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Anyone else seeing different Percentages for Shuttles with new version ?

With the new version I'm noticing different percentages for Shuttle success rate from today compared to those up until the change overnight.

But the strange thing is that some are up, some down and some the same.
Also it's not limited to particular missions or crew selection.
i.e. same mission can give plus, minus or the same percentage depending on the crew - so the mission selection is not the issue.
also, the same 2 crew in different missions can result in no change to the before and after percentages - so there does not seem to have been any change to crew stats to account for the observed change.


Just wondering if any one else has noticed this, or am I finally going crazy and seeing conspiracies where they are none (and ASIO do not take this as an admission on my part, I'll still be writing to you guys on a regular basis, 'cos I know you'll be reading this).


  • I guess not then, I must be just delusional .
  • Ren~Ren~ ✭✭✭✭✭
    Sorry I never pay attention to that.
  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    I don’t pay attention to specific missions but from running Augment shuttles consistently for the last four or five days I am not seeing an overall trend in either direction other than natural variations as different crew go on voyages.
  • edited November 2018
    stuff changed indeed, all my shuttles have a ~5% higher succesrate (no boosters) and the 3* 9 hour boost been using that everyday when i go to sleep so noticed the boost went from before changes 1-2% to after changes 4-5% besides that maybe the AND bug is fixed (could explain the higher shuttle succesrate). If the observed succes % is closer to the "real" succes % those are positive changes
  • Thanks Primus, good to know that I wasn't imagining it.
    Another stealth change I guess.
  • Captain_WhoCaptain_Who ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks Primus, good to know that I wasn't imagining it.
    Another stealth change I guess.

    There was no change. Nothing was ever wrong. Your perception changed. You were wrong all along.
  • <TGE> Clifford<TGE> Clifford ✭✭✭✭✭
    Thanks Primus, good to know that I wasn't imagining it.
    Another stealth change I guess.

    There was no change. Nothing was ever wrong. Your perception changed. You were wrong all along.

    Underappreciated comment.
  • Thanks Primus, good to know that I wasn't imagining it.
    Another stealth change I guess.

    There was no change. Nothing was ever wrong. Your perception changed. You were wrong all along.

    Yes...your...are...correct...there...is...nothing...to...see...here...I...was...mistaken...I...see...the...error...of...my....misconception.....I.....will.....comply. Gee.....this...new...Lithium...is........great
  • the 3* 9 hour boost been using that everyday when i go to sleep so noticed the boost went from before changes 1-2% to after changes 4-5%

    It would be nice if the 9hr boosts actually did something dependent on their quality now. The 1* and the 5* all added about the same increased chance of success for me. I'll be sending my overnights soon and I'll check it out.
  • I always pay attention to my %. And yes there is a difference. I have shuttles full of bonus crew ff/fl and am having a much harder time keeping % up than i should. Obviously that is one of the changes to encourage purchase of rental shuttles to keep up on vp.
  • [SSR] GTMET[SSR] GTMET ✭✭✭✭✭
    I always pay attention to my %. And yes there is a difference. I have shuttles full of bonus crew ff/fl and am having a much harder time keeping % up than i should. Obviously that is one of the changes to encourage purchase of rental shuttles to keep up on vp.

    In this event at least, there is no change in %. I use the formula that is on the wiki for shuttle difficulty and my projected win% from my spreadsheet and the actual displayed win % in the game are identical, as they have been in the last 20 or so events.

    The only time I have seen a deviation was a couple events ago when the OR shuttles were acting really weird (maybe why we don't see any OR shuttles this time).
  • I have been running the same 4 missions the entire event and I did notice that Potluck went from 75% yesterday to 80% this morning after 9hr trip over night. I don't know about the other missions because I made some crew changes after immortalizing Penk. I thought it was weird, but just brushed it off.
  • Actually, I'm seeing a much higher failure rate that keeps dropping me back below 4k shuttles.

    For example, out of the last 4 batches of 4 shuttles (16 total shuttles) all filled with bonus crew only and listed success percentages of 92% to 98%, I've had 9 failures.
  • Actually, I'm seeing a much higher failure rate that keeps dropping me back below 4k shuttles.

    For example, out of the last 4 batches of 4 shuttles (16 total shuttles) all filled with bonus crew only and listed success percentages of 92% to 98%, I've had 9 failures.

    We're all bound to have a bad RNG streak like that eventually, or it would not be random. For some it's in pull drops that just won't give begolds, or a bunch of low odds Gauntlet losses, etc.
  • {DD} Smelly{DD} Smelly ✭✭✭✭✭
    I seem to be failing roughly 25% of my shuttles too. Way higher than average for me. Seems rather pointless to spend dilithium on additional shuttles when I'm having failure rates like this.
  • I'm having a bad RNG streak this event too. Absolutely rock bottom on predicted potential success rates, well below what I'm actually sending out. Hope it swings back the other way to make up for it.
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