Three days in a row of 45% crit Mirror Picard in Gauntlet?!?
in The Bridge
Granted, different traits and "featured skill", but still... Easy pass.
Somebody at DB needs to give the server a good kick or three to fix the RNG.
Somebody at DB needs to give the server a good kick or three to fix the RNG.
I agree. The entire gauntlet premise is centered around Picard, Caretaker, Sarek. These dudes are constantly getting crit bonuses
But yeah, they need more variety or a better distribution algorithm on the pseudo randomness.
These 45% matches(and 65% Guinan matches) are because DB wants them. Giving everyone a super crew with a killer crit rate means that you'll face an opponent with that crew and either pay merits to refresh or lose and pay DIL to revive your streak.
The point of gauntlet is not to let you get long streaks and win stuff. The point is to tempt you with long streaks, then convince you to spend DIL to keep them going when you lose.
Captain Level: 95
VIP Level: 12
Unique Crew Immortalized: 525
Collections Completed: Vulcan, Ferengi, Borg, Romulan, Cardassian, Uncommon, Rare, Veteran, Common, Engineered, Physician, Innovator, Inspiring, Diplomat, Jury Rigger, Gauntlet Legends
Obviously the traits themselves are not random...I've played gauntlet nearly every day since it was released to the public and I've lurked here long enough to sift for the rare tidbits of actual substantive info from DB staff (I don't expect anyone to know or care about this).
Unless the curated trait groupings are scheduled, there has to be some kind of randomization (aka DBNG) going on. To my knowledge, which I freely admit could be incomplete, there has been no statement on this specific mechanism. I would welcome a link to a such a post since the search function on the forum is a dumpster fire.
Barring that, I suppose I can believe that curated trait groupings are scheduled since that sounds awfully DB. My expectation is that there is some element of randomness in the selection mechanism. Somehow this would further erode my confidence in Gauntlet if it is scheduled. But then again lel at for me expressing interest in variables beyond aggregate match results. Absurd, I know.
Reflecting on the tangents above, there are many days I don't have 45% or 65% crew...sometimes even (gasp) 25% crew. To see the same legendary get a 45% combination three days running is odd behavior to me and suggests something somewhere is amiss, not that this is fine. Guinan getting 65% multiple times in a month was odd and got commented on.
This specific occurrence, to me, is more odd than established commenting precedent (the value of which I leave to the awesome'ing masses). I suppose I'm not usually skipping multiple days in a row, so maybe this *rabbit punch* is normal and expected. If so, do your thing statisticians of the forum and mea culpa in advance -- I didn't mean to harsh the very serious beta testing.
But after 20000 rounds you are awarded a Locutus. I regularly play as many rounds as as possible and will lose five matches in a row to get 5 more rounds closer to that goal.
I've experimented with using only three and four star crew in guantlet and have had as much success with them as with all legendary crew. As long as success isnt solely defined as being number one (you only unlock that acheivement once).
I do feel your pain OP on the same legendary having repeat dominance. If that served some type of purpose it would be helpful for game devs to be more explicit as to what that was. When you hit that wall of maxed out legendaries, strategy goes out the window and it becomes pure luck, with a boost to whoever is in the strongest fleet.
i can place competitively and otherwise enjoy the game for what it is most of the time. This particular occurrence and alleged feature decreases my engagement and that's with a good gauntlet roster including Mirror Picard. As you say, strategy goes out the window and my willingness to spend time and money goes with it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Yesterday was Day 4 of the 45% Mirror Picard. Since this seems to be the new normal, I'm back at the merit slots. The outcome will work itself out with a net merit gain and no dil spent. The experience getting there could use some serious work.
I was glad: never get to use her.
That being said, I noticed a VERY strange glitch today and I wanted to see if there was a reason behind it or if anyone else has noticed something similar. Basically I hit the normal Surak heavy round near the top and, not having Surak, I was clicking around trying to see if I could find his stats by looking at the player himself. When I clicked on one of the Suraks - he had a FE-FF battle station of four lvl 100 legendaries (makes sense)... but when I clicked on the other Surak, it said the captain was level 3 with a lvl 3 Saru in his battle station??? I then clicked all 6 players and FOUR out of six had the same glitch - how can a level 3 new captain have a FE Surak, or Daystrom for that matter??
Attached is a GIF (hopefully it works). Would love to hear some thoughts!