Voyage crew - save/re-use
in Make It So!
Please include an option to use the last voyage crew you used.
I use the same crew on my voyage every day ... and it would be kind of nice not having to go through the lists (which have no good sort options btw ... but that's another item) and just start with the last set. If I wanted to make a change, I could do so ... but at least they'd already be prefilled.
Any crew not available (ie shuttle mission or something), just leave that slot blank ..
I use the same crew on my voyage every day ... and it would be kind of nice not having to go through the lists (which have no good sort options btw ... but that's another item) and just start with the last set. If I wanted to make a change, I could do so ... but at least they'd already be prefilled.
Any crew not available (ie shuttle mission or something), just leave that slot blank ..
Agreed. If they were fairly successful, I will write them down and reuse. This would definitely make things easier.
I do this too! It would be cool not to have to take 3 screenshots (in addition to the several I usually take before and after recall) to refer to for the second voyage of the day.
~· Fly with the Subspace Eddies! ·~
Use last ship name.
seriously ... this should be an "option" for voyages .. and I can't see it being that hard to implement.
Great idea, can't think of a way to improve it!
But this person can! Would appreciate seeing that button - it'll save so ~5 minutes a day for my second daily Voyage.