Clicking any button in the game throws an error message (Can't send shuttles!)
Is anyone else having issues with this today? With most things I can just close out the error message and click the button a couple of times and it clears itself. When trying to launch shuttles, however, I get the error message and then the 'Send Shuttle' button is greyed out and won't let me click again (I tried). Backing out and refilling the shuttle ends up at the same place. I got a couple of shuttles out earlier, but now I can't send anything.
Shan, thanks for the response! I was still having the issue intermittently for a bit, even after restarting, but everything seems to be running smoothly right now.
I had similar issue but upon shuttles return. First pushing complete button got me error message try again later. Repeatedly. Then pushed the complete button the shuttle wouldn't return. The crew & shuttle remained unavailable. Just out there somewhere in the ether. First restart did nothing. Again nothing. Then several attempts later opening showed shuttle once again complete. Pushing button then finally returned my missing shuttle & crew.
I have lost several hundred in rank. I was 300ish...