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Not pleased with another Data

To be equitable, DB, should have made it all Honor for any level of play. Because we above 1500 went all in, we get punished by being saddled with a 2 star crew instead of the reward of immorting a dangling 4 star. Not good customer service DB. Do better, and think outside your pocketbook now and then! (Still boycotting nxt event!)


  • I think it was fair. Enjoy sitting out next event.
  • I will, gathering for when I do play again, and telaxing while Ya'll try to climb a greased pole! ;)
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    I was going for an extra Data, the bug cost me an extra Data. DB is compensating me with an extra Data. I am happy. Data is quite valuable and is in a lot of events. I think you will be happy with him.
    Let’s fly!
  • Apollo, my friend, I would have bern much more happier winning that 2nd Data, as I would likely have without the glitch.
  • Lady GaghgaghLady Gaghgagh ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thankfully I don't care enough about Data to ever try hard for him.
    Admiral of the Haus of GaghGagh, Starbase level 94, we are not accepting members at this time.
    Captain of the voyage vessels: Queen of Bashir, Landsknecht, and Sunspear, the first luxury starship cruiseliners.
    Amenities include wifi, fully-functioning holodecks, a full-service bar, 3 party decks, a Trill spa, and a business centre.
    Fun fact: The ships are propelled by bouncy castle technology.
  • Trade you your Datas for my Silva?
    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
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  • Thankfully I don't care enough about Data to ever try hard for him.

    It was not even about the Data that has me in a twist. I'ts more about not ranking as I should have in a Galaxy. Over 20k Chron spent and 92nd rank, and while having major bonus crew??? Quel Sous Le Salliere!
  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    Over 20k Chron spent and 92nd rank, and while having major bonus crew??? Quel Sous Le Salliere!
    Wowzers, I only spent 10k and made 100th odd. Maybe I pushed harder in the Faction phase.


    DB: Do Better
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Jim Steele wrote: »
    Over 20k Chron spent and 92nd rank, and while having major bonus crew??? Quel Sous Le Salliere!
    Wowzers, I only spent 10k and made 100th odd. Maybe I pushed harder in the Faction phase.


    Or had more in your inventory

  • I've taken some time to think about this and come to the conclusion that the compensation is adequate and fair. I did question whether rank 1000 to 1500 should get Data as it makes next week that little bit tighter to compete but these players could legitimately argue that they might have earned him without the bug.
    I'm not a Data fanatic like some but he's my #8 engineer before the second star arrives and will hopefully mean the thresholds are easier to earn next week (assuming it's coded right! 😉) so although Honor would be nice I'm happy to add Data. Maybe there's a case for additional 18k Honor for the top 1K players too but I don't see that happening.

    What I will be unhappy with is if those who sent tickets start winning the CS lottery and get extra compensation (excluding those asking for refunds on Silva purchases)
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  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    Maybe there's a case for additional 18k Honor for the top 1K players too but I don't see that happening.

    What I will be unhappy with is if those who sent tickets start winning the CS lottery and get extra compensation (excluding those asking for refunds on Silva purchases)

    I'm happy with Data, I don't see an arguement for 18k honor we cleared that threshold, funnily enough sorrytons is actually more appropriate because I had to sacrifice those just to be sure I could hold my rank and not run a risk, but also it would make up for Silva.

    I am resisting the urge to send a ticket on that front that's water well under the bridge now and rolled out to sea. But it's still a new issue with this new reward structure so DB really do need to tighten up on this.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    I've taken some time to think about this and come to the conclusion that the compensation is adequate and fair. I did question whether rank 1000 to 1500 should get Data as it makes next week that little bit tighter to compete but these players could legitimately argue that they might have earned him without the bug.
    I'm not a Data fanatic like some but he's my #8 engineer before the second star arrives and will hopefully mean the thresholds are easier to earn next week (assuming it's coded right! 😉) so although Honor would be nice I'm happy to add Data. Maybe there's a case for additional 18k Honor for the top 1K players too but I don't see that happening.

    What I will be unhappy with is if those who sent tickets start winning the CS lottery and get extra compensation (excluding those asking for refunds on Silva purchases)

    Ugh, what if I want a refund on earning Silva through a skirmish? Like "hey, give me my 40k chrons back, and you can take my Silva!"
  • IronagedaveIronagedave ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    I've taken some time to think about this and come to the conclusion that the compensation is adequate and fair. I did question whether rank 1000 to 1500 should get Data as it makes next week that little bit tighter to compete but these players could legitimately argue that they might have earned him without the bug.
    I'm not a Data fanatic like some but he's my #8 engineer before the second star arrives and will hopefully mean the thresholds are easier to earn next week (assuming it's coded right! 😉) so although Honor would be nice I'm happy to add Data. Maybe there's a case for additional 18k Honor for the top 1K players too but I don't see that happening.

    What I will be unhappy with is if those who sent tickets start winning the CS lottery and get extra compensation (excluding those asking for refunds on Silva purchases)

    Ugh, what if I want a refund on earning Silva through a skirmish? Like "hey, give me my 40k chrons back, and you can take my Silva!"

    Had it been a different event type I would be inclined to agree but because it was a skirmish the rewards for participation in such an event are equitable albeit probably one of the most harrowing one to date.
    [was on Sabbatical/Hiatus] Currently a trialist at Galaxy SquadronSTAY SAFE and KBO
  • I've taken some time to think about this and come to the conclusion that the compensation is adequate and fair. I did question whether rank 1000 to 1500 should get Data as it makes next week that little bit tighter to compete but these players could legitimately argue that they might have earned him without the bug.
    I'm not a Data fanatic like some but he's my #8 engineer before the second star arrives and will hopefully mean the thresholds are easier to earn next week (assuming it's coded right! 😉) so although Honor would be nice I'm happy to add Data. Maybe there's a case for additional 18k Honor for the top 1K players too but I don't see that happening.

    What I will be unhappy with is if those who sent tickets start winning the CS lottery and get extra compensation (excluding those asking for refunds on Silva purchases)

    Ugh, what if I want a refund on earning Silva through a skirmish? Like "hey, give me my 40k chrons back, and you can take my Silva!"

    Trust you to be the Troublemaker! ;)
    Come join our fleet! We're a great social group that helps each other. You play the way you want to, participate as much as you want and if you want to be competitive, you can be! Check out our fleet ad:

  • Jim SteeleJim Steele ✭✭✭✭✭
    I get 1k chrons for the next event and 18K honor. No complaints here.
    I think they should give everyone 18K honour. I'll settle for an extra Data but 18k honour would have been handy.

    DB: Do Better
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    I am more than happy with an HMS Data.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Apollo, my friend, I would have bern much more happier winning that 2nd Data, as I would likely have without the glitch.
    I hear ya. I would have preferred to have been in top 25 for the glory, the bragging rights and the fun. It was a weird event because we didn't know if the bonuses would be fixed or not. Whether we should keep going or wait. But DB did as best as they could to make me whole after the fact. I hope in the future there will be better and quicker communication. That within an hour if the next glitch that DB tells us whether they will fix it or not and remove the uncertainty.
    Let’s fly!
  • CloneClone ✭✭✭
    Some people are sure to be very happy with a free 1/5 Data, but some of us definitely are not. For me, the main issues are these:

    1. A second star on Data will not make him better -- the stat boost is tiny. A 2/5 is really never better than a 1/5 UNLESS you're planning to cite them up to 5/5 eventually. In Data's case, I'm not -- I'm stacked with plenty of ENG+CMD.
    2. Some of us literally spent $100 on crew who were supposed to give a strong bonus and a competitive edge, and they didn't. Disruptor Beam deliberately chose not to fix the bug after it was discovered, making those purchases a form of bait-and-switch where the buyer doesn't get the promised result. A second star on Data certainly doesn't make up for that.
    3. The bug made the event significantly more tedious, and DB's response to that was to send out 1000 chronitons to all players, meaning anybody playing for rank was required to invest the time it takes to spend those chrons on the event just to stay at the rank they're already in. I call them "punishment chrons"; I see no sense in which they made the event better.

    Me, I put in a ticket asking for different compensation. I hope they honor it. What I asked for is certainly fair considering the scope of this blunder. Hopefully everyone else who feels that a 1/5 Data is insufficient does the same.
  • Me, I put in a ticket asking for different compensation. I hope they honor it. What I asked for is certainly fair considering the scope of this blunder. Hopefully everyone else who feels that a 1/5 Data is insufficient does the same.

    May I ask what you asked for as fair compensation?
    Come join our fleet! We're a great social group that helps each other. You play the way you want to, participate as much as you want and if you want to be competitive, you can be! Check out our fleet ad:

  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    Me, I put in a ticket asking for different compensation. I hope they honor it. What I asked for is certainly fair considering the scope of this blunder. Hopefully everyone else who feels that a 1/5 Data is insufficient does the same.

    May I ask what you asked for as fair compensation?

    I asked for a unicorn 🦄 but said I’ll settle for a pony and some free water.
  • AviTrekAviTrek ✭✭✭✭✭
    Some people are sure to be very happy with a free 1/5 Data, but some of us definitely are not. For me, the main issues are these:

    1. A second star on Data will not make him better -- the stat boost is tiny. A 2/5 is really never better than a 1/5 UNLESS you're planning to cite them up to 5/5 eventually. In Data's case, I'm not -- I'm stacked with plenty of ENG+CMD.
    2. Some of us literally spent $100 on crew who were supposed to give a strong bonus and a competitive edge, and they didn't. Disruptor Beam deliberately chose not to fix the bug after it was discovered, making those purchases a form of bait-and-switch where the buyer doesn't get the promised result. A second star on Data certainly doesn't make up for that.
    3. The bug made the event significantly more tedious, and DB's response to that was to send out 1000 chronitons to all players, meaning anybody playing for rank was required to invest the time it takes to spend those chrons on the event just to stay at the rank they're already in. I call them "punishment chrons"; I see no sense in which they made the event better.

    Me, I put in a ticket asking for different compensation. I hope they honor it. What I asked for is certainly fair considering the scope of this blunder. Hopefully everyone else who feels that a 1/5 Data is insufficient does the same.

    Can I ask what you expected to get out of the event had everything worked perfectly?
  • eXo | SilverRose (retired)eXo | SilverRose (retired) ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Well, the Datas are going out. Seems like there's also a bug with the rewards, since someone who ranked 485 in eXo got 18,000 honor instead.

    And no, it's not because they ticketed asking to be downgraded a tier. Not that it worked if you did. Says she with a 6/5 Data now.

    Edit: Looks like a lot of people got the honor. You had one job, DB. One damn job.
    Proud Former Admiral of eXodus
    Proud Former Officer of The Gluten Empire

    Retired 12-14-20. So long, and thanks for all the cat pics!
  • WebberoniWebberoni ✭✭✭✭✭
    I think things are going to go from bad to worse, if compensation is messed up. I finished 692 in the event and should be getting a 2nd copy of Data, but my in-game message just popped up with 18k honor.

    I just submitted a ticket to CS, but fear even more outrage if this is a widespread occurrence!
  • NivenFresNivenFres ✭✭✭✭
    Well, the Datas are going out. Seems like there's also a bug with the rewards, since someone who ranked 485 in eXo got 18,000 honor instead.

    And no, it's not because they ticketed asking to be downgraded a tier. Not that it worked if you did. Says she with a 6/5 Data now.

    Edit: Looks like a lot of people got the honor. You had one job, DB. One damn job.

    Yup, saw the same thing and just put in a ticket and opened an engineering thread - https://forum.disruptorbeam.com/stt/discussion/11956/compensation-rewards-are-backwards#latest
    "If it wasn't for autocorrect, we wouldn't have Tuvok on a Giraffe."
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