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What's the longest mission you've ever done? Is it worthwhile to do long missions.

I've broken the 20 hour mark a few times, but the returns seem to diminish.


  • Dirk GundersonDirk Gunderson ✭✭✭✭✭
    For voyages, I assume? I went to 20 hours for the achievement and then stopped. Those who have done longer voyages more regularly could probably give a better accounting of the value of continued voyage revives but I only very rarely extend and even then usually because I wasn’t paying attention and forgot to recall in time.
  • AmphistaffAmphistaff ✭✭✭✭✭
    Do you mean Voyage? If so I did a 20 hour one once for the achievement and now do 8 hours regularly. On the right combinations I can get to 10 hours but I never plan to refresh any of them. Sometimes I will refresh if I have good loot or can get 2 more dilemmas out of the refresh but most of the time just recall at 8 hours.
  • Frank?Frank? ✭✭✭✭✭
    Did a few of the max lengths, which are 72hrs, just to get the exclusive folks. After that, it's just the 10hr trips each day.
  • There's definitely a point of diminishing return for the dilithium cost to chron accrual. I've done the 20 once, just because I wanted the achievement. But in general I would say around 10-12 hours is the most I would go for from now on. Unless I get enough voyage extension tokens saved up in the mail to make a 72 hour run.
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    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  • Ishmael MarxIshmael Marx ✭✭✭✭✭
    My 20hr achievement ended up going to 22hrs with the final refill. Like others, I now hit 8.5-9hrs routinely, and don't usually bother to extend unless I miss the fail point. I would say there are diminishing returns as you go farther out due to the Dil-to-reward cost increasing, unless your goal is to go for the all-dilemma voyage. Also, consider the lost time during the return-to-base phase of the voyage. Unless you do an accelerated recall with Dil, you are losing out on a lot of time that a shorter voyages could have filled.
  • Just curious, what happens after you did the last dilemma? Could you continue or did the game force you to recall? Did the dilemmas reset so you could theoretically continue as long as you wanted to?
  • Frank?Frank? ✭✭✭✭✭
    it just sits there and continues to fail skill checks, you don't really get anything else. You could, in theory, keep it alive for a few insubstantial drops, but the DIL cost is so crazy at that point that you should hit recall like your wallet depended on it.
  • I meant voyage, don't know why I said mission.
  • Average GuyAverage Guy ✭✭✭✭
    Maybe your voyage was deemed top secret by Starfleet. Hence it is a secret "mission" . 😉
  • Bylo BandBylo Band ✭✭✭✭✭
    My longest voyage ever was something like 11 hours, but that was COMPLETELY unplanned! (I had forgotten TWICE to recall and had to pay both times to extend to not lose my rewards)

    My longest ever voyage without a refresh was 7:33.

    I've been charting all of my voyages since November 4; to answer your question about is it worth it, I have not actually crunched the data yet (my N is currently 24, going to crunch at 30) but IMO just from eyeballing my notes, I think it depends on what you want from your voyage. If you want chronitons, no, my advice for chronitons is to recall missions around the 8 hour mark. If your goal is to go for super-rare crew, then keep those voyages out as long as you can (to a point).
  • It's a huge cost for super long voyages, and there is still the risk of the 'voyage bug' happening.

    A Fleetmate did a 72 hour voyage so that he could complete his 4* collection. His voyage bugged on the final dilemma where he was going to get Leonard McCoy. Last I checked, they still refers to that card as 'The one that got away' i.e. didn't get a good resolution.

    Maxing the achievement isn't a bad idea (Nor is trying to get as many voyage 4* in the process as possible while doing so,) but after that I've almost always stuck with voyages without refills (Barring the occasional Token use).
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