradition. Or ownership.
    When the USS Nautilus was captured by the British and renamed HMS Emulous was it still an American ship? ;)

    By that logic, every ship I own and operate as a Federation captain in this game would therefore become a Federation ship - not just the Bounty, but same goes for my Romulan Warbird, my Borg Cube, etc...

    At the very least, The Bounty should have both Klingon and Federation classifications, much like Klingon Dukat is both a Klingon and Cardassian.
  • Data1001Data1001 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    By that logic, every ship I own and operate as a Federation captain in this game would therefore become a Federation ship - not just the Bounty, but same goes for my Romulan Warbird, my Borg Cube, etc...

    No, for the same reason that every crew member in your roster does not automatically become a member of the Federation.

    Could you please continue the petty bickering? I find it most intriguing.
    ~ Data, ST:TNG "Haven"
  • edited September 2018
    Is there a naval expert in the house? I really think for purposes of the game it should also be origin, looks Klingon to me. Even though I understand the logic of naval tradition.
    Let's remember the pirates in the Caribbean, they commandeered many nations ships, didn't change the fact of their origin
    Just for giggles, does anyone know what the Bounty was called before it was commandeered?
  • Just have been reading this, but doesn't refer to anything about origin. But yes if a ship is "captured" then it formally belongs to that country, of course. But anyway, we should go by brand/origin.
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    Use the Tong instead?
    DB: Do Better
  • Just for giggles, does anyone know what the Bounty was called before it was commandeered?

    It was called the Bethia....

    oh wait... that's not the same H.M.S. Bounty!

  • Jim Steele wrote: »
    Use the Tong instead?

    I have that and the Sarcophagus, but both only lvl 2 @ 2100 AM so it's a toss up. My bounty is almost maxed.😑 thx for the advice though.
  • Just for giggles, does anyone know what the Bounty was called before it was commandeered?

    This is the best info I could find:


    THX Dirk, I looked on alpha and wiki myself, didn't give the info.
    What source is this if I may ask?
  • Being called the HMS bounty should have tipped you off that it's no longer a Klingon ship. :)
    Webberoni wrote: »
    In the long history of navies the ship belongs to whose flag she flies.

    We understand your point but that's not tradition. Or ownership.
    When the USS Nautilus was captured by the British and renamed HMS Emulous was it still an American ship? ;)

    By that logic, every ship I own and operate as a Federation captain in this game would therefore become a Federation ship - not just the Bounty, but same goes for my Romulan Warbird, my Borg Cube, etc...

    At the very least, The Bounty should have both Klingon and Federation classifications, much like Klingon Dukat is both a Klingon and Cardassian.

    No, this is coming straight from the movie. You are not a part of star trek lore... This ship was under the command of a federation captain who renamed it the HMS Bounty. The Qel'Poh ceased to exist at that time. For once, and this hurts to say, I agree with DB on this one. And it should stay the way it is.
    239 Immortalized
    Gametag: ECH
  • Being called the HMS bounty should have tipped you off that it's no longer a Klingon ship. :)
    Webberoni wrote: »
    In the long history of navies the ship belongs to whose flag she flies.

    We understand your point but that's not tradition. Or ownership.
    When the USS Nautilus was captured by the British and renamed HMS Emulous was it still an American ship? ;)

    By that logic, every ship I own and operate as a Federation captain in this game would therefore become a Federation ship - not just the Bounty, but same goes for my Romulan Warbird, my Borg Cube, etc...

    At the very least, The Bounty should have both Klingon and Federation classifications, much like Klingon Dukat is both a Klingon and Cardassian.

    No, this is coming straight from the movie. You are not a part of star trek lore... This ship was under the command of a federation captain who renamed it the HMS Bounty. The Qel'Poh ceased to exist at that time. For once, and this hurts to say, I agree with DB on this one. And it should stay the way it is.

    Actually, Dr. "Bones" McCoy renamed the ship.✌
  • Hunter247Hunter247 ✭✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    I've always had the some thought, especially since each player is loading the ship with his/her own unique crew for every voyage. The bounty never ceased being a Klingon Bird-of-Prey, in terms of ship classification.

    I can throw a BMW sticker on a 1984 Hyundai Pony, and loan it out to a bunch of Mazda salesmen, but that doesn't make the car a BMW or Mazda... it's still a 1984 Hyundai Pony.

    You are arguing a different point. You are talking about the make and model not ownership.

    Nobody is saying that the Bounty suddenly became a Constitution class when the Federation took ownership.

    It was built by the Klingons but was re-purposed and renamed when the Federation took it.
  • eXo | das411eXo | das411 ✭✭✭✭✭
    ...or DB could just give us Kruge's Bird of Prey and give it a ship ability that destroys Enterprises :dizzy:
  • Being called the HMS bounty should have tipped you off that it's no longer a Klingon ship. :)
    Webberoni wrote: »
    In the long history of navies the ship belongs to whose flag she flies.

    We understand your point but that's not tradition. Or ownership.
    When the USS Nautilus was captured by the British and renamed HMS Emulous was it still an American ship? ;)

    By that logic, every ship I own and operate as a Federation captain in this game would therefore become a Federation ship - not just the Bounty, but same goes for my Romulan Warbird, my Borg Cube, etc...

    At the very least, The Bounty should have both Klingon and Federation classifications, much like Klingon Dukat is both a Klingon and Cardassian.

    No, this is coming straight from the movie. You are not a part of star trek lore... This ship was under the command of a federation captain who renamed it the HMS Bounty. The Qel'Poh ceased to exist at that time. For once, and this hurts to say, I agree with DB on this one. And it should stay the way it is.

    Actually, Dr. "Bones" McCoy renamed the ship.✌

    Lol, true that.
    239 Immortalized
    Gametag: ECH
  • kapukapu ✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Webberoni wrote: »
    I own and operate as a Federation captain

    Why do you think you're a Federation captain? I dont really remember the game ever telling you where you are from or what faction you're alligned with... You're like this independent freelancer lol

    edit oh and on topic: it's not about the origin but the current nationality of the vessel.
    Captain Lvl 99; Vip0; 552 Unique Immortals; Fleet: Omega Molecules; Base Lvl 134 (MAX); Playing Since March 2016.
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    kapu wrote: »
    Webberoni wrote: »
    I own and operate as a Federation captain

    Why do you think you're a Federation captain? I dont really remember the game ever telling you where you are from or what faction you're alligned with... You're like this independent freelancer lol

    edit oh and on topic: it's not about the origin but the current nationality of the vessel.

    I believe we are part of the Federation in this timeline but, regardless, isn't your point only reinforcing my own?

    By 'current nationality' logic, whatever ships become part of my fleet would be rebranded with my affiliation, whatever that might be. In that case, there is definite inconsistency with ship referencing.

    Why is my Borg cube still affiliated with the Borg, yet my Klingon bird-of-prey is not affiliated with the Klingons? Who cares if that particular ship was once commandeered by Kirk, Spock and company - it should either be once again rebranded to be part of my fleet (current nationality, in which case my Borg cube should no longer be considered to be a Borg ship), or it should be consistently referenced according to its origins, which would be Klingon (just like my Borg cube and all my other ships built by the Romulans, Cardassians, Breen, etc...).
  • muwoomuwoo ✭✭✭
    kapu wrote: »
    Webberoni wrote: »
    I own and operate as a Federation captain

    Why do you think you're a Federation captain? I dont really remember the game ever telling you where you are from or what faction you're alligned with... You're like this independent freelancer lol

    edit oh and on topic: it's not about the origin but the current nationality of the vessel.

    I've always seen myself as a Federation captain as well playing this game.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    Webberoni wrote: »
    kapu wrote: »
    Webberoni wrote: »
    I own and operate as a Federation captain

    Why do you think you're a Federation captain? I dont really remember the game ever telling you where you are from or what faction you're alligned with... You're like this independent freelancer lol

    edit oh and on topic: it's not about the origin but the current nationality of the vessel.

    I believe we are part of the Federation in this timeline but, regardless, isn't your point only reinforcing my own?

    By 'current nationality' logic, whatever ships become part of my fleet would be rebranded with my affiliation, whatever that might be. In that case, there is definite inconsistency with ship referencing.

    Why is my Borg cube still affiliated with the Borg, yet my Klingon bird-of-prey is not affiliated with the Klingons? Who cares if that particular ship was once commandeered by Kirk, Spock and company - it should either be once again rebranded to be part of my fleet (current nationality, in which case my Borg cube should no longer be considered to be a Borg ship), or it should be consistently referenced according to its origins, which would be Klingon (just like my Borg cube and all my other ships built by the Romulans, Cardassians, Breen, etc...).

    The way I see it is that the HMS Bounty, when it falls out of the time portal and into your lap, is a Federation-owned and operated ship as the Borg Cube is a Borg-owned and operated ship. The fact that you are a Federation-aligned captain when you take possession has no effect on the status of the ships when they are plucked from their universes and put into ours.

    Also, we all appear to be Starfleet captains, given the way flavor text and dialogue are written in this game. If you think about it too much, it doesn’t really make sense for Starfleet to send newly-promoted captains out into the unknown with crews full of psychotic egomaniacs, hostile aliens, and people who hate each other to be the face of the Federation during the most critical time travel crisis in known galactic history...
  • [SJ] Admiral Aki[SJ] Admiral Aki ✭✭✭✭
    edited September 2018
    Don't forget, Kruge was planning to capture the Enterprise in a similar fashion to what Kirk did with his ship:
    We are Klingons! Once you control the ship, we'll transfer our flag there and take Genesis from their own memory banks.

    Kirk destroyed the Enterprise to prevent this from happening. Imagine a universe where Kruge did capture it. The NCC-1701 would be listed as a Klingon ship!

    Another thought... If some thieves stole my car.... does it become their car?
  • Don't forget, Kruge was planning to capture the Enterprise in a similar fashion to what Kirk did with his ship:
    We are Klingons! Once you control the ship, we'll transfer our flag there and take Genesis from their own memory banks.

    Kirk destroyed the Enterprise to prevent this from happening. Imagine a universe where Kruge did capture it. The NCC-1701 would be listed as a Klingon ship!

    Another thought... If some thieves stole my car.... does it become their car?

    Hell no it doesn't, because your name is on your resignation with the car in DMV records. If the police run your plate, they'll see everything about the car plus linked to your info. Then again your talking of a completely different matter.
  • It was a Klingon-built ship but I believe the reasoning behind the trait is that it is a Federation-aligned ship after Kirk and friends commandeered it.

    Bounty may have been built by Klingons but as has been pointed out, it's not who built it but whos flag it flies. There is also a long tradition of shipyards building vessels for other nations.
    [DCC] bebe
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    All you can drink Neelix's Even Better Than Coffee Substitute!
  • I think everyone is wrong. We build the ship because we go trekking across the galaxy looking for schematics. However, DB has chosen to give traits to each ship based on who currently owns and operates the ship it the real ST universe. It's not a perfect system but they balance each ship to have so many traits and update this as needed. Each ship could have so many more traits but they aren't always added for whatever reason they decide affects game balance.
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