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Constructive Criticism of Skirmish Events



  • Cam TaliisCam Taliis ✭✭✭✭
    It would help if the animations at the beginning and end of a battle were shorter. Now I’m just tapping away thinking “yeah yeah get on with it”.
  • kapukapu ✭✭✭
    it would cut the time they could play in half.

    ...and that's exactly the point!!
    Captain Lvl 99; Vip0; 552 Unique Immortals; Fleet: Omega Molecules; Base Lvl 134 (MAX); Playing Since March 2016.
  • kapu wrote: »
    it would cut the time they could play in half.

    ...and that's exactly the point!!

    But those players don’t get much play time already. Only those that hoard/buy chronitons have the problem of it being a huge time sink.
  • kapukapu ✭✭✭
    kapu wrote: »
    it would cut the time they could play in half.

    ...and that's exactly the point!!

    But those players don’t get much play time already. Only those that hoard/buy chronitons have the problem of it being a huge time sink.

    I dont hoard nor buy chrons (vip0) and the event is still a huge time sink... was.. did use a supply kit thou and had voyages going pretty actively. I think I had around 40k of unused intel at the end as I didnt have time to do much on monday and 'very little' on sunday too.
    Captain Lvl 99; Vip0; 552 Unique Immortals; Fleet: Omega Molecules; Base Lvl 134 (MAX); Playing Since March 2016.
  • I feel like I am who the skirmish events are designed for. They sit well with me as a mid level, with a few 4/4* and mostly 4* and 8 - 9/10 5*ships that means I can win mostly on max difficulty if I don't doze off for a few seconds. I don't spend dilithium or cash on events so maybe not DB's ideal customer. Skirmishes do not take my crew out of their day jobs running shuttles and 8 hour voyages provide backup chonons to what I get from the skirmishes so I can play the event as long as my family life allows. Not enough to get to top 1000 but I did finally get in under 1500 last one. At least I can feel like I am getting somewhere and my time is rewarded. Most of the other events may give me a 4* event crew maxed but they drain up my limited crew and resources. It was a welcome change when I got my first skirmish event a month or so ago.

    So all you maxed out players, surely one event every month should be ok left for me and those like me?

    Some changes which would make sense for me though ...
    1) What is the point of the intel reward ... like 60 intel compared with 300 Chronons possible.... Ship schematic would be better as some suggested.
    2) Since it is shop focused why not and ship schematics for the event ship in the threshold system so a player who finishes the event can get a maxed ship for the event instead or as well as the crew? As a player with limited resources ships are not important enough to devote resources to collecting, but would be a nice free reward
    2a) this would fit in with ramping up the difficulty, if getting the event ship 5* to level 8 say would then allow all to complete harder missions towards the end. After you have one 5* ship to a high level for voyages it does not really impact the game getting more of them so would not unbalance things. DB could leave it so you still need to buy ship schematics to get the ship maxed out so they still make sales.
    3) Its a skirmish, could you make the ships you face more random, with the new ship abilities, and a careful crew selection it should be possible to make it so you need to think and even swap out crew. Sort of like in the Arena for me now, I need to change strategy for an offensive or defensive opponent, or cloak or other stuff

    Best Regards
  • Roland 359 wrote: »
    Wundigore wrote: »
    They tried to make the crew management more interesting and there was a giant outcry so they dumbed it back down.

    On principle, I can understand and agree with the concept of making us apply some strategy with choosing optimal crew for each battle. Heck, multiple people in recent weeks and months have been clamoring for events that were more strategy-based than click-based.

    The problem is that DB has done nothing to improve the crew selection screen, which is in dire need of a complete overhaul...as it stands, having trait matches that require frequent crew changes for each battle is an onerous time sink that some solved by simply eating the loss in VP/rewards by not changing crew - completely antithetical to the idea of having to strategize for each battle.

    Exactly. Once they fix the user interface, I agree with OP about making the crew selection more strategy driven. As is, if I had to search for different crew before each battle, I would sooner throw my phone against the wall, walk outside and take up tennis.

    The user interface is a significant issue but I just can't get behind the Event/Bonus crew are not really Bonus component of what they wanted to do. Combined with the "best chance" component of the other supposed trait matching rewards, this makes the proposed changes a non-starter for me even if they fix the interface.
    Member of Rise of the Phoenix.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    Phantum wrote: »
    I feel like I am who the skirmish events are designed for. They sit well with me as a mid level, with a few 4/4* and mostly 4* and 8 - 9/10 5*ships that means I can win mostly on max difficulty if I don't doze off for a few seconds. I don't spend dilithium or cash on events so maybe not DB's ideal customer. Skirmishes do not take my crew out of their day jobs running shuttles and 8 hour voyages provide backup chonons to what I get from the skirmishes so I can play the event as long as my family life allows. Not enough to get to top 1000 but I did finally get in under 1500 last one. At least I can feel like I am getting somewhere and my time is rewarded. Most of the other events may give me a 4* event crew maxed but they drain up my limited crew and resources. It was a welcome change when I got my first skirmish event a month or so ago.

    So all you maxed out players, surely one event every month should be ok left for me and those like me?

    Some changes which would make sense for me though ...
    1) What is the point of the intel reward ... like 60 intel compared with 300 Chronons possible.... Ship schematic would be better as some suggested.
    2) Since it is shop focused why not and ship schematics for the event ship in the threshold system so a player who finishes the event can get a maxed ship for the event instead or as well as the crew? As a player with limited resources ships are not important enough to devote resources to collecting, but would be a nice free reward
    2a) this would fit in with ramping up the difficulty, if getting the event ship 5* to level 8 say would then allow all to complete harder missions towards the end. After you have one 5* ship to a high level for voyages it does not really impact the game getting more of them so would not unbalance things. DB could leave it so you still need to buy ship schematics to get the ship maxed out so they still make sales.
    3) Its a skirmish, could you make the ships you face more random, with the new ship abilities, and a careful crew selection it should be possible to make it so you need to think and even swap out crew. Sort of like in the Arena for me now, I need to change strategy for an offensive or defensive opponent, or cloak or other stuff

    Best Regards

    Yeah, leave the events so people at your level can still do it. It's better for all and more fun if not quite maxed you can still hit all thresholds and win all the battles with attention.

    I stick with my idea of add an "extreme" tier that provides no more VP, but better Bonus Rewards at the end of each battle. Frankly, by the time you're high enough to play at that level, you need the increased Bonus Rewards to get the same or any noticeable result.
    However, if Bonus Rewards are doubled across the board, then it makes sense to make the top intel cost per skirmish end at 1500 or 1800 to equal the extra chron generation and not provide a real VP bonus.

    And I agree 100%, the intel rewards are useless and almost insulting. What good does 30 intel do me when the cost of the next battle is 40x that at 1200?! And 76 chrons gets me 760 intel? That insulting amount really needs to be increased if not replaced with event ship schematics.

    But no, god no, should there be any reason or need to change crew between battles. The crew selection UI is fresh and ripe carrion crap, at best, put as nicely as possible. Traits are invisible, crew selection is unsorted and different per slot, and bonus value is undisclosed.
    From the first day of Arena and ship battles the UI has needed an update, and with each new crewman you acquire it gets worse, and DB does nothing. If, and only If, DB fixes the UI, then, and only after testing, can we begin to have a conversation about changing crew selection during skirmishes.
  • Wishwise wrote: »
    This event is ridiculous. I'm sitting on 50k intel after running a ton of skirmishes. There's no way I can use all of the intel up unless I spend 100% of my weekend tapping buttons. I can see why there are players that run macros.

    I made that mistake during the second skirmish event and dropped a whole lot of chronitons unnecessarily that I didn't recover. During this skirmish event, I only ran enough missions to get about 25k intel for the start. When I was near empty I ran another 20k or so on Saturday and finished with only about 10k left. I didn't bother running them Monday morning because I was busy and I already had at least two copies of Spock in the bag that I needed to FF him. If you can't run the missions, you can't recoup your Chroniton drop.
  • After a few Skirmish events, here are my thoughts..yeah i know ANOTHER one..

    Things I like:
    1. The format of the event. It's a nice change of pace, and uses an existing part of the game. Pretty much all the mechanics of the event I like.
    2. The rewards structure and new ships
    3. Gives us a good reason to seek out ship battles to earn intel (and holoemitters!) I love that we can earn more plays in the event by PLAYING THE GAME.

    The things that could be improved upon
    1. It is WAAAAYYY too easy. Either add additional levels of difficulty, OR make the existing difficulties MUCH harder. As it is right now, you put one event crew on the borg cube and it beats every ship as soon as killy or some other heave hitter activates. You just rinse and repeat this over and over. You don't even have to fix it. Make the existing difficulties harder, or add new difficulties with higher rewards.
    2. There is no reason to use any bonus crew of any kind except for the one event crew that you already have FFFE. Event crew are supposed to mean something. Do list item one - make it harder. Then just do to the skirmish event type what you do the all the other events. Make bonus crew 2x better, and event crew 3x better. e.g. Kalifee Spock currently has a 6point attack boost at 12 seconds. make it 3x higher, 18point attack boost at 12 seconds. Give us a reason to use him. Same goes for the rest of the bonus and event crew.
    3. New ships have no use in the event. While i love new content like new ships, we have absolutely no use for them. Do list item one - make it harder. Then make the event ships 3x more powerful than regular ships. (heck make them 10x better). Give me a reason not just to immediately go to my max level borg cube. a level 2 or 3 event ship should be equal to a level 10 ship. Give me a reason to buy the schematics and not just wait for them to be added to the loot table in 6 months.
    4. Any other ideas forum?

    Again, I like the Skirmish event idea, this isn't me whining and complaining on the internet. i think it is almost done exactly right, it just needs small tweaks. As it is right now it is just way too grindy.

    There was a problem with the skirmish event that I didn't like at all. I busted my tail to get up there in ranks, but I never increased my Captains level since even though I played a ton to get up there, the event for some reason provide exp. And please don't tell me to send a help ticket in, that was done but DB didn't bother to reply.

    One of the most helpful things I think to any event or really any part of this game, is its performance. I submitted four separate help tickets over four issues with that event, but so far none have been answered or even acknowledged. That's not very good performance, at all.... nor were the reasons for the help tickets that have yet to be resolved. DB, please help!

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    It's OK if you don't play every day. You don’t have to be a daily player, but the more you play the more fun you’ll have with us. So long as you let me know ahead of time whenever you know you're going to be offline from the game for five days or more, I won't kick you for inactivity. You can send me that message on DISCORD at any time you need to; it takes only a moment. That rule helps keep our fleet as active as possible.

    All Captains MUST have a name other than just “Captain” so that others may recognize you. We have no drama, but instead are a close-knit group of good people who treat each other as if we’re both friends & family.

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