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Finally Did my 20 Hour Voyage.

Spoiler alert, I was disappointed.

Starting AM - 2900

First refresh at 8:36 - 104 Dilithium
Second refresh at 10:52 - 131 Dilithium
Third refresh at 13:07 - 158 Dilithium
Fourth refresh at 15:21 - 185 Dilithium
Fifth refresh at 17:37 - Voyage Revive Token
Sixth refresh at 19:53 - Voyage Revive Token

Total Dilithium = 578

Recalled at 22:02.22

One usable 4*
2079 honor
80 purple rations
29 blue rations
1534 chrons.
113,300 credits

5* Trainers = 266
4* Trainers = 62
3* Trainers = 42

2* Items = 160
1* Items = 34
0* Items = 19


  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    That is interesting data. By my calculations, in real-world time your voyage ran at 1 chroniton earned for ever 1.21 minutes. I've been charting all of my voyages recently to gather data for the next guide update, and it is interesting to see how your result compares with the accumulation of my data to this point.
  • Torias327Torias327 ✭✭✭✭✭
    @ByloBand , would you want voyage data from other players to add in, or was your comment more an acknowledgment of the differences? I rarely run a voyage past 10 hours, but I have one out at 20 now because I hit all of the voyage crew dilemmas part 1s by 12 hours and thought what the heck.
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    Torias327 wrote: »
    @ByloBand , would you want voyage data from other players to add in, or was your comment more an acknowledgment of the differences? I rarely run a voyage past 10 hours, but I have one out at 20 now because I hit all of the voyage crew dilemmas part 1s by 12 hours and thought what the heck.

    For a couple of reasons I would not feel right or comfortable accepting data from other people, but thank you for the kind and generous offer :) I would say however that based on my early findings, this 22 hour voyage by @Zetterbeard is consistent with the idea that longer voyages are more efficient.
  • (HGH)Apollo(HGH)Apollo ✭✭✭✭✭
    Yeah my 20 hr voyage netted poor results similar to that as well.
    Let’s fly!
  • Nero84Nero84 ✭✭✭
    I just did my first 20 hour too.

    I got 5 super rare crew, 1200 chronitons, and a bunch of honor

    Overall it wasn't worth it but I only had to refresh twice and used 3 tokens. Honestly after 8 hours there is a steep drop off on benefit of continuing.
  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    Nero84 wrote: »
    I just did my first 20 hour too.

    I got 5 super rare crew, 1200 chronitons, and a bunch of honor

    Overall it wasn't worth it but I only had to refresh twice and used 3 tokens. Honestly after 8 hours there is a steep drop off on benefit of continuing.

    I agree. I can hit natural 8 hour voyages with pretty much every skill combo, so I never refresh antimatter. I did it this time because I definitely wasn't buying packs and I got up to 2900 starting antimatter, and I wanted the achievement.
  • Nero84 wrote: »
    I just did my first 20 hour too.

    I got 5 super rare crew, 1200 chronitons, and a bunch of honor

    Overall it wasn't worth it but I only had to refresh twice and used 3 tokens. Honestly after 8 hours there is a steep drop off on benefit of continuing.

    I had 4 purples drop yesterday before 8 hours so I revived with AM...not a single purple dropped after that.

    I completely agree, after 8 hours the rewards seem to drop off.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    Aaaand this is why I have no intention of ever trying to get a 20 hour voyage. I don't even risk forgetting after 8 hours any more, just immediate recall.
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