Event Bonus Reward Took Dilithium

After completing a battle in this weeks skirmish event the reward screen popped up. I clicked on the "?" Random reward button ONE TIME ONLY. The game then froze for about 1-2 minutes. I checked to make sure the tablet had not frozen, which it hadn't. When the game finally resumed, the random reward box had a banner asking if I wanted to get another reward for a cost of 30 Dilithium and my Dilithium reserves were -10. The game somehow processed a purchase on its own.
This is a big problem for me. I did not make that purchase and want my Dilithium back.
I originally had 437 Dilithium. Now I have 427.
This is a huge issue for me because I have already completed an Achievement for the number of Imortalized crew +250 Dilithium but was waiting to collect until I finished the Innovator 10 crew collection later this week. That was going to give me 72 Dilithium.
437+250+72 = 759 which is just enough to buy a third shuttle pod for 750 dilithium, which I was planning on doing!!!
With that 10 Dilithium gone I can't get the 3rd shuttle!!! This messes up the whole arc of my progress in the game.
I'm very upset. This is a major setback for me, epically when it was something that I didn't do and did not want. Has this happened to anyone else? Will DB please give my 10 Dilithium back? Actually, I don't even care about all 10. After this glitch I'm left one Dilithium short. Will DB at least return 1 Dilithium to me, please ?!
This is a big problem for me. I did not make that purchase and want my Dilithium back.
I originally had 437 Dilithium. Now I have 427.
This is a huge issue for me because I have already completed an Achievement for the number of Imortalized crew +250 Dilithium but was waiting to collect until I finished the Innovator 10 crew collection later this week. That was going to give me 72 Dilithium.
437+250+72 = 759 which is just enough to buy a third shuttle pod for 750 dilithium, which I was planning on doing!!!
With that 10 Dilithium gone I can't get the 3rd shuttle!!! This messes up the whole arc of my progress in the game.
I'm very upset. This is a major setback for me, epically when it was something that I didn't do and did not want. Has this happened to anyone else? Will DB please give my 10 Dilithium back? Actually, I don't even care about all 10. After this glitch I'm left one Dilithium short. Will DB at least return 1 Dilithium to me, please ?!
Raise a ticket
I've had this twice. Put in a ticket, be polite; they will fix it. Don't panic.
Also, they really should have a dilithium confirmation on every dilithium use.
I do agree that putting a confirmation on all Dilithium purchases should be implement. It's the most valuable commodity in the game and the easiest to loose by a simple computer glitch, especially on a mobile device. I've had a voyage extended and multiple extra Dabo wheel spins take Dilithium without my initiation. I never thought there was anything I could do, but this time, I was so upset that I said something because, a glitch was gonna make me loose getting that 3rd shuttle for a second time. So thank you for correcting this.
Now, about that Dilithium lock that someone mentioned. I looked in settings and other than language and sound there wasn't really anything to adjust. Any where else I should be looking?
(And I 100% agree - add an optional dil lock with two settings: confirmation window, and password-needed!)
I agree with this 100%! During the last skirmish event I was tapping my thumb on the screen (for what reason I do not recall) and when I looked I noticed that I accidentally pressed the button for more rewards quite a few times. I didn't submit a ticket about it because it was actually my fault but a lock out setting would have halted my unintended use of dilithium.