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How can one look up a fleet's stats in the game?

Many times while recruiting, I've come across players who already know what level my fleet's star base is at and a little more. How Can I look into other fleets to find info on them, as well?

Have you been naughty? Playing with yourself again? Has another fleet touched you in bad ways? Don’t worry, we will train you…. Gently. Light bondage only. Bring your own handcuffs, though…. We don’t supply them.

We’re not those other guys. Here we shower often, and we treat our members like family.
We know how to whip some serious tail, yet no one is left to shiver out in the cold. If you need advice, help, strategy, tips or anything at all…. I and my officers are here to help you.

Currently, we're looking for more good people to enjoy the game with us, and we offer a TON to our members, in return. We prefer level 50 members and above. Lower level players than this will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

We use the DISCORD app for all our fleet chats (it's free). We're much better organized than many other top-tier fleets in the game, while a heck of a lot more relaxed and much more fun to be a part of. I have numerous other former fleet Admirals who joined me, and we have a world of knowledge and experience to share with you. Sure, we all love the game, and we enjoy playing it often; but we're also a fun family of kooky friends from around the world, who enjoy playing the game together. On top of playing, we also hang out often and share plenty of good laughs, an excellent supportive environment and one another's company.

It's OK if you don't play every day. You don’t have to be a daily player, but the more you play the more fun you’ll have with us. So long as you let me know ahead of time whenever you know you're going to be offline from the game for five days or more, I won't kick you for inactivity. You can send me that message on DISCORD at any time you need to; it takes only a moment. That rule helps keep our fleet as active as possible.

All Captains MUST have a name other than just “Captain” so that others may recognize you. We have no drama, but instead are a close-knit group of good people who treat each other as if we’re both friends & family.

WE’RE ALMOST ALL VERY HIGHLY ACTIVE, and help is never far whenever you might need it, at any stage of the game, nearly 24/7. Whatever your skill level, we can help you.

If you are interested in joining our fleet, please feel free to message me and I will be glad to assist you.

Free steak & Lobster available from our resident chef upon joining (alternate meal suggestions are possible), drinks available through our in-house bartender/barista/host. Please be sure to tip your wait staff. They're nuts, but they're worth it.


  • SSR BarkleySSR Barkley ✭✭✭✭✭
    people who are not in a fleet can look up other fleets. make an alt, level it to 9 and you can too
    /SSR/ Barkley - semi retired
    Second Star to the Right - Join Today!
  • What other Fleets have or don't have has no impact on yours so not sure why it matters to you.
    The Guardians of Tomorrow
    Protecting the Galaxy's Future from Itself
    Fleet Admiral

    For more info on us, check our wiki page:

    GoT Bot server: https://discord.gg/R8QzpjW
    All are welcome to join and use the Bot.
  • Peachtree RexPeachtree Rex ✭✭✭✭✭
    [GoT] Gabe wrote: »
    What other Fleets have or don't have has no impact on yours so not sure why it matters to you.

    Another fleet having a different starbase certainly impacts you. You might have an advantage (or disadvantage) at a number of aspects of the game depending on relative starbase levels.
  • [GoT] Gabe [GoT] Gabe ✭✭✭✭
    edited November 2018
    [GoT] Gabe wrote: »
    What other Fleets have or don't have has no impact on yours so not sure why it matters to you.

    Another fleet having a different starbase certainly impacts you. You might have an advantage (or disadvantage) at a number of aspects of the game depending on relative starbase levels.

    True enough but how many folks would take the time to look up the stats for another Fleet in Gauntlet for example?

    I can understand why an individual looking for a Fleet would care about Starbase level or other Fleet info but as the Admiral of the Fleet, which I'm assuming the OP is, it would really make no difference what others have in his recruiting strategy.
    The Guardians of Tomorrow
    Protecting the Galaxy's Future from Itself
    Fleet Admiral

    For more info on us, check our wiki page:

    GoT Bot server: https://discord.gg/R8QzpjW
    All are welcome to join and use the Bot.
  • Many of the bigger fleets have info on their wiki pages. Get a bloody good laugh there, a few are extremely inventive and entertaining.

    I'm too new to post links to it 🤔

    Otherwise you'll need to create an alt account and see what information is available to you there, I'm not sure exactly what's displayed in game tbh.
  • Seven of One Seven of One ✭✭✭✭✭
    Many of the bigger fleets have info on their wiki pages. Get a bloody good laugh there, a few are extremely inventive and entertaining.

    I'm too new to post links to it 🤔

    Otherwise you'll need to create an alt account and see what information is available to you there, I'm not sure exactly what's displayed in game tbh.

    Ten Forward Loungers - Give Your Best, Get Our Best!
    Check out our website to find out more:
  • Fleets also tend to mention their Starbase level in the Fleet Central sub-forum
    Come join our fleet! We're a great social group that helps each other. You play the way you want to, participate as much as you want and if you want to be competitive, you can be! Check out our fleet ad:

  • OP: Just save yourself some time & effort and read up on the best fleet in the game :wink:

    [GoT] Drunk Shimoda
    GoT Chief Communications Officer
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