So That’s It?
in The Bridge
The new company who obviously is thinking of newer and greater ways to win our money does nothing for Black Friday? And I get dilithium overload on Cyber Monday? Y’all aren’t making any sense. So I keep my $100 and you get nothing. How very anti-climactic.
Alright I will give it another hour and if we get something good I will apologize and eat my hat
Maybe the person responsible for pressing the button that loads the chron sale into the portal was on vacation? /sarc
Major Fail for the hottest shopping days of the year, DB.
Joined: 11/2017
VIP-Level: 14
Fleet: [GER]StarFleet
Immortals total: 437; 23 Legendaries; 257 Super Rare; 79 Rare; 51 Uncommon; 27 Common
Collections: Rare; Uncommen; Common; Live Long and Prosper; Do no Harm; Chain of Command; The neutral Zone; Valor in Combat; The Daystrom Award; The Eugenic Wars; Rules of Aquisition
And I don't know about anybody else, but I lost my Monday robo-offer after this new one popped. I probably wasn't buying that either (15 10x packs and 1,500 dil for $24.99) but I know it wasn't meant to disappear that quickly.
You’re up to your neck in super rare stars!
I'd say this is the biggest fail of the day. Players who didn't check their Monday offer prior to noon eastern never even had the chance to purchase. I'm sure most of us got useless schematics offers anyways, but still.
Ha!!! This is totally how I feel
Edited to add: not that I've purchased one of those in... several months, anyway.
I sent a ticket and they said it expired
Similar thing happened to me - the usual offer didn't appear until I rebooted the game. I was about to purchase 30 premium packs (offer said I still had 11 hrs left), so I logged onto the FB Gameroom to save myself a bit of money and suddenly the offer was gone and replaced with Super Rare Citations!
Well DB, you lost out on a big purchase there.
Logged back into my phone and I still had the citations offer. No thanks.