Fencing Sulu not bonus?

The event announcement said "Variants of Sulu", but to me, it looks like it's just like the original run of this event, where Sulu variants were not bonus.
I'm not getting a bonus for Fencing Sulu.
I'm not getting a bonus for Fencing Sulu.
Dear DB:
I spent a lot of time and resources on Fencing Sulu before this event to use him in the event. Now is when he is needed most. This first half. Please fix this.
@Shan, please help.
As has been requested on a number of occasions, an event crew filter available prior to the event would have flagged this issue. The issue has now affected a significant proportion of your customers but not all. As the effect is disproportionate it is impossible to fix.
At various points DB staff have said that QC and QA is improving and will continue to do so. This is quite simply not true.
Let your customers help you.