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citations and legendary crew building advice

I now have 84,769 honour points so I'm not sure whether to save them up and wait for a new honour point crew like Kahless or to buy a couple of legendary citations to improve my existing crew. Here is my legendary crew so far:

One 2/5 100
Commander troi 1/5 100
Daystrom 2/5 100
Mirror T'Pol 3/5 100
Grilka 2/5 100
Captain Nog 3/5 100
Convergence Day Quark 5/5 100
Gangster Spock 1/5 100
Mademoiselle de Neuf 2/5 100
Alternative Future Bashir 1/5 100
Kahless 1/5 100
Sulan 1/5 100
Gowron 2/5 100
T'Kuvma 4/5 100
Bartender Guinan 1/5 80
Dark Ages McCoy 1/5 80
Durango Troi 1/5 71
RAF O'Brien 1/5 70
Assimilated Janeway 3/5 70
Dahar Master Kang 2/5 70
Kortar 4/5 70
Assimilated Torres 2/5 70
Zhian'tara Odo 1/5 60
Wrathful Khan 1/5 60
Borg Queen 2/5 60
Mirror Bashir 1/5 50
Mirror Regent Worf 1/5 50
Chaotica 1/5 50
1701 Sisko 1/5 40
Will Scarlett 3/5 30
Tilly 2/5 30
Lorca 1/5 30
Captain Scott 1/5 20
Obsidian Order Garak 1/5 20
Bashir Julian Bashir 1/5 20
Shinzon 1/5 20
Dancing Uhura 1/5 20
Degra 1/5 20
Zek 1/5 10
Captain Sisko 1/5 10
Pike 1/5 10
Beowulf Kim 1/5 10
Undercover Sulu1 1/5 10
Phoenix Cochrane 2/5 10
Ambassador Troi 1/5 10
Mirror Spock 1/5 10
Enterprise E Picard 1/5 8
Kal-if-fee Kirk 1/5 8
Mirror Kirk 1/5 1
Orion Vina 1/5 1
Frank Hollander 1/5 1
Captain Morgan Bateson 2/5 1


  • If you haven't already passed the 25K threshold reward for T'Kuvma to get an extra star for him, then do so in the current event that will give you a 5/5 T'Kuvma. Or if you already have then use your 50K citation on him his stats are very good immortalised - he's immortal in my crew.

    1140 command and 1000 security

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