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Did the game file recently get MUCH bigger?

This has always been the biggest thing on my phone. I recall it may have even been over 700mb.
But right now it is taking up 1.37gb.

This is a deal-breaker: I can't give up 1/4 the storage on my phone to a game. It is currently taking so much space I can't take a photo.

I do have 2 other games installed, but they take 200mb and 280mb, so combined they are less than half the size of STT.
As I said, this is a deal-breaker for me, and if the STT game file isn't below 1gb in a week I will have to quit the game and delete the app.
(And yes, I did try turning my phone off and then on again. It freed up some space, but none of that came from STT.)


  • My phone stopped being able to handle the game one year and a half ago. From my point of view, your phone is doing great.
    "Dance with me. For science."
  • JeanLucKirkJeanLucKirk ✭✭✭✭✭
    Delete the game - and reinstall it again. That will make the size much smaller.
  • zulsjizeygj2.png

    Big enough, I clear the cache every time I restart the game and that keeps it under control. The cache does seem to grow more than it used to though and sometimes it starts to get very large. It's much more stable than it was though.
  • The game grows when you travel around. It downloads the files for every new system you visit. You can clear the cache (no need to reinstall), to clear up some space. But this will result in more background downloads the next time you travel around. So if you have a limited mobile data plan, be carefull to not waste everything for STT.
  • FutureImperfectaFutureImperfecta ✭✭✭✭✭
    Umm... Clear data.
    Not just the cache, data clear basically factory's the game on device, you'll need to re-enter login pass info but it's the next best thing to an uninstall reinstall and takes half the time.
  • [BL] Q [BL] Q ✭✭✭✭✭
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Umm... Clear data.
    Not just the cache, data clear basically factory's the game on device, you'll need to re-enter login pass info but it's the next best thing to an uninstall reinstall and takes half the time.

    Thanks for the tip. Ive had storage problems for months and while I clear the data cache several times a day just to download email and podcasts the game data has ballooned to 2.3 gigs. Thats over 50 podcasts! I've been slowly backing up my favoritres and removing other apps thinking my podcast addiction was the problem, but while the actual number stored on my phone dwindled the problem remained.
  • Odo MarmarosaOdo Marmarosa ✭✭✭✭✭
    Umm... Clear data.
    Not just the cache, data clear basically factory's the game on device, you'll need to re-enter login pass info but it's the next best thing to an uninstall reinstall and takes half the time.

    Thanks for the tip. Ive had storage problems for months and while I clear the data cache several times a day just to download email and podcasts the game data has ballooned to 2.3 gigs. Thats over 50 podcasts! I've been slowly backing up my favoritres and removing other apps thinking my podcast addiction was the problem, but while the actual number stored on my phone dwindled the problem remained.
  • Sounds like you guys need new phones if "1/4 the space" is 1.37 Gigs!

    I am also thinking it must be an Android specific issue? My iPhone 6 (only 16 Gig) has the STT app & data listed as 418 MB. And I have the latest OS/11.x

    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • I am also thinking it must be an Android specific issue? My iPhone 6 (only 16 Gig) has the STT app & data listed as 418 MB. And I have the latest OS/11.x

    It only depends on how much you travel around because the game downloads the planet files as needed when you first visit a new planet. If you travelled to every system possible, you end up with 1 GB+. If you only visit a handful planets, less data needs to be downloaded.
  • That explains a lot, since I only use my phone to clear/update faction missions, or voyages, and check daily stats. I use my iPad for all other "play".
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
  • The game is horrible for memory management (RAM and storage space). I understand the need for downloading the graphics but it seems like it’s always downloading regardless if you’ve been to the planetary system or not. So if it’s going to download it again and again why not delete it when you leave the system?

    I make it a habit to periodically go and delete the app and reinstall it to get my space back.
  • hmmmm xD

    Deep Space Exploration Fleet - German Casual Fleet
    Created a kingdom. Reached for the wisdom. Failed in becoming a god.
  • Game size depends on the screen resolution of the phone, and what the hell of a phone can't afford 2GB in 2017 ?
  • Sounds like you guys need new phones if "1/4 the space" is 1.37 Gigs!

    I am also thinking it must be an Android specific issue? My iPhone 6 (only 16 Gig) has the STT app & data listed as 418 MB. And I have the latest OS/11.x
    Definitely not an Android-only issue as I'm using an iPhone 5.

    And I'll second a comment above: since it downloads data every time you go anywhere or do anything (making it unplayable if the servers are down or if I am offline), why does it need so much space? If it is going to re-download that data, why bother keeping it?

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