Straight on Til Morning Issue 11/22

We are aware that some of you are presented with an error pop-up stating that your Battle Stations are not full.
While we are still looking into what is causing the issue we can confirm that you can proceed with the battle by pressing START.
While we are still looking into what is causing the issue we can confirm that you can proceed with the battle by pressing START.
In normal and elite, I was using the recommended ships for max hull. In Elite, I'm using a normal ship with no bonus.
Those are the only variables I've identified so far.
It was the same for me. And I also used recommended ships on Normal and Elite.
Protecting the Galaxy's Future from itself
It should now indicate to press Start Battle to proceed.
Edit: traded out Desert Michael Burnham for Lt. Commander Airiam, whom I presume is not event crew, and the final fight got me the same 1225 reward. (And a lot faster, 'cause he's a 4/4 attack boost and I can strip shields and blow the opponent up with him in 2-3 shots. O_@ (<--Borg boggle.)
Edit2: Ohhhh, it has to be EVENT ONLY crew. Using Prisoner Burnham and Douglas Pabst = 1400 reward. Can't be just any Burnham. -_@
(I wish the "bonus" on the crew selection panel were different colors or had stars to show *how much* bonus a given crew would provide. It's very confusing.)
I'd like to participate in the even but, it's not working for me.
Anyone else have this happen?
In-game: Selena Yar
The Watchers of Venus
The issue I was having seemed to have resolved later in the day yesterday, and I have been able to participate in battles normally.
This was very odd, I am glad it resolved itself. Thank you for reporting back.