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Voyages Dilemma RNG and Gold Crew Cards

This may well have been discussed before - the voyages dilemmas rng in theory the longer you leave the voyages out [with refills of dil. crystals] the better the chance of getting some really good rewards rather than just 30 honor/chronitons/2star crew card... It doesn't seem to make much sense that you can go from part 1 of a dilemma to then go to a different low grade dilemma to - even ones that have higher rewards then switch back to a different dilemma with a low grade reward.

Would be better if the story lines were that you have standalone story line dilemma first with basic rewards then the part 1's of storylines then immediately their part 2's

I'm using the excellent STT WIKI Dilemmas page and editing that as I go along as well.

Would really like it if as well as increased chance of purple crew cards that gold legendary ones dropped down as well if say your voyages was over 16 or 18 hours.
Having gold 5 star legendary crew would increase the chances of people spending extra crystals [and money] on longer voyages.


  • BenSon2007BenSon2007 ✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Absolutely agree!
    I guess, to reach 16-20 hours, it would be about 500-600 Dil, but it's not only for the legendary crew, you would get so much stuff in addition.
    I like this idea!
  • Banjo1012Banjo1012 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Besides trainers the only other 5* thing I have received was once I got five 5* replicator rations. I agree though. A 5* crew member after say a 24 hour voyage would be a great reward and reasonable considering a good amount of dilithium would be spent to get there.
  • Thank you -- Maybe Shan/ST Timelines/Disruptor Beam this would be something that you could build in it'd be advantageous for you as well as us as it'd increase the likelihood of us spending more dil crystals to keep voyages out for longer, and we'd get the extra rewards of gold legendary crew as well as the other equipment/training/ other crew and chronitons.

    I've only ever once received the 5 star rations drop in voyages its apparently very rare
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