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The Wiki needs your help, What is this Item?

Hey all,

Looking at the rewards for this event, I found this item as a "what a Rare Coffee can be built into". After searching though every receipt with a Rare Coffee, I didn't fine a ...casserole(?) that needed an image. Has anyone seen this item in-game?


Best Answer


  • I often find things like that when I click on equipment and components, for example before Lucille Davenport was released you could see her 5* dress when you clicked on 4* Coffee. Anyway, sorry I’m not sure what that is
    “What's a knockout like you doing in a computer-generated gin joint like this?”

    Proud member of Patterns of Force
    Captain Level 99
    Played since January 2017

    TP: Do better!!!
  • It most definitely looks like it would be the pet food. Thanks!
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