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Different VP for each shuttle... ( A logical Reaction )

In the current Event, my four shuttles came back now and I got:
2250 VP, 1800 VP, 2250 VP and 2750 VP.
None of the Missions failed, so I'm wondering, is it a bug or are the Points now based on RNG too?


  • Did you open them all at the same time? All of the missions will retain their original point value when opened... even if you advance in shuttle difficulty and open new missions at the higher VP value... the older missions already open will still have the old VP values and difficulty...
    Come join our fleet! We're a great social group that helps each other. You play the way you want to, participate as much as you want and if you want to be competitive, you can be! Check out our fleet ad. Run, don't walk, to Quark's Holosuite!

    Immortalized: 140 x 5*, 221 x 4*, 74 x 3*, 47 x 2*, 27 x 1*
  • What he said +1
  • I opened them within 90 Seconds...
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    Shuttle point value is a function of number of previous shuttle successes and failures. Shuttles move up in tiers of 2-4 successful shuttles.

    For example, it takes 40 consecutive shuttle successes to get to 4000 point shuttles.

    Nothing that has happened to me this event would indicate anything has changed in that system.

    I suspect you completed some shuttles between mission openings, which would shift your difficulty.
  • Was just curious, if anyone experienced the same thing.
    For me, everything is just fine, got some points and saw something new ;)
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    As others have said, if you completed one, opened and sent one, completed a second, opened and sent a new second, etc... you could see your points bounce around like that.

    If you complete all 4 and then open a new 4 the points should be the same.
  • I just sent 4 away, they came back and I opened all 4.
    Then I sent another 4 away...
  • The way I am looking at this, you must have had leftover missions while cherry-picking the better ones for you. Any missions that you open carry a certain value. In your case, it looks like you had at least one leftover from the 1800 value, in which case you succeeded at least 3/4, then you did 3 or 4 successes on 2250, and then you cherry picked at 2750 VP, at which point you either took 1 from that level and did the rest, and succeeded in all 4 - hence the 4 different results.

    VP's are fixed, and cherry-picking missions to have a higher chance of success carries a small risk, unless you track very carefully which ones you pick at which level (usually you can tell it by the leftover time to complete the mission).
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    The way I am looking at this, you must have had leftover missions while cherry-picking the better ones for you. Any missions that you open carry a certain value. In your case, it looks like you had at least one leftover from the 1800 value, in which case you succeeded at least 3/4, then you did 3 or 4 successes on 2250, and then you cherry picked at 2750 VP, at which point you either took 1 from that level and did the rest, and succeeded in all 4 - hence the 4 different results.

    VP's are fixed, and cherry-picking missions to have a higher chance of success carries a small risk, unless you track very carefully which ones you pick at which level (usually you can tell it by the leftover time to complete the mission).

    But you can tell by tapping/clicking the VP node on the loot table before launching. It'll show you the VP value for the mission..
  • Interesting, I was not aware of it, mainly because I have never cared to check the loot table... Thanks for the info :)
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