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Changes to schedule for releasing event information - SMM

Shan wrote: »
Hello, Captains,

[Paragraph 1]
Earlier this year, we let you know that we were committing to sharing key information about events a week before they are scheduled to run. The primary intent was to give you time to prepare crew for the next event. We wanted to give you the best chance of excelling in Timelines and help to grow the relationship between us, the developers, and you, our players.

[Paragraph 2]
As you may have seen the past few weeks, we bit off more than we can chew. There were a few instances of Incorrect information going out, and we’ve been inconsistent about when we deliver information about events and updates. We want to do a better job providing you with a polished experience, and that means we need to take more time doing our due diligence.

[Paragraph 3]
This means that going forward, this will be the new schedule for sharing event information:
• Friday morning: Event title, type, and Featured Crew (new characters) are announced.
• Tuesday afternoon: Additional information on bonus crew (such as all Augments, or all versions of Worf) is released.

[Paragraph 4]
We know this means you won’t have as much time to level up new crew or remove immortalized crew from the Cryostasis Vault in preparation for an upcoming event. We were faced with the choice of continuing to try and deliver information as we have been (this choice would be prone to inaccuracies) or to develop a more rigorous production process which would result in more limited information (but which will be more reliable).

[Paragraph 5]
Will changing to this schedule mean there won’t be any bugs? No, but it’s one of the many steps we’re taking to ensure stability and earn your confidence going forward. Game development is a process that involves many moving parts and rapid updates. We want to have a higher level of confidence in regards to event information before we share it with you. This will be an ongoing process, our intent is to get better at it over time.

Live long and prosper,

Hi Shan,

In the first paragraph you confirm what you promised and why your customers wanted you to do what was specified.

In paragraph 2 you highlighted issues. These issues were NOTHING to do with schedule for releasing event information. They are entirely due to a failure to implement robust procedure for presenting the information. I have outlined some ways this could be done.

In paragraph 3 You affirm you are going to break your (DB's) promise.

In paragraph 4 you demonstrate awareness of the negative effects of this policy change. The effects being to diminish the reasons for implementation of the original changes.

In paragraph 5 you say that you hope a higher level of confidence will be endeared. It will not. It does not.

One way to get better at it, which you assert as being a goal, is to do what I suggest.




  • Exactly.
  • As soon as the discovery - I wouldn't call it a flop, but still a lapse in planning - mega, things are starting to look normal and we get event info in advance. I would call that an improvement. IMO, it was simply a matter of an extremely rigorous month which even DB did not come close to expecting to have, and with the Halloween theme at our doorstep done and decided, I am positive we will go back at the usual wednesday or thursday next event info.

    I, myself, was happy enough that the next event info popped up as early as it did. Now I have plenty of breathing room to prepare.
  • PallidynePallidyne ✭✭✭✭✭
    As soon as the discovery - I wouldn't call it a flop, but still a lapse in planning - mega, things are starting to look normal and we get event info in advance. I would call that an improvement. IMO, it was simply a matter of an extremely rigorous month which even DB did not come close to expecting to have, and with the Halloween theme at our doorstep done and decided, I am positive we will go back at the usual wednesday or thursday next event info.

    I, myself, was happy enough that the next event info popped up as early as it did. Now I have plenty of breathing room to prepare.

    The point of the announcement is that they have no intention of going back to the previous 'normal' schedule.
  • I see nothing wrong with DB's post. They admitted they made a mistake and bit off more than they can chew by not having enough resources/ability to give out info in the time frame they stated. Told what they were going to do to fix it, and said their goal was to earn player trust by following through with this plan 100% (the implication being that they failed with the previous plan to earn player trust because of the aforementioned "bit off more than they can chew" and were unable to keep up).

    Honestly I think we need to give DB a little more slack when they own up to a mistake like they did in their post. I would say I do indeed trust them more with this transparency on their mistake rather than just having them make the same mistake over and over with no feedback from them (as it had been in the past).
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    Farmogoyf wrote: »
    I see nothing wrong with DB's post. They admitted they made a mistake and bit off more than they can chew by not having enough resources/ability to give out info in the time frame they stated. Told what they were going to do to fix it, and said their goal was to earn player trust by following through with this plan 100% (the implication being that they failed with the previous plan to earn player trust because of the aforementioned "bit off more than they can chew" and were unable to keep up).

    Honestly I think we need to give DB a little more slack when they own up to a mistake like they did in their post. I would say I do indeed trust them more with this transparency on their mistake rather than just having them make the same mistake over and over with no feedback from them (as it had been in the past).

    The point is that, with the proper planning, mistakes would be less likely to occur. If the crew members were listed in the application (in the cryostasis vault or crew quarters), and the source of that listing was the same as events use, then issues could be identified and corrected in advance. Correcting the source would be evident in the application in advance of the event. In other words we and DB could check that fixes have been implemented.

    To use an analogy. (A ridiculous one but you'll get the idea). Drinking and driving increases the chances of mistakes (accidents). To combat the issue you don't decide to drive early in the morning where there are fewer cars on the road and therefore less chance of mistakes. You don't drink and drive. Mistakes may happen but the procedure is more robust.
  • SMMSMM ✭✭✭
    The issue isn't that they have bitten off more than they can chew, Its that they are not preparing the food correctly in the first place..
  • Lilac Erosion Lilac Erosion ✭✭✭
    edited October 2017
    Farmogoyf wrote: »
    I see nothing wrong with DB's post. They admitted they made a mistake and bit off more than they can chew by not having enough resources/ability to give out info in the time frame they stated. Told what they were going to do to fix it, and said their goal was to earn player trust by following through with this plan 100% (the implication being that they failed with the previous plan to earn player trust because of the aforementioned "bit off more than they can chew" and were unable to keep up).

    Honestly I think we need to give DB a little more slack when they own up to a mistake like they did in their post. I would say I do indeed trust them more with this transparency on their mistake rather than just having them make the same mistake over and over with no feedback from them (as it had been in the past).

    Yes, taken at face value there is nothing wrong with the post. The problem is it is a cop out answer. We have been told since the launch of events how much planning and prep has gone into them. In Erin's last post to the forums she point out how events are planned months in advance. So if Shan coming here and saying they can't get us the data as originally promised is indeed true then Erin is not being forth right with information. Or Shan is not telling the truth about why there is a change in the announcement schedule. In any case it **tsk tsk** because it will mean people will in the end have to spend money to either un vault more in less time or to level crew. That is was is most disingenuous about the whole thing. Shan (and i know it is not her personality being dishonest) comes across and being honest and forthright but when you add the rest of the picture it is not the case.

    Lilac Erosion

    7TH Tactical Wing

    Maybe the irony is that we play because we’re Star Trek fans, those hopeful idealists that like to think things will get better when we raise valid concerns about fairness and balance, etc and we forget that DB’s greed openly mocks the values espoused by the franchise they have a license
    -Lord Wizzlestix IT
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