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Will all Vorta and Jem'hadar be getting the "Engineered" trait

Topic title.

DS9 calls both species engineered after they premiered on the series. Several Jem'hadar even refer to their species as engineered by the founders to be the perfect warriors.


  • They describe the trait as "characters who have been modified/undergone some enhancements." Since the Vorta and Jem'Hadar are genetically engineered as a species but not specifically enhanced or augmented as individuals (like Bashir and Khan, for example), then I'd guess that's why they don't have the trait.
  • Other Possible Contenders are:

    Roga Danar, a genetically engineered super-warrior.

    Disco Spoilers (if we are still doing them)
    Ash Tyler, who was physically engineered to become human to all but the deepest medical scans

    This may be pre-augmentation, but Stamets illegally enhances himself to work the spore drive
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  • robownagerobownage ✭✭✭✭✭
    I also noticed that Augment Commander O'Brien seems to be missing the Engineered trait - any idea why, @Shan?
  • I believe that the new trait was foremost designed for Airiam, but it definitely applies to many others!
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • DimeDrlDimeDrl ✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    Brunt, FCA wrote: »
    They describe the trait as "characters who have been modified/undergone some enhancements." Since the Vorta and Jem'Hadar are genetically engineered as a species but not specifically enhanced or augmented as individuals (like Bashir and Khan, for example), then I'd guess that's why they don't have the trait.

    I hope this isn't the case. If it is, ir would feel like one of those extremely nitpicky arguments that annoy eveyone because of how endlessly lawyer speak it is.

    Plus there's the fact that the Vorta origin story as told by Weyoun specifically states that the founders engineered them from some type of lemar like creature as a show of gratitude, which completely fits that description. I'd assume something is similarly true of the jem'hadar.

    It seems like the founders did some TCRI ooze level stuff to make not so teenage mutant combat lizardmen.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    I just woke up and the coffee hasn't fully worked yet, but at least one distinction to this new feature seems clear to me: Augmentation seems to be the word for taking an already existing individual or people and "improving" them; Engineered seems to be the word for making modifications to individuals or people BEFORE they are born/created.

    Perhaps that misses the mark, but that is how I see it. By these definitions, Data is engineered which makes sense, and Roga Danar was augmented because he received modifications after he was already alive.
  • Does that mean that all Borg should be given the augmented trait as well?
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I just woke up and the coffee hasn't fully worked yet, but at least one distinction to this new feature seems clear to me: Augmentation seems to be the word for taking an already existing individual or people and "improving" them; Engineered seems to be the word for making modifications to individuals or people BEFORE they are born/created.

    Perhaps that misses the mark, but that is how I see it. By these definitions, Data is engineered which makes sense, and Roga Danar was augmented because he received modifications after he was already alive.

    Then that leaves the ENT Augments Soong had as engineered, only the failed Klingons would actually be augments!

    I just took a look at the engineered trait of my crew, and it appears DB is taking this stance as Bashirs, Sarina, and Malik are engineered.

    This certainly doesn't help us with the speechless Airiam, is it man or machine?

    I would myself however absolutely call Vorta, Jem'hadar, and Tosk engineered.

  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I just woke up and the coffee hasn't fully worked yet, but at least one distinction to this new feature seems clear to me: Augmentation seems to be the word for taking an already existing individual or people and "improving" them; Engineered seems to be the word for making modifications to individuals or people BEFORE they are born/created.

    Perhaps that misses the mark, but that is how I see it. By these definitions, Data is engineered which makes sense, and Roga Danar was augmented because he received modifications after he was already alive.

    Then that leaves the ENT Augments Soong had as engineered, only the failed Klingons would actually be augments!

    I just took a look at the engineered trait of my crew, and it appears DB is taking this stance as Bashirs, Sarina, and Malik are engineered.

    This certainly doesn't help us with the speechless Airiam, is it man or machine?

    I would myself however absolutely call Vorta, Jem'hadar, and Tosk engineered.

    Yeah, I don't know, lol. Like I said, I had just woken up. Perhaps I just didn't think it through fully, or explain it well!

    Maybe there is a quantity component? Like maybe if you mess with an individual it is Augmentation but messing with an entire group or species is Engineering?
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    ByloBand wrote: »
    ByloBand wrote: »
    I just woke up and the coffee hasn't fully worked yet, but at least one distinction to this new feature seems clear to me: Augmentation seems to be the word for taking an already existing individual or people and "improving" them; Engineered seems to be the word for making modifications to individuals or people BEFORE they are born/created.

    Perhaps that misses the mark, but that is how I see it. By these definitions, Data is engineered which makes sense, and Roga Danar was augmented because he received modifications after he was already alive.

    Then that leaves the ENT Augments Soong had as engineered, only the failed Klingons would actually be augments!

    I just took a look at the engineered trait of my crew, and it appears DB is taking this stance as Bashirs, Sarina, and Malik are engineered.

    This certainly doesn't help us with the speechless Airiam, is it man or machine?

    I would myself however absolutely call Vorta, Jem'hadar, and Tosk engineered.

    Yeah, I don't know, lol. Like I said, I had just woken up. Perhaps I just didn't think it through fully, or explain it well!

    Maybe there is a quantity component? Like maybe if you mess with an individual it is Augmentation but messing with an entire group or species is Engineering?

    Meh, DB's "logic" in inscrutable, sometimes you just have to take their trait assignments like an Act of God. Like a Tornado dropping fish on a cornfield.
  • Yeah this didn't work out as I anticipated.

    The Collection has been brutally hacked.


    I was one off. Now there aren't even enough crew to complete it!

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  • DavideBooksDavideBooks ✭✭✭✭✭
    I just checked. It says I have it maxed (I have for a while), but I now only have 5/9. Will I lose rewards?
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    How is it even possible to have 6/9 and frozen 5/10?

  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    How is it even possible to have 6/9 and frozen 5/10?


    'Cos owned are in inventory, and not necessarily FF or FE. Generally it means you've got a star or two on one of the 5 stars you need (as evidenced by O'Brien in the screen shot).
  • Paund SkummPaund Skumm ✭✭✭✭✭
    How is it even possible to have 6/9 and frozen 5/10?


    'Cos owned are in inventory, and not necessarily FF or FE. Generally it means you've got a star or two on one of the 5 stars you need (as evidenced by O'Brien in the screen shot).

    Yeah I get that but you missed the point. The Frozen count can’t be higher than the possible count. There are only 9 possible characters now so how can I freeze 10...
  • [7TW] UnkieB[7TW] UnkieB ✭✭✭✭✭
    How is it even possible to have 6/9 and frozen 5/10?


    'Cos owned are in inventory, and not necessarily FF or FE. Generally it means you've got a star or two on one of the 5 stars you need (as evidenced by O'Brien in the screen shot).

    Yeah I get that but you missed the point. The Frozen count can’t be higher than the possible count. There are only 9 possible characters now so how can I freeze 10...

    You can't currently. They broke the collection with their changes and will have to do something to fix it before anyone who hasn't already completed it can do so.

  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    How is it even possible to have 6/9 and frozen 5/10?


    'Cos owned are in inventory, and not necessarily FF or FE. Generally it means you've got a star or two on one of the 5 stars you need (as evidenced by O'Brien in the screen shot).

    Yeah I get that but you missed the point. The Frozen count can’t be higher than the possible count. There are only 9 possible characters now so how can I freeze 10...

    10 immortalized crew is the threshold for the next set of rewards but with the trait switch that led all Bashirs to lose their Augment status, the next level is unattainable. Until a new Augment is released (Warlord Khan, Raakin, Udar, Jaya, Lokesh, Yavar, Saul, or random nameless Augments from Space Seed or TWoK), that is, or Arik Soong and Marla McGivers properly get an Augment trait by way of political affiliation.
  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    How is it even possible to have 6/9 and frozen 5/10?


    'Cos owned are in inventory, and not necessarily FF or FE. Generally it means you've got a star or two on one of the 5 stars you need (as evidenced by O'Brien in the screen shot).

    Yeah I get that but you missed the point. The Frozen count can’t be higher than the possible count. There are only 9 possible characters now so how can I freeze 10...

    10 immortalized crew is the threshold for the next set of rewards but with the trait switch that led all Bashirs to lose their Augment status, the next level is unattainable. Until a new Augment is released (Warlord Khan, Raakin, Udar, Jaya, Lokesh, Yavar, Saul, or random nameless Augments from Space Seed or TWoK), that is, or Arik Soong and Marla McGivers properly get an Augment trait by way of political affiliation.

    That is a great point if they are making it political and not just human, then Arik and marla should 100% have the trait
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    How is it even possible to have 6/9 and frozen 5/10?


    'Cos owned are in inventory, and not necessarily FF or FE. Generally it means you've got a star or two on one of the 5 stars you need (as evidenced by O'Brien in the screen shot).

    Yeah I get that but you missed the point. The Frozen count can’t be higher than the possible count. There are only 9 possible characters now so how can I freeze 10...

    10 immortalized crew is the threshold for the next set of rewards but with the trait switch that led all Bashirs to lose their Augment status, the next level is unattainable. Until a new Augment is released (Warlord Khan, Raakin, Udar, Jaya, Lokesh, Yavar, Saul, or random nameless Augments from Space Seed or TWoK), that is, or Arik Soong and Marla McGivers properly get an Augment trait by way of political affiliation.

    That is a great point if they are making it political and not just human, then Arik and marla should 100% have the trait

    Many characters have both species and affiliation traits, why not do that for these two Augment-lovers as well?
  • Bluebeard1Bluebeard1 ✭✭✭✭✭
    This could be a never-ending discussion. Vorta, Jem Hadar, Borg, TOS Klingons (as suggested by DS9 Trials and Tirbbelations and confirmed in ST:Ent), Worf (has an artificial spine), Picard (artificial heart) the list could go on forever depending on what you considered to be an augmentation, engineering or other type of enhancement.

    I myself have artificial implants (in my eye), which admittedly were implanted to replace faulty parts, but nonetheless function better than the original and thus could be considered an augmentation. In the 24th century, we might consider such implants to be far more commonplace and unknowingly affect several members of the crew.
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