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My 20 Hour Voyage

629 honor
7 purples
3 blues
7 greens
118,900 credits
1749 chronitons

Lots of trainers and components.

Was it worth it? I guess. 10k honor plus the rest is a decent return. This really only got done because I extended purposely once then missed the second time. Then we got the free revival token so I decided to go for it since I was already over 12 hours.

It also reinforced that it’s not usually worth refreshing if you’re hitting on purples before 8 hours. I had 4 of the 7 before I even did my first refresh. I can usually hit 7-8 hours plus on voyages now before I have to recall.



  • Zetterbeard Zetterbeard ✭✭✭✭✭
    How much dil did it cost in refreshes?
  • How much dil did it cost in refreshes?

    I didn’t keep exact track though I should have. The first two were around 100, the second two were over 200. Even with the free token, which I used for the third refresh, it was about 6-700.
  • Ever since the last Voyages update, I have been getting purple drops between 6-1/2 and 7-3/4 hours, and then virtually none after that, even the extended ones into 14+ hours. Today I had 4 drop in 25 minutes just before I recalled it at 8:16, so who knows where it might have gone.

    I am planning a nice long one (20hours ++) if/when I get decent crew/ship choices to get my Picard. He's the bugger for me at the moment, since "Champion of the People" hasn't been dropping part 2 for a very long time for me.
    I want to become a Dilionaire...
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