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Easy way to confuse auto-clickers

[S14] Elynduil[S14] Elynduil ✭✭✭✭
edited October 2018 in The Bridge
With a small change to the layout of one screen, DB might be able to take the more rudimentary auto-clickers out of the equation for Skirmish events:

The one large unknown in ship battles is how long, exactly, they will last. Very few accounts, if any, can end every ship battle after one round of skills usage; sometimes the opponent evades and survives a while longer, that’s just RNG.

Auto-clickers would have to account for this possibility by adding in extra (often unnecessary) button clicks for a second round of skills usage. So...

Change the layout of this results screen.


Make these buttons wider, and place them lower on screen, so that they fill up the exact same space as these buttons:

That should be simple enough to do, and should at least make it more difficult, or more resource-expensive, to configure a successful auto-clicker.

I don’t think this would stop any of the more sophisticated approaches to event automation, but it’s an easy first step to pluck some of the low-hanging fruit and perhaps eliminate a large number of less-skillful attempts, leaving perhaps a much smaller pool of the more sophisticated macro-ers.

Not only would this then remove a lot of the “noise” in the data collection efforts, but might also make abusers stand out more easily.


  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    There are plenty more simple ways than mucking with screen layouts to foil mouse recorders.

    For example, have a few differing intro animations with slightly different lengths.
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    I think the way DB handled it was perfect, they sent out a message stating anyone using automation programs will be banned, and that they would begin monitoring to detect it.

    The reason it is perfect, is because they didn't say how they were going to achieve this, are they going to use a program? if so what type of program. It is really hard to get around something, when you don't know what that something is.

    I really doubt any serious player is going to risk their entire account, in order to rank in a single event, especially given all the posts and charts which show how easy it is to detect when someone is using an autoclicker.

    so do they really need to really revamp the entire skirmish layout at this point, probably not.
  • Prime LorcaPrime Lorca ✭✭✭✭✭
    DeanWins wrote: »
    I think the way DB handled it was perfect, they sent out a message stating anyone using automation programs will be banned, and that they would begin monitoring to detect it.

    The reason it is perfect, is because they didn't say how they were going to achieve this, are they going to use a program? if so what type of program. It is really hard to get around something, when you don't know what that something is.

    I really doubt any serious player is going to risk their entire account, in order to rank in a single event, especially given all the posts and charts which show how easy it is to detect when someone is using an autoclicker.

    so do they really need to really revamp the entire skirmish layout at this point, probably not.

    Good points. I definitely liked that aspect of DB's current stance.
    Farewell 🖖
  • Quit GameQuit Game ✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    I would agree that there should have a bit more space between the buttons and to make the buttons a bit bigger. But not for the reasons that you mentioned but because some of us have big hands and big fingers. Clicking on a small area is bad enough. Like I play on a tab with a 10" screen and I think that the buttons are too small and are too close to each other, I can just imagine how bad it is playing on a comparably small phone.
  • Princess TristaPrincess Trista ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    Well as a Top 50 grossing game, I think DB would have to be looking at this seriously. If word did get out that cheating is easy in this game, not only would DB be under fire, but their partner AND the Star Trek Franchise would be as well. So I believe they are monitoring this event for the macro usage. And will be for quite awhile <3<3<3<3

  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    Well as a Top 50 grossing game, I think DB would have to be looking at this seriously. If word did get out that cheating is easy in this game, not only would DB be under fire, but their partner AND the Star Trek Franchise would be as well. So I believe they are monitoring this event for the macro usage. And will be for quite awhile <3<3<3<3


    is it really that popular? I had no idea, thats a cool fact
  • So with auto clickers in mind. How is it one player at the moment has 5.7 million in points at the half way point in this current skirmish event. If its legit whats the math behind it?
  • DeanWinsDeanWins ✭✭✭✭
    Matt9127 wrote: »
    So with auto clickers in mind. How is it one player at the moment has 5.7 million in points at the half way point in this current skirmish event. If its legit whats the math behind it?

    very little sleep, and Just FYI manual is actual faster then clickers, the only true advantage to clickers would be the fact that it can run constantly without interruption and without having to sleep or take breaks. The only way to show if its a clicker is if the battles last the exact same amount of time each battle, and if there is no variance.
  • ·§ë· For the Many·§ë· For the Many ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2018
    Matt9127 wrote: »
    So with auto clickers in mind. How is it one player at the moment has 5.7 million in points at the half way point in this current skirmish event. If its legit whats the math behind it?

    Hullo. The math is, a long time of preparing my account for it. Focusing honour from dailies (and other skirmishes) onto citing the skirmish crew. Pre-planning farming. Very little sleep. Healthy food prepared in advance. :) Stretching and working on other stuff during animations.

    & as Dean said, clickers and macros can't go as fast; I think in the other couple events "won" by macros, they didn't have as much VP, even with me passing out for a few hours. I'd like to say "come at me, macros!" but they're still bumping people out of ranks, and gaining advantage they didn't earn or buy.
    DeanWins wrote: »
    The only way to show if its a clicker is if the battles last the exact same amount of time each battle, and if there is no variance.

    It's possible to be very consistent in battle times, with the right setup and if on the ball. Often it's a good indication, especially if it's slower: I can get similar results per battle (for a few hours or so at a time) because they're over so fast. If they were slower there should be more variance since RNG is more in play.
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